Seite 2: Takeda 3 - Patch v1.20.1.0 behebt Probleme

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  • Added a Retreat Button for the Army in BattleMode
  • Changed the tooltip description for barracks
  • Removed advice dialogue that refers to 2 magical swords and other advice dialogues that do not belong to this game
  • Fixed bug that caused the player's clan to have white banner
  • Fixed Memory Leaks
  • Fixed problem where Windows Vista users was not able to see the ending and intro movies
  • Fixed bug where unequipped weapons by an AI clan would end up becoming lost
  • The Castle Name Sprites enlarges when zooming out
  • Fixed bug where tooltip wouldn't be displayed in some modes
  • Fixed potential crash bug when starting battlemode
  • Allow player to propose a marriage for the ruler
  • Allow married rulers to have non-historical children
  • Improve battle AI with basic learning ability.

Größe: 2,5 MByte
Sprache: Englisch

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