Seite 2: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Patch 1.5

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Die Änderungen der Version 1.5:

  • Fixed server browser not showing all of the servers
  • The "hold [ ] to steady" sniper scope hint will only appear if you can use it
  • Fixed game not recognizing IWDs existing if they are all in fs_basepath and none are in the main/ folder
  • Made mod scripts able to change stats
  • Allow developer_script for mulitiplayer moddingFixed map rotation errors with usermaps
  • Fix for reloading several times after connecting to a modded server
  • Fixed minimap not showing up in the menu for usermaps
  • Fixed an issue with Http redirect downloads.
  • Mod tools will now work with other languages

Patch (Plus)
Größe: 9,8 MByte
Sprache: Deutsch

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