Factorio - Patchnotes zum Update 0.12.30

Factorio wurde auf die Beta-Version 0.12.30 aktualisiert. Unter anderem gibt es Verbesserungen am Modding-Support und diverse Fehlerbehebungen.

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Für das Fabrikbau-Spiel Factorio steht ein neuer Beta-Patch bereit. Spieler können sich das Update auf die Version 0.12.30 herunterladen, indem sie den experimentellen Beta-Branch in den Factorio-Einstellungen des Steam-Clients aktivieren.

Mehr zum Spiel:Das ist für die Zukunft geplant

Die Aktualisierung bringt unter anderem eine Funktion mit sich, die sicherstellt, dass Modifikationen keine Probleme im Mehrspieler-Modus verursachen. Vor einer Multiplayer-Partie wird nun stets überprüft, ob auch alle Teilnehmer dieselben Mods installiert und keine Änderungen daran vorgenommen haben. So soll potenziellen Desync-Probleben vorgebeugt werden.

Hinzu kommen zahlreiche Fehlerbehebungen und neue Modding-Funktionen. Nachfolgend die Original-Patchnotes:


  • Mod checksums are calculated when the game starts and are compared with other peers when joining a multiplayer game. This is to ensure everyone has exactly the same mod in order to prevent desyncs caused by local changes made to mod files.


  • Fixed strange outer corner rendering for terrains with the same layer. more[forums.factorio.com]
  • Fixed Factorio timing out of a multiplayer game when closed by pressing the X button more[forums.factorio.com]
  • Building things after quitting a multiplayer game is no longer possible and no longer crashes the game. more[forums.factorio.com]
  • Fixed memory leak with special signals in the circuit network.
  • Fixed crash when killing the player in on_built_entity. more[forums.factorio.com]
  • Fixed crash when making blueprints of ghosts with some now-invalid circuit connections to other ghosts. more[forums.factorio.com]
  • Fixed player's shooting target not updating properly when the target's force became friendly more[forums.factorio.com]
  • Fixed the documentation of CircuitCondition more[forums.factorio.com]
  • Fixed that the ignore_planner field of Command would expect an integer instead of a boolean. more[forums.factorio.com]
  • Starting value of progress bar is now properly set based on the input. more[forums.factorio.com]
  • Fixed crash when destroying entity with empty corpse string. more[forums.factorio.com]
  • Fixed mining drills getting stuck when built pointing at rails and then rotated. more[forums.factorio.com]
  • Fixed remote.call() within the same mod passing invalid data. more[forums.factorio.com]
  • Fixed the typo in the error "mulitplayer.cannot-load-downloaded-map", the cause of the error wasn't displayed because of it. more[forums.factorio.com]
  • Fixed that the server could get desynced and in a state where he has no one to download from. more[forums.factorio.com]
  • Fixed that the train tooltip was showing the current station as the next one when in the station. more[forums.factorio.com]
  • Fixed crash when a Lua function was used as a value in a table in data.raw more[forums.factorio.com]
  • Fixed the tooltip of the inventory limit feature to "Limit the inventory part to be filled by machines.", so it is clear, it limits only input, but not output.
  • Fixed that cancelling a recipe in the crafting queue would reset the crafting timer unnecessarily more[forums.factorio.com]
  • Fixed crash when a force other than player, enemy or neutral was used in autoplace specification more[forums.factorio.com]
  • Fixed crash when a network interface is deactivated during multiplayer game more[forums.factorio.com]
  • Fixed white bar on top of the screen was sometimes present in fullscreen on OS X more[forums.factorio.com]
  • Unified the processing of savegame name in --load-game --start-server and --mp-load-game. It can all be supplied with or without the .zip
  • Fixed that collision with point wasn't working properly for curved rail. more[forums.factorio.com]


  • Added LuaEntity::unit_group read-only attribute
  • Proper error message when subgroup specified by empty string. more[forums.factorio.com]
  • Fixed projectiles with negative acceleration would turn around, fly back and break the game. more[forums.factorio.com]

Factorio in der Vorschau auf GameStar.de

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