Seite 2: Crysis - Patch ist fertig, aber noch nicht veröffentlicht

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We welcome you to the “Crysis Weekly Update #6”, which is an official status report from Crytek to the world-wide community in order to get you up-to-date on the progress of various Crysis related topics.

This time the update includes quite significant information about the recently detected security hole in Crysis. Additionally we have news on the upcoming patch 1.2 and the Mod SDK v1.2 for you. We also would like to inform you a bit about the future of Crysis, especially related to Multiplayer.

Crysis – Security Hole
Since yesterday information about a security hole for Crysis has been hotly discussed by the community. Due to an exploit in the way player names are stored it was possible to cause a number of clients on servers to crash.

We just would like to let you know that we are aware of this problem and take it very seriously. We are currently working on a solution which will close the security hole and hope to have it ready for distribution quickly, probably in a hotfix for Crysis.

Crysis – What’s Next…
Patch 1.2 is not released yet, but of course we already thought about the future support for Crysis and especially its multiplayer part. With the second patch we introduce quite a few important changes such as the internal anti-cheat solution or the multiplayer balancing.

Still, we are aware of the fact that there are additional topics to work on, since a multiplayer game needs continuous support and love from the developer. Thus we are happy to announce that we are maintaining a team to extend the support for Crysis multiplayer, which means that we continue working on further patches.

These patches will not only fix known bugs or balance gameplay. We also want to introduce new features to the game, including requests from the communities’ most wanted list of improvements.

Since the multiplayer beta, numerous improvements and fixes have been made and we will continue to provide these with your help, thanks to the passionate feedback from many community members. So please continue to help us improve Crysis over time with your valuable feedback Smile .

With this decision we want to ensure that Crysis players receive the support they deserve, to extend our community and keep the game as interesting as possible to the world-wide gamers for a long time.

Patch 1.2 – Status Update
Not much to say about the upcoming patch 1.2 besides that it is final and approved! That means the patch is ready for distribution. Therefore this weekly update won’t include information snippets from the change log since you will be able to read the full one quite soon anyways.

We are currently preparing everything for the global launch and hope to deliver you the long awaited patch 1.2 within the next days. Be sure to check out one of the Crysis related sites to not miss the launch!

Patch 1.2 – Cheat Protection Information
As for the overall cheat protection for Crysis we got some additional news to tell you about. Not only that we introduce the internal cheat-protection with the upcoming patch, we are also working together with Evenbalance™ on improving the Punkbuster anti-cheat tool.

We have been able to resolve some of the server crashes experienced while servers are running anti-cheat solutions. In addition the auto update functionality has been improved and is working for clients as well as for game servers.

With patch 1.2 Punkbuster is getting more secure and also easier to use for both players and game servers. On the release day of the patch there will be a new server side Punkbuster configuration available that has been optimized for Crysis 1.2.

As for Crytek’s internal anti-cheat solution, there will be a guide available shortly after the patch is available. It comes with the updated version of the Crysis Server Documentation and includes a description how to properly use this anti-cheat system.

Mod SDK – Version 1.2 Status
Since the release of the first Mod SDK we continuously gather feedback and error/crash reports from the community. With the upcoming Mod SDK v1.2 we will fix quite a few installer problems and improve the installation routines to make things easier to you.

Currently our SDK development team is finalizing the game source code which will be the major update of this SDK version. Additionally we are going to release new tutorials and references as well.

So that’s it for the sixth Crysis Weekly Update! We hope you enjoy the information and thanks for your irresistible support. Do not miss the next update on Wednesday! Smile

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