Seite 2: UFO: Aftershock - Patch v1.3 beseitigt DVD-Check

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  • Cultist Code mission now appears properly even if the player has conquered all Cultist bases
  • Failure to complete the first Starghost mission no longer renders the game unwinnable
  • Speed bonus for 3rd level commandos is now only active when the unit is equipping a commando weapon
  • Throwing knives and shurikens are now working properly
  • Pillar of Death now spawns properly
  • It's no longer possible to use certain items without researching their handling technologies first
  • The game now recognizes looted and manufactured items properly and updates the research prerequisites accordingly
  • Factory sorting in the Manufacture screen now works correctly
  • DVD check removed (no need to insert the DVD every time you play the game)
  • You no longer fail the defence mission if all militia units get killed
  • Reduced the commando equipment speed bonus from 1.9 to 1.4

Größe: 3,0 MByte
Sprache: Deutsch

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