Medal of Honor - Patch R7 (Update #2) zum Download

Der zweite Patch (R7-Client) für den Ego-Shooter Medal of Honor nimmt zahlreiche Änderungen am Multiplayer-Modus vor.

Normalerweise werden die Patches für Medal of Honorautomatisch beim Spielstart heruntergeladen. Falls Sie jedoch Probleme beim Download haben sollten, finden Sie hier den R7-Patch für den Multiplayer-Modus des Ego-Shooters. Das Update funktioniert allerdings nicht mit der Steam-Version von Medal of Honor. Der R7-Client ist der zweite Patch für den Mehrspieler-Abschnitt des Ballerspiels und nimmt zahlreiche Balance-Änderungen vor. Auch bei den Optionen gibt es Neuerungen. Die komplette Liste der Änderungen finden Sie im Folgenden.

Patch-Notes zu Medal of Honor R7


-Added Hot Zone and Clean Sweep (added the levels/UI changes in server browser etc)
-Server browser makes snapshot instead of subscribing to servers
-Fixed hang when joining on a friend that’s playing on a password protected server
-Ribbons and medals no longer appear on unranked servers
-Added aiming spot in binoculars in hardcore mode
-Added text chatting while dead and in end of round
-Increased the points needed to win a domination/tdm game
-Decreased accuracy while shooting from the hip
-Increased the amount of recoil and spread
-Added server details in loading screens and spawn screen
-Fixed an issue where holding your breath and moving forward would take you out of scope

Detailed Changes


-Fixed the scenario when joining a friend on a password protected server caused a hang
-Ribbons and medals appear on unranked servers
-Jumping and shooting at the same time now affects the ability to be accurate with the weapons
-Added aiming spot in binoculars in hardcore mode
Holding your breath and moving forward no longer takes you out of scope
-Modifications in weapon behaviour *see weapon tweaks below
-Increased the points needed to win a Domination/TDM game
--Increased TDM score from 1200 to 1400 points
--Increased Sector Control score from 1800 to 2600 points
-Decreased accuracy while shooting from the hip
-Cut points from score chain rewards in half
-Addressed the sniper rifle damage to bring the sniper rifle more in line with the other kits
-Increased the amount of recoil and spread *see weapon tweaks below
-Changed immortal time to 1.9 from 1.6 seconds after spawn to prevent the scenario of spawning in the open only to be shot on spawn in


Assault Rifles

-- Increased recoil
-- Deviation
--- Increased deviation when not zooming
--- Deviation bug fixed (increased while shooting)
-- Lowered close range damage
-- Jumping deviation increased


-- Increased recoil
-- Deviation
--- Increased deviation when not zooming
--- Deviation increses faster than assault rifles
--- Deviation bug fixed (increased while shooting)
-- Jumping deviation increased

Sniper rifles

-- Headshot does the most damage
-- Less damage from bolt action
--- 2 shots to kill on body from long range
--- 1 shot on body from short range
---- Normal: 8m
---- Ammo 2: 10m
---- Range: 9.6m
-- Increased recoil on semi-automatic


-- Damage by hit point
--- Head
---- Headshots as before
--- Body
---- Body shots as before
--- Arms and legs
---- 20% less damage


-Lowered scores on all defensive support actions
-Changed spawn points on Shah-i-Khot Mountains, Combat Mission
-Changed spawn points on Kandahar Marketplace, Sector Control
-Changed spawn points on Kandahar Marketplace, Team Assault
-Changed spawn points on Diwagal Camp, Sector Control
-Changed spawn points on Kunar Base, Sector Control
-Changed spawn points on Kabul City Ruins, Sector Control
-Changed spawn points on Kabul City Ruins, Team Assault
-Changed spawn points on Garmzir Town, Sector Control
-Changed spawn points on Garmzir Town, Team Assault
-Tweaked damage on M16 and M24
-Tweaked damage on M4
-Tweaked damage on sniper rifles (2 shots on body to kill long range, 1 shot on body within 8m, Ammo 2 -10m or Range - 9.6m. Always 1 shot on the head)

Größe: 440,6 MByte
Sprache: mehrsprachig

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