Seite 2: Avatar: Das Spiel - Patch 1.01 und kostenloses Waffen-DLC

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Das Patchlog für die Version 1.01:

* Added better support for multi-monitors view mode.
* Added a Force Widescreen FOV option in Display Options menu.
* Fixed various shaders flickering issues.
* Fixed vegetation issues with DirectX 10 in low/medium quality.
* Fixed an issue when the player is killed by an explosion after the revive timer.
* Fixed water refraction when no bloom on DirectX 10.
* Fixed black squares flickering when antialiasing 4xAA or more with HDR is enabled.
* Fixed a bug with the Login window when the player enters a wrong password followed by a successful authentication.
* Fixed the flickering on soft bodies (eg. vegetation) on some video cards.
* Fixed 'War Room' mini-game controls not being updated all the time.
* Fixed some random crashes.
* Improved shaders preloading on some configurations.
* Improved task switching support.

Größe: 170,7 MByte
Sprache: mehrsprachig

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