Seite 2: Majesty 2: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim - Patch v1.3 mit neuem Editor

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  • An added ‘randomize’ feature in all single and multiplayer missions which shuffles the locations of non-quest monster dens along with sites for the construction of temples and trading posts. Enabling this feature can dramatically affect the difficulty of a mission
  • Random filling of treasure chests. Heroes can now discover various amounts of gold, weapons, armour, elixirs and artifacts
  • New map editor
  • Open access to basic game resources for mod-makers
  • Multiplayer compatibility for Majesty 2 with the Kingmaker expansion installed
  • Added network compatibility of versions with different languages
  • The option to acquire additional game content, part of which is available free-of-charge
  • The ability to now view a list of heroes who are interested in a selected flag
  • On the mini-maps, the graves of monsters no longer appear as a live enemy
  • Anisotropy feature added to graphical settings dramatically improving the display of textures
  • Automatic synchronization to remedy any critical mistiming in multiplayer

Größe: 93,8 MByte
Sprache: Deutsch

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