Seite 2: Vampire 2 - Inoffizieller Patch 2.7

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Patch notes v2.7

Cops now have Glocks and dropped ammo will always be a full reload.
Missing texture for the Ra blade reconstructed, thanks to Xealous.
Made paying angered Vandal easier and added a Gargoyle quest state.
Fixed Eliza not raising Melee and made Thistle improve Dodge only.
Removed the zoom mode of the 'Jamie Sue' and raised damage instead.
Moved computers and firearms books from Trip to Clinic and Carson.

Restored Zygaena appearing in the Red Dragon after talking to Ming.
Fixed wrong conditions in dialogues of LaCroix, Beckett and Tseng.
Circumvented bug that made it possible for Boris to be unreachable.
Corrected several histories in which the Melee bonus did not work.
Repaired bug that could make Imalia angry before getting her quest.
Fixed python script errors in Grout's Mansion and Vesuvius levels.

Patch (Plus)
Größe: 94,3 MByte
Sprache: Englisch

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