Seite 2: Mount & Blade: Warband - Patch v1.10 behebt Absturzfehler

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  • New Game option to set Campaign AI to easy, normal or difficult NPC soldiers should now climb siege ladders without problem.
  • There is now a chance player companions will not fall prisoner with you when you are defeated.
  • The game will no longer crash if you move all your prisoner into a castle
  • .AI weapon selection improved.
  • AI will no longer equip two shields.
  • Your companions who are prisoners at a faction's castles are now set free when peace is declared.
  • Party skill bonuses are now calculated correctly.
  • Fixed slashing through your horse and buildings using hafted blades on horseback.
  • Added max_number_of_connections option to rgl_config.txt.
  • Players who have difficulty receiving server list from internet can lower the default value (64) to 20 or so.
  • Number of maximum bandit parties reduced by 15%.
  • Added Chinese language option (Simplified and Traditional).
  • Many other bug-fixes.

Größe: 35,3 MByte
Sprache: Deutsch

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