Civilization 6 - Neues Update soll größten Schwachpunkt ausbügeln

Firaxis Games will mit dem Spring-Update einen der größten Schwachpunkte von Civilization 6 ausmerzen - das KI-Verhalten. Hinzu kommen zahlreiche Balancing-Änderungen. Wir haben die vollständigen Patch-Notes.

Das Spring-Update für Civilization 6 soll der KI auf die Sprünge helfen. Das Spring-Update für Civilization 6 soll der KI auf die Sprünge helfen.

Schon in unserem ausführlichen Test von Civilization 6 haben wir das KI-Verhalten als einen der größten Schwachpunkte des Spiels festgestellt. Doch das soll sich jetzt ändern.

Der Entwickler Firaxis Games hat einige Details zum großen Spring-Update für Civilization 6 bekannt gegeben, das noch im Verlauf dieser Woche erscheinen soll. Der Patch nimmt sich unter anderem dem KI-Verhalten an. So sollen künftig Fernkämpfer cleverer agieren, der Aufbau von Nachbarschaften intensiviert und das Reparaturverhalten verbessert werden. Auch die Kriegshetzer-Strafen haben sich die Entwickler nochmals zur Brust genommen.

Hinzu kommen noch zahlreiche Bugfixes, Balancing-Änderungen sowie diverse Optimierungen. Ein konkreter Release-Termin für das Spring-Update von Civilization 6 steht bisher noch nicht fest, allerdings gibt es bereits die vollständigen englischen Patch-Notes:

Patch-Notes für Civilization 6 (Spring-Update)


  • Harbors now give a major adjacency bonus with the City Center, +1 Food to all Coast tiles when the Lighthouse is built, and +2 Gold to all Coast tiles when the Seaport is built.
  • Australia now gets +1 for Charming/+3 for Breathtaking on the four affected districts (had been +2/+4) to compensate for the Harbor boost above
  • Royal Navy Dockyard now always provides +1 Trade Route capacity, even if the city already has a Commercial Hub. This makes it more useful, even when England builds it on its home continent.
  • Added "Future Civic" to the end of the Civics Tree, a repeatable Civic to research and add to the player score.
  • Bomber units are now more effective against cities.
  • Swordsman are now reduced to 36 combat strength.
  • Damages now remain on City and Encampments when a city is traded.
  • Siege units with bonus movement (e.g. from Great Generals or Persian surprise war) can still shoot after moving as long as they still have 2 MP.
  • Adjusted Warmonger penalties for Diplomatic status: When applying a warmonger diplomatic penalty for EITHER declaring war or capturing a city, reduce that penalty if you are enemies with the target of that warmongering as follows: -20% warmongering if this is against a player you have denounced, -40% warmongering if this is against a player you are at war with.
  • Adjusted Warmonger penalties for City Population: When applying a warmonger diplomatic penalty for capturing a city, reduce that penalty if the city is smaller than the average city in the game as follows: If the city's population after conquest is below the average population of all the cities in the game, reduce the warmonger penalty by the percentage that city's population is below the average.


  • Improved coordination for multiple attacking units.
  • Ranged units better understand how to capture civilian units.
  • AI should now generally accept embassies when neutral, and reject when unfriendly.
  • When asking an AI to equalize a deal that has elements on both sides of the deal, it will consider a gold-only change before looking at other possibilities.
  • Increased AI's desire to repair pillaged Districts and Buildings.
  • Minor civs will no longer go after policies that give them extra influence they can never use.
  • Made it easier to meet the positive side of the environmentalist agenda
  • AI will now build multiple Neighborhoods.


  • The Great Works tooltip in the deal now shows extended information.
  • Melee units can no longer attack embarked units.
  • Pillaged improvements no longer provide Pantheon bonuses.
  • Fixed double-counting of Appeal from Improvements.
  • Fixed broken gossip message about Seaside Resorts that made them always mention a "lost city".
  • John Curtin is now referred to as "Prime Minister" and not "President" in the Outback Tycoon scenario.
  • Fixed an issue where previously constructed buildings were not showing up properly on the Production Chooser.
  • The World Tracker now keeps its open/closed state between turns.
  • Additional bug fixes.


  • Updating Global Thermonuclear War scenario's Proxy War victory condition to support team play.
  • Expanded internet games list to show results from additional regions
  • Games list was frequently not showing all available games due to UI bug.


  • Added more civs to the True Start Location Earth map.
  • Separated war/peace notifications into major civs vs. city-state.
  • Added additional information to Defeat/Victory screens, so players will be clearer on why they have lost the game.
  • Added "special ability" stars to techs and civics that unlock new functionality.
  • Added invasion warnings to Poland scenario
  • Added new Capabilities data base table to disable select game systems for scenarios and mods.
  • ARX functionality updates for scenarios.
  • Added text labels differentiating Official and Community content in the Lobby screen.


  • In Game Fixed issues in the Additional Content menu with mods that contained very long strings.The "ImportFiles" modding action now works as a Frontend action.The "UpdateIcons" action now supports SQL files in addition to XML files.Multiple files can now be specified in the "AddGameplayScripts" Ingame action.Added a "DoNothing" Frontend action and Ingame action. This action is useful as a placeholder or as a container that includes other actions.The localization database is now written out to the cache folder.
  • Development Tools The SDK launcher will now close after the user has clicked on an application to launch.ModBuddy will no longer display a 'Parameter "escapedValue" cannot be null.' error when the Development Assets are not installed.Added SQL syntax coloring to ModBuddy.

Civilization 6 - Die KI im Test - was hat sie drauf? Video starten 3:51 Civilization 6 - Die KI im Test - was hat sie drauf?

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