Space Engineers - Entwickler veröffentlicht Roadmap 2016

Marek Rosa, der Entwickler von Space Engineers gibt einen Ausblick der Roadmap 2016 für das Early-Access-Spiel. Seiner Meinung nach seien die Bestandteile zusammen, Prio 1 sei die Optimierung des Mulitplayers.

Auf der Prioliste der Entwickler von Space Engineers steht die Verbesserung des Mulitplayers. Auf der Prioliste der Entwickler von Space Engineers steht die Verbesserung des Mulitplayers.

Marek Rosa, Chef und Gründer von Keen Software House, hat in seinem Blog einen aktuellen Ausblick zur geplanten Entwicklung in 2016 zu Space Engineers gegeben. Nach nun knapp zwei Jahren seien alle wichtigen Elemente seiner Meinungen nach in der Early-Access-Version verfügbar. »Vielleicht sogar etwas mehr, als nötig wäre«, ergänzt er, was aber an den tollen Vorschlägen der Community läge. Er hätte sich zum Beispiel »nie träumen lassen, dass wir mal Planeten zum Spiel hinzufügen«.

Auch interessant:Space Engineers - Irres Video: Weltraumsprung wie Felix Baumgartner

Der oberste Punkt der Prioritätenliste: Verbesserung des Multiplayers. Es gäbe gewisse Mechaniken und Logiken, die zu zeitlichen Verzögerungen der Spielbewegungen führen würden. Dies sei per se zwar kein Bug, fühle sich für die Spieler aber eben so an. Daran wolle man arbeiten und die Performance verbessern. Aber es sei genau die richtige Phase nun dafür. Alle »Einzelteile« des Spiels seien vorhanden, jetzt käme die Polishing-, Feintuning- und Bugfixing-Phase.

Die Roadmap im Wortlaut

  • Multiplayer - polishing, checking design, lag, compensation<
  • Fix all sounds, 3D, arcade / realistic (ask programmers and our sound designer to make a list of all sounds used in the game and then have someone test them all - so that we don't miss anything)
  • Voxels: data cell cache, storage, optimization, profiling voxel runtime
  • Render fixes (Ambient, environment map / lighting / reflections), occlusion query, ambient + backlight
  • Occlusion culling - blocks / voxels (speed up the rendering)
  • Disable object highlight on LCD screens (it's annoying)
  • Optimization and fixing the loading screen, and checking if there are worlds that take forever to load while not properly informing the player
  • Fix loading screen issues (e.g. the wheel gets stuck at the end and I can hear the in-game sounds)
  • Red message box - make the background texture less transparent; it's hard to read text on it
  • Conveyor system optimization
  • Drilling / mining optimization
  • New animation system / cashing (speed optimization) / other optimizations
  • Fix ugly animationsAdd new animations - e.g. holding a weaponWalking over small obstacles doesn't work - the player has to jump over themJumping and holding the forward-movement key doesn't result in a forward jump, and this doesn't feel right
  • Shooting and weapons
  • A few more new weaponsWe need much better animations, holding weapons, ammo reloadIn general, we need a basic FPS experience
  • "saving please wait" - hide this overlay text and do saving asynchronously without bothering the player
  • Why does the game auto-save in multiplayer when I am the client and manual save isn't available?
  • Remembering removed trees on planets
  • Nvidia GameWorks - consider HBAO + Antialiasing (speed up)
  • SE Indication of hydrogen fuel
  • Spectator flash light / night vision
  • Object highlight - outline - finish - also in ME
  • Finish support for scenarios, mission scripts and sub-missions (will need for tutorials)
  • Better support for gradual tutorials (story-based tutorials), submissions
  • Finish building from cockpit
  • Rethink the way of respawning, respawn ships, landing ships, and rethink "mobile tools" (manual assembler - so player can respawn without a ship and still be able to start building)
  • Rag-doll + IK, bullet impact, falling, four legged...
  • Official persistent servers
  • Automated tests for our testers + buy dedicated computers where the game will run 24x7
  • Redo the GUI framework (this doesn't mean changing graphics; it only means the underlying tech which has become very cluttered over time)
  • Game logic optimizations + oxygen (mostly for MP) + oxygen sensor
  • Add voxel material in survival
  • Improve tutorials
  • Reduce the usage of text panels, deliver the info to the player via context-sensitive screen hintsWhen I launch the first interactive tutorial, I see two things that I shouldn't see - the respawn screen and "you have been accepted to faction"Quickstart will be our interactive tutorial, with minimum text, HUD sub-mission navigation. Its purpose will be to engage the player and not to explain everything that happens in the game.After we add this new tutorial, remove the video tutorial message box
  • Development of Xbox One version


Space Engineers - Update 01.115 brachte Cyber-Hunde Video starten 1:50 Space Engineers - Update 01.115 brachte Cyber-Hunde

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