Seite 2: Battlefield 2142 - Patch 1.20 (von 1.19bl)

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Battlefield 1.20 Patchnotes:

- Czech Republic flag is corrected
- Limited consol editing of controlmap
- Corrected stats for PK-74 AR-rocket in BFHQ
- Fixed PDS-1 sonar system interference with UAV
- Heal and repair points awarded after a 50% heal/repair instead of 100%
- Increased security for EA account login
- Fixed tracking of hours with the medic hub in BFHQ
- Fixed server crash involving Coop mode
- Fixed Squad leader drone exploit
- Fixed Rorsch Mk-S8 crosshair misalignment
- Out of bounds now kill immediately instead of doing gradual damage over 15 seconds
- Added server side option to disallow titan movement
- Optimized rendering of Titans
- Fixed exploit using the reactor core door
- Correct message is now shown when trying to join a full server

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