Seite 2: Overlord - Patch 1.2

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* Version number reported on Title Screen.

* Invert Y-axis Mouse option added in Game Options menu.

* 30FPS cap has been removed. The game can now run at higher frame rates if your video card supports it.

* Refresh rate is set by default to the lowest available within the Configuration Tool.

* Potential desync in Multiplayer resolved. This could occur in Co-op Survival / Versus matches when Tower Objects were collected. Only affects games containing a machine with an Athlon 64 processor.

* Minions can now cross the entire length of a bridge in the Ruborian Desert while carrying a health upgrade back to a Tower Gate.

* Fixed an exploit which allowed players to forge/upgrade equipment without losing any minions.

* Melvin will now never reappear in the Halfling Party Area after he has been killed. Existing Save Games affected by this issue will also be fixed.

* The ‘Kill Kahn’ quest will now always show as completed when Khan is defeated. Existing Save Games affected by this issue will also be fixed.

* A number of additional minor / rare issues resolved

* All 1.1 fixes


* Spokes will always be retrievable and usable in Dwarven Brewery. Existing Save Games affected by this issue will also be fixed.

* Updated the uninstall script to less aggressively delete files in the installation directory, thereby preventing potential & unintended loss of data.

Patch (Plus)
Größe: 19,9 MByte
Sprache: mehrsprachig

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