Seite 2: Sid Meier's Railroads! - Patch 1.1

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- AI - AI now takes industry potential into consideration when making route decisions.
- AI - Changed AI's criteria for building new trains (now uses individual goods rather than depots)
- Functionality - Added new option "Use All Trains", which allows the use of all trains in the game, when in TT mode.
- Functionality - Added the ability to manipulate the camera freely when paused. To do this, pause the game and press "CTRL+F". In this mode, cursor keys move the camera and the camera can be rotated by holding the left mouse button and moving the mouse.
- Functionality - Cities can now accept raw materials directly from resources properly.
- Functionality - Clouds can now be disabled in the options screen.
- Functionality - Enabled terrain editor. To enable the terrain editor, you must add "EditorEnabled =1" to your settings.INI.
- Functionality - Enabled larger size maps.
- Functionality - Exposed scenario timescale in scenario XML. If "iTurnsPerMonth" is found in the Scenario XML, it will override the default scale of 16 turns per month (every 4 seconds). If the timescale is greater than 60 (a new month every 15 seconds), the date display will also display the current day of the month.
- Functionality - Fixed rerouting cash exploit.
- Functionality - Made track selection easier. (track now takes precedence over depots)
- Functionality - Terminals can now accommodate up to four tracks connected to them.
- Graphics - Parallel tunnel tracks now draw correctly (no longer overlap)
- Graphics - Tracks connected to depots/stations/terminals draw with special graphics to distinguish them from "normal" tracks.
- Interface - Added new city routing icons and chevrons to show which stops on your route map accept the goods in your current consist.
- Interface - Auction window repositioned so it no longer obscures scores on larger resolutions.
- Localization - Misc. localization fixes.
- Multiplayer - XFire support added.

Patch (Plus)
Größe: 21,2 MByte
Sprache: mehrsprachig

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