Mount & Blade Bannerlord wo bist du nur? Es ist da!

Dieses Thema im Forum "Spieleforum" wurde erstellt von Demyrax, 23. Januar 2018.

  1. TValok

    Registriert seit:
    9. Dezember 2014
    Jap, ist bei mir auch so groß.
  2. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    1.4.2 Hotfix
    • Fixed a bug that caused garrison wages to be excessive for a short period of time upon taking control of a settlement.
    • Fixed a bug that caused sieges and raids to automatically succeed for the attackers.
    • Fixed a crash in Skirmish.
    • Fixed a bug that allowed players to mount a horse that was despawning.
  3. Ceiwyn

    Registriert seit:
    18. September 2011
    Um ein eigenes Reich zu gründen braucht man ja u.a. eine Stadt oder Burg. Muss man die denn zwingend erobern oder gibt es auch andere Möglichkeiten (abgesehen davon, dass sie mir von meinem eigenen König übertragen wird). Eine eigene Stadt gründen kann man wohl nicht - kann ich denn eine kaufen?
  4. Muffin-Man Lord Of Skill

    Registriert seit:
    16. Februar 2006
    LuKü auf WaKü gewechselt
    ja du kannst eine kaufen theoretisch, allerdings brauchst du dafür einen Perk im Trade Tree auf stufe 275 und dann noch genügend Geld (Mrd. Bereich)
    Daher eignet es sich eher als Vasall anzufangen.
    Ceiwyn gefällt das.
  5. Acool

    Registriert seit:
    9. Juni 2016
    Oh man. Hab wieder angefangen und wollte einen Armbrusthelden bauen. Also alles schön geskillt und dann den Perk (Armbrust) mit 75 gesehen. "Beim Reiten kann man jede Armbrust nachladen". Also aktiviert uuuuuunnnnnd geht nicht -_____- Warum geht so etwas simples nicht? Wusste ja, dass einige Fähigkeiten nicht gehen, aber bei einer so wichtigen Waffen schon peinlich.
    Kann man das irgendwie fixen?
  6. Ceiwyn

    Registriert seit:
    18. September 2011
    Ist halt immer noch EA, weshalb ich das Spiel auch erstmal auf Eis gelegt hab, obwohl es natürlich nicht schlecht ist. Aber man merkt schon, dass noch kräftig Feinschliff fehlt, obwohl die hart daran arbeiten.

    Macht es eigentlich Sinn, als einzelner Söldner/Krieger zu spielen ohne eigene Armee? Lust hätte ich darauf schon, aber die ständigen Kämpfe mit den Banditen sind natürlich gefährlich, wenn man alleine ist. Gegen 1-2 Dutzend Steinewerfer kommt man noch mit guter Ausrüstung klar, aber gegen Bergbanditen sieht das anders aus.
    roflkong3 gefällt das.
  7. acer palmatum

    acer palmatum
    Registriert seit:
    15. November 2006
    Meddlfranken (tatsächlich)
    Gibt eine Mod die die ganzen Fähigkeiten "aktiviert" auf Nexusmods.

    Armbrüste stinken btw. Bögen sind mMn viel besser, vorausgesetzt man kann damit umgehen. :D

    Vanilla komme ich auch gegen 10 "Steinewerfer" (ich denke mal Du meinst Looter) klar. Einfach drum herum reiten und mit Pfeil und Bogen dezimieren. Allerdings habe ich einen Mod wo diese Plünderer bessere Ausrüstung haben und teilweise beispielsweise Wurfspeere/-Äxte oder direkt Bögen/Armbrüste. Da sieht das dann anders aus. :ugly:

    Allerdings kann man mit der normalen imperialien Infanterie auf Tier Level 3 schon viel reißen. Ab da haben die nämlich Wurfspeere und brauchbare Rüstung & Schild und halten schon ordentlich was aus und sind immer noch billig. Die kosten, glaube ich, 5 Gold pro Tag und Nase, das holt man leicht wieder rein.
  8. Acool

    Registriert seit:
    9. Juni 2016
    Ich habe das mit dem Helden nur so geschrieben. Besitze eine kleine Armee und verdiene mir ein kleines Polster bis ich Vasale bin. Ab da wird man ja nicht bezahlt und muss sich erst was verdienen an Dörfern/Burgen/Städte.

    Klar ist das ein EA game, aber komm schon. Das sollte doch wohl machbar sein.
    Was mich halt so sehr ärgert. Habe bereits vor 2 Monaten einen Armbrustschützen gebaut. Nur..... Laufe von Stadt zu Stadt und finde nicht eine einzige Armbrust. WTF? Hat mich so genervt, dass ich dann das Spiel auf die Seite gelegt habe.

    Und nun das mit dem Skill der nicht geht. Das macht mir schon den Spielspaß kaputt. Vor allem, muss man die Armbrust auch erst auf Lvl 75 bringen. Kostet ja auch etwas Lebenszeit von mir.

    Wird wohl noch lange dauern, bis das fertig wird. Die Modder müssen es dann wieder richten.
  9. Acool

    Registriert seit:
    9. Juni 2016
    Hast recht. Bogen sind besser. Wollte es nur für die Abwechslung mit Armbrust spielen. Kann ich ja vergessen.
    (Kein Bock mir Mods zu suchen und dann geht wieder was nicht weil die M&B patchen)
  10. Ceiwyn

    Registriert seit:
    18. September 2011
    Finde aber auch, dass das Grinding der Skills zu lange dauert, vor allem wenn die Chars altern - ein Feature, dass es mE nicht bräuchte.
  11. Acool

    Registriert seit:
    9. Juni 2016
    Aber das ist doch noch nicht drin? Soll doch erst Thema werden, wenn man seine Kinder spielen kann.
  12. Ceiwyn

    Registriert seit:
    18. September 2011
    Na gut, aber mein Char altert jedenfalls.
  13. acer palmatum

    acer palmatum
    Registriert seit:
    15. November 2006
    Meddlfranken (tatsächlich)
    Die Charaktere sterben aber anscheinend nicht, zumindest nicht eines natürlichen Todes. Ich habe schon Spielstände mit MCs gesehen die über 200 Jahre alt waren. Also wenn es jetzt keine fakes waren.
  14. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    Zweites Developer Video zu einem baldigen(?) Update

    Großer Fokus sind Moddingtools für Karten, Texturen, Meshes, usw.

    Zusätzlich wird man wie in M&B die Möglichkeit haben die Blockrichtung automatisch bestimmen zu lassen.

    Die KI für Formationen wurde stark überarbeitet und Formationen sollen jetzt viel besser funktionieren.

    Speerträger können ihren Speer aufstellen um anstürmende Gegner zu schädigen basierend auf deren Geschwindigkeit (gleich Formel wie Lanzenschaden)
    Die ist vorerst aber nur im MP möglich.

    Speere mit Haken werden mit einem erfolgreichen Treffer auch Reiter von ihrem Pferd abwerfen. Das wiederum wird erstmal nur im Singleplayer gehen.

    Und es gibt natürlich neue Ausrüstung.
    Pain553 und Tenko gefällt das.
  15. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    1.50 Beta Patch
    Hauptsächlich Formations KI, Belagerungen und Muliplayerclans neben vielen kleineren Änderungen und Fehlerbehebungen

    • Fixed a crash that could occur at the end of battles due to a missing check in a 'formation AI' behaviour.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Manual Laborers quest to crash.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when annexation decisions were proposed by AI clans.

    • Improved performance of retreat and flee behaviour of battle formations.
    • Optimized AI ranged and melee target selection for performance and spike reduction.
    • GPU performance improvements for towns - Make shadow occlusion queries great again!

    Save & Load
    • Refactored the save/load file paths so they won't include the Native folder.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Siege Battle to continue in Lords Hall if players exited to the main menu while climbing a ladder during a siege mission.
    • Fixed an issue that caused wrong prisoner numbers to be displayed in the load screen.

    • Fixed navigation mesh issue in Mazhadan Castle.
    • Keep and arena menu images have been updated.
    • Fixed a few bugged siege ladders that prevented climbing.
    • Fixed castle gates physics issues.
    • Fixed clipping issues on some of the gloves.
    • Fixed visual glitches on some of the armours.
    • Added a new Sturgian light armour.
    • Improvements on Empire wall brick textures.
    • Improved Empire Dungeon and some garden meshes.
    • Fixed some parallax issues on Empire Buildings.
    • Fixed trader missing issues in Vlandia cities.
    • Fixed walkable area problem in some scenes.
    • Crafting Axe Pieces have been optimised for future updates.
    • Made some improvements (f.e. adding dynamic barriers and indestructible merlons) on the following scenes:
      • sturgia_castle_003, aserai_castle_002, khuzait_castle_002, vlandia_castle_005a

    • Added 3 new hair types.
    • Added new Battanian chain mail armour.
    • Fixed visual issues on the male version of Northern Visored Cap.
    • Fixed getting teleported into the void on Empire Tavern scenes issue.
    • Improvements on some Aserai Villages.
    • Helmets with wrong beard-covering tag fixed.
    • Lords and Ladies facekeys revised for Sturgia.

    • Fixed many of the agent movement errors near wall and stair intersections.

    Campaign Map
    • Fixed a bug which caused the raid particles to be invisible after a campaign save game was loaded.
    • Improved geometry in world map, improved texture detail, paths and roads are added, fixed various visual problems with settlements, improved pathfinding. Aserai lands are re-rendered. slight changes in settlements placements for balance reasons. Change in some village productions for balance and lore reasons.

    • Changes
      • New Campaign Map Mobile Party Trackers:
        • Now players can see and track(keep inside their screen) mobile parties of their clans and armies of their kingdom on the campaign map, while they're not in the spotting range.

      • Encyclopedia Favourites:
        • Now players can favourite encyclopedia items so these favourited items will be shown at the top of their respective lists.

      • New Hideout Troop Management Screen:
        • New popup for hideout troop management before hideout battles that will decrease deadtime waiting for the party screen to load.

      • Players can now input numbers directly in Custom Battle sliders (army size, troop type percentage).
      • Added a tooltip to the execution notification ("Execute Him/Her" button) to show the player, who they'll lose relation with.
      • Added new Game Menu images for each cultures' settlement keep and arena menus.

    • Fixes
      • Fixed an issue that caused the inventory screen to close when the item preview popup is open. Now ESC closes the preview first.
      • Fixed a bug that caused the governor selection panel to go out of bounds in some cases in town management popup.
      • Fixed a bug that caused prisoners in party screen to show up with the main party's banner.

    Battles and Sieges
    • Added automatic captain assignment to formations without a captain.
      • To use this feature, assign a formation to a companion from the party screen.
      • Once a battle starts the first companion/hero that is assigned to a formation is picked as the captain of the formation (this also works for AI parties).
      • Captains provide formation-wide perk bonuses to their troops.
      • If a captain dies or flees, the next living companion/hero (if there are any) within the same formation is picked as the new captain.

    • "Formation AI and Tactics overhaul"
      • Troops with throwing weapons now have their own skirmisher category, they are no longer used as archers by the AI (which caused various problems).
      • Horse archer formation behaviours improved to make them protect themselves and pull back better and not to get stuck between enemies.
      • Archer formations moved around too much making AI armies far less effective than they could be, a lot of logic added to make them more stable.
      • Army approaching enemy army to get in missile range logic overhauled to make it more effective and stable.
      • AI now stops and lets its formations form up before continuing moving when it changes their arrangement such as to and from shield wall.
      • AI Formations now recognise if most of their units have shields or not and accordingly chooses loose arrangement under missile fire instead of shield wall if they don't have shields.
      • Chokepoints in battlefields are now used facing either side if it is appropriate.
      • Various errors with the defensive ring tactic fixed, calculations improved, large circles are now being properly formed, square arrangement in the middle improved.
      • Enemy army composition having more cavalry now confers a tactical advantage to defensiveness as attacking cavalry armies is more difficult.
      • Single cavalry unit in a formation no longer messes up formation unit intervals and unit diameters which used to cause formations to stand with gaps regardless of arrangement.
      • When a mixed unit formation is given a shield wall arrangement order, units with shields will move to the front ranks, switching places with soldiers without shields.

    • Agents who stopped retreating because their side won the battle were causing glitchy continuous playing of running away shout sounds is fixed.
    • Fixed friendly fire notification on the combat log.

    Character Development System
    • Aserai "Joined the Skirmishers" character creation option now grants relatively cheaper javelins.
    • Some character creation choices were giving strong and expensive mid-tier armours. This is no longer the case.
    • Added 13 combat-related Athletics perks.
    • Added 10 campaign-related archery perks.
    • Added 8 campaign-related crossbow perks.
    • Characters' skills are generated from their traits when the character comes of age.

    Clan and Party
    • Some nobles were not spawning in a new game and nobles without a party were not going to another settlement to join tournaments. These issues are fixed now.
    • Fixed a bug where fugitive family members could not be selected as a party leader.
    • Fixed problems related to death.
    • Companions teleported to a settlement of their culture when disbanded. They will now be teleported to a closer neutral or ally settlement if there are any nearby.
    • AI Lords' traits determine the equipment template allocated to their offsprings during coming-of-age. Only a few templates are now assigned - there will be more variation in the future.

    Kingdoms and Diplomacy
    • Fixed the party size effect of Noble Retinues policy.
    • Passive influence gains are tweaked further for balance. Some policies have increased penalties to match their positive effects.
    • A miscalculation bug in Bailiff policy is fixed.
    • Fixed a bug that caused minor factions to join kingdoms as vassals instead of mercenaries.
    • Fixed a calculation error in kingdom tributes that lead to unintended tribute values.

    Settlement Actions (Town, Village, Castle and Hideout)
    • If a player is inside a fortification and if that fortification's map faction declares war on that player, a new menu will be shown to inform the player that they escaped from the fortification. If a player gains a crime rating in a mission and it leads to war, they will also see the menu after the mission ends, if they are not disguised.
    • When players entered settlements sometimes it was auto-recruiting from notables. This was fixed.

    Quests & Issues
    • New Issue Quest "Inn and Out" added.
    • Implemented the new Caravan Ambush quest.
    • Balanced deserter and defender party sizes for Extortion by deserters quest. Added extra quest requirements.
    • Fixed a bug that caused quest NPCs to not holster their weapons after the Family feud quest fight.
    • Village issues will now affect the bound settlement's properties (Loyalty, Security etc.).
    • Improvements were made to the issue and quest generation algorithm.
    • Some improvements about conspiracy progression.

    Conversations & Encounters
    • Fixed a bug that caused wounded animations to not play while talking to an imprisoned lord.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the third-person camera to get stuck when players talked to an NPC from the UI.
    • Fixed siege parley dialogues. The trigger did not recognise that a parley was in process.

    • Engraved Backsword can now be thrusted.
    • Stats of Expert Forester units have been fixed.
    • Seaxes can now be used with civilian equipment.
    • Battania Veteran Falxman unit has stats that benefit his weapon of choice now.
    • Aserai rural notables and peasant units no longer come with heavy armour.
    • Militia Equipment has been balanced and changed. Veteran militia units now use weaker armour and weaponry.
    • Fixed a bug that causes NPCs to remain hostile after player retreats from alley fight.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the wife/husband of the player to appear multiple times in missions.
    • Bandit parties' prisoners are recruitable now.
    • Minor refactor about recruitment and mercenaries
    • Fixed a tick problem which also causes skipping daily income in some cases.
    • Fixed an issue for the editor build deploy.
    • Editor problems about editing AI hint objects fixed.
    • Editor build deploy improvements.


    • Fixed a crash that happened when a player picked up an item from the ground while it was fading out.

    • Map Fixes:
      • Fixed walking through from window to the roof with camel issue in Nord Town TDM map.
      • Improved visibility in both interiors and ability to see outside from inside and vice versa in Trading Post Skirmish map.
      • Fixed various positions for Trading Post and Town Outskirts Skirmish maps that allowed players to reach out of bound areas.
      • Some physics improvements to Xauna Skirmish Map.

    • Two new skirmish maps:
      • Name: Echerion
        Theme: Main visual features: Imperial City, Canals, Sea Side. The map is set in a grand imperial city, with canals running through the two contrasting districts, which serve as starting points for both teams. Players will fight for the main square with its construction sites, the city's pottery workshop and the elevated grand plaza.
      • Name: Port at Omor
        Theme: Main theme is a fishing and trading village at the outskirts of an old and established city. While one team starts from the channel that divides the city from the village, the other team starts at the opposite end of the village. Players will battle amongst trade yards, shipyards, warehouses, taverns, and statues left behind by old inhabitants of the land.

    Combat Changes
    Melee Combat:

    • Defend speed has been increased drastically. (So blocking is a lot more responsive now.)
    • Ready speed has been increased. (So your weapon goes faster into the attack position.)
    • Release speed has been decreased. (So your weapon swing/thrusts is slower now.)
    • Quick attacks now skip more processes of the animation. (Removes some of the delay at the start of quick attacks.)
    • Adjusted the crush through formula:
      • It will be easier to crush through with high force weapons now.
      • Made it so that Two-Handed Mace crush through way more consistently than other types.
      • Couch lance attacks can now crush through blocks. (Singleplayer Only)

    • Made defender stuns longer when being struck/hit.
    • Made defender stuns less dependent on weapon weights.
    • Removed stance bonuses to stuns.
    • Made attacker stuns shorter after blocked attacks.
    • Made attacker stuns shorter on bounces/glances.
    • Made attacker stuns shorter for swings + thrusts.
    • Hitting with a weapon now slows it down more, especially for thrusts.
    • Made it slightly easier to chamber block. (More changes to come since its still quite hard.)
    • Decreased the damage thresholds for pierce, cut and blunt attacks:
      • Meaning attacks will not bounce/glance as easily.
      • Made them consistent between the damage types.

    • Modified the damage curve for swing attacks:
      • Swings will now deal damage more consistently.
      • Swings will now deal damage earlier into their collision period.
      • Note that the collision periods for all attacks have been updated (moved further back), check below.

    • Collision period adjustments (the time frame of attack animations that can collide / deal damage):
      • One-Handed Left Swings collision starts slightly later.
      • One-Handed Right Swings collision starts slightly later.
      • One-Handed Lance Thrusts collision starts later.
      • Two-Handed Left Swings collision starts slightly later.
      • Two-Handed Right Swings collision starts slightly later.
      • Polearm Right Swings collision starts earlier.
      • Polearm Left Swings collision starts earlier.
      • Polearms Thrusts damage starts later (collision stays the same).

    Ranged Combat:
    • When defending (blocking with a shield) with a weapon in throwing mode in hand, you now also get bumped when enemies come close to you. (This is to make it risky to play for kick throws (but keeps it possible). Earlier it only happened when readying your throwing weapons.
    • Decreased accuracy of throwing weapons when released instantly.
    • Decreased accuracy of throwing weapons when held for a long time. (Similar to bows.)
    • Slightly increased the release time of throwing weapons.
    • Made bows a bit less accurate when released instantly (This won't affect AI too much. Will make it harder (but not impossible) for players to hit feet or around shields.)
    • Multiplayer Only:
      • Made bows inaccurate earlier when drawn out for a time. (This will make it make the window of perfect accuracy smaller. Early Accuracy will be slightly better if the bow was readied before.)
      • Made bows more inaccurate when moving.

    Other Combat Changes
    • Made kick animation longer. (Gives the opponent more time to react. Also slightly reduced the stun.)
    • Increased collision resistance (makes it harder to push people):
      • Increased minimum collision resistance (when moving fast).
      • Increased maximum collision resistance (when moving slow).
      • The collision resistance when standing still stayed the same.
      • This will also make it harder to push through formations of AI.

    • Made Equip animations longer:
      • This will increase the equip times slightly when changing weapons.
      • Doesn't affect sheathing weapons.

    • Decreased movement speed during combat. (Will make it harder to move in and out of duels)
    • Increased maximum sprint speed.
    • Increased the time needed to reach 100% sprint speed.
    • Slightly increased when running backwards.
    • Slightly increased the time needed to accelerate out of combat speed.
    • Made it easier to turn with horses.

    Mounted Combat + Movement
    • Couch lance engage animation is slightly longer now.
    • Couch lance angle to right side has been decreased.
    • Lowered speed and angle requirement for mounts to trigger the “hit object” animation.
    • Horses now rear up when riding into objects to hard.
    • Increased speed requirement for horses to charge characters. (This will make it harder to bump run over characters. There will be more bumps than run overs now. This will require better infantry coordination to take advantage of cavalry charges.)
    • Decreased the damage threshold for being able to rear mounts.
    • Mounts can now be reared from a wider angle by spears.
    • Multiplayer Only:
      • Classes with lower riding skill will now perform worse on horseback (less manoeuvrability and less speed).

    • Increased Fall Damage.
    • Fixed an issue when a picked-up weapon is dropped for the second time gets spawned far away from its original position.

    • Changed Max Gold to 380.

    Weapon Changes
    • Adjusted all weapons in relation to new Combat Parameters. (Weapons will be fine-tuned if required as we monitor their performance.)
    • Slightly increased damage of Battania Axe.
    • Reduced damage of Vlandia Pickaxe.
    • Slightly reduced damage of Sturgia Axe.
    • Slightly increased damage of Pikes.
    • All Lance's damage increased to adjust for the new Couch Lance formula and price changes.
    • Sling:
      • Increased Stack size is changed to 20.
      • Increased Missile Speed from 40 to 45.

    • Javelin damage reduced.
    • Sturgia Harpoon damage reduced.
    • Billhook damage reduced.
    • Sturgia Throwing Axe stack count is reduced from 4 to 3.

    Troop Changes
    • All Skirmishers and Shock Troop are slightly faster.
    • All Heavy Infantry start with a lighter, weaker tall shield.
    • All Horses hit points increased by 20.
    • All Heavy Cavalry and Barding perks armour reduced by 5.
    • All Shock Troops start with a small, and very weak shield. (Only planned for Skirmish for now. We will make adjustments after certain AI issues are fixed.)

    • Skirmisher
      • Price is increased from 100 to 120.
      • Range Javelin perk is changed to Axe perk.
      • Lighter Shield Weight value is changed from 3 to 2.
      • Better Javelin perk stack count is reduced from 6 to 4.

    • Tribal Warrior
      • Price is reduced from 120 to 100.
      • Default armour value is reduced from 19 to 14.
      • Heavy Mace perk is changed to Mace perk.

    • Guard
      • Added Default Small Weak Shield (20 HP, Skirmish only).
      • Sword perk is changed to Heavy Mace perk.

    • Veteran
      • Price is increased from 150 to 160.

    • Beduin
      • Move Speed value is increased from 74 to 77.

    • Mamluke
      • Price is changed to 200.

    • Wildling
      • Extra Javelin perk stack count is reduced from 7 to 6.

    • Savage
      • Added Default Small Weak Shield (20 HP, Skirmish only).
      • Hit Points value is increased from 100 to 110.

    • Oathsworn
      • Price is changed to 160.
      • Lighter Shield perk is changed to Improved Armor perk.
      • Range Javelins perk is changed to Stronger Shield perk.
      • Strong Javelins perk is changed to Javelins perk.
      • Spear perk is changed to Long Spear perk.
      • Bastard Sword perk is changed to Heavy Mace perk.

    • Clan Warrior
      • Spear perk is changed to Pike perk.

    • Mounted Warrior
      • Move Speed value is increased from 75 to 78.

    • Menavlion Infantry
      • Added Default Small Weak Shield (20 HP, Skirmish only).
      • Hit Points value is increased from 100 to 110.
      • Pilum perk stack count is reduced from 2 to 1.

    • Legionary
      • Price is changed to 160.
      • Lighter Shield perk is changed to Stronger Shield perk.
      • Spear perk is changed to Long Spear perk.
      • Move Speed value is increased from 76 to 77.
      • Pilum perk stack count is reduced from 2 to 1.

    • Palatine Guard
      • Price is increased from 150 to 160.

    • Courser
      • Move Speed value is increased from 73 to 76.

    • Cataphract
      • Price is changed to 200.
      • Default Horse Maneuver value is reduced from 64 to 62.
      • Agile Horse perk Charge Damage value is reduced from 12 to 10. And the perks additional HP value is decreased from 40 to 25.

    • Spear Infantry
      • Price is changed to 130.
      • Short Spear perk is changed to Spear perk.
      • Move Speed value is increased from 76 to 77.
      • Throwing Spear perk stack count is reduced from 2 to 1.
      • Added default weapon, Shortsword.

    • Steppe Bow
      • Fast Arrows perk is changed to Strong Arrows perk.

    • Nomad
      • Default Horse Maneuver value is increased from 60 to 64, Speed value is increased from 37 to 39 and HP value is increased from -30 to -20.
      • Tougher Horse perk Charge Damage value is reduced from 8 to 6. And the perks additional HP value is increased from 25 to 40.
      • Charger Horse perk additional HP value is decreased from 15 to 0.
      • Short Spear perk is changed to Spear perk.
      • Move Speed value is increased from 74 to 76.

    • Lancer
      • Price is changed to 200.
      • Default Horse additional HP value is decreased from 25 to 0.
      • Tougher Horse perk additional HP value is decreased from 38 to 45.
      • Swapped Glaive and Tougher Horse perks. Glaive Perk now replaces Lance.

    • Mounted Archer
      • Default Arrow count is increased from 25 to 32,
      • Extra Arrows perk increased from 40 to 50.
      • Default Horse Speed value is increased from 37 to 39, Maneuver is increased from 60 to 64 and additional HP value is increased from -30 to -20.
      • Faster Horse perk Speed value is increased from 40 to 41.
      • Tougher Horse perk Speed value is increased from 37 to 38, and additional HP value is increased from 0 to 5.

    • Berserker
      • Added Default Small Weak Shield (20 HP, Skirmish only).

    • Varyag
      • Price is changed to 160.
      • Lighter Shield perk is changed to Mace perk.
      • Spear perk is changed to Long Spear perk.
      • Javelins perk is changed to Stronger Shield perk.

    • Hunter
      • Armour value is increased from 6 to 10.

    • Raider
      • Move Speed value is increased from 73 to 76.

    • Druzhinnik
      • Price is changed to 200.
      • Default Horse Charge Damage value is reduced from 11 to 8.
      • Tougher Horse perk additional HP is increased from 43 to 50.

    • Peasant Levy
      • Move Speed value is increased from 79 to 81.
      • Price is reduced from 90 to 80.
      • Removed Bonus Damage to Shields from Sickle and Pickaxe.

    • Voulgier
      • Added Default Small Weak Shield (20 HP, Skirmish only).
      • Armour value is increased from 10 to 16.

    • Sergeant
      • Price is changed to 160.
      • Spear perk is changed to Long Spear perk.
      • Javelins perk is changed to Stronger Shield perk.

    • Sharpshooter
      • Price is increased from 140 to 160.

    • Vanguard
      • Agile Horse perk Maneuver value is increased from 68 to 70, Speed value increased from 45 to 47.
      • Move Speed value is increased from 73 to 77.

    • Knight
      • Price is changed to 200
      • Default Horse Speed value is increased from 40 to 41, additional HP value is reduced from 35 to 10.
      • Javelin perk is changed to Heavy Lance perk.

    Game Modes
    • Siege Mode Improvements:
      Alongside many stability improvements, we are also adding objective-based gold gaining to Siege game mode. In addition to defeating enemies to gain gold, players will be able to gain gold by helping their team complete objectives. Attackers will gain extra gold for pushing the siege engines, breaking down doors and siege engines and breaching walls. While defenders gain gold by destroying siege engines and weapons. Each player will be compensated for their total contribution when the objective is achieved.

    New Features
    • Clan System:
      Players now can create a clan with their party. Six player party is needed to create a clan. Players can create their clan from the Clan tab in the lobby with the “Create a Clan” button. This button then opens a popup. In this popup, the party leader can decide on the name, tag, faction and sigil of the clan. The name and the sigil can be decided only once and it has to be unique, but the faction and the sigil can be changed any time by the leader of that clan. Upon pressing the create button, every other member of the party gets notified asking them if they want to join the clan. If all of them agree, a new clan is created.

      A clan can have a description and many announcements. These can be found on the clan’s home page. The clan leader can set a description for the clan. This description can be used to tell what that clan is all about. The leader can also post announcements or news for the entire clan. When members of the clan visit the clan tab in the lobby, they can get informed about the latest news and announcements about the clan.

    • Clan Matches:
      A party of six players all belonging to the same clan can create a game by selecting game type, map and factions. Other parties that satisfy the same conditions can see a list consisting of these games and select one to join. If the creator party accepts this join request, a server is allocated for them and they duke it out. After the match, winner teams clan gets 1 win, loser teams clan gets 1 loss added to their clan stats.

    • Clan Roster:
      In this page, members of the clan can see all the players that are in the same clan as them. They can then invite their clanmates to their party, add other clan members as friends and if they are the leader of the clan, they can also kick members from the clan or make them the new leader.

    • Clan Leaderboard:
      A score is calculated for each clan using their win and loss numbers. Then they are sorted based on this score. Any player belonging to a clan can visit the Leaderboard page in the clan tab to see the rankings of all clans in the game. As we improve the Clan System, a Rating system will be added to more accurately reflect clan strength and other types of Leaderboards will be introduced for Clans and their members.

    • Spear Bracing:
      Only possible with lances and pikes. Pressing ‘X’ key once while stopped, activates the bracing. Attacking, defending, crouching, jumping and running actions cancels the bracing. Players can only walk slowly while bracing is active. Please note that the damage values are still yet to be balanced.

    • Added some explanatory hints in the MP lobby.
    • Fixed an error at the context menu in the Recent Games tab.
    • Non-leader members of parties can now suggest their friends to their party leaders to be invited.

    Announcement About Beta Servers
    • Beta servers do not share any data with Live servers. Which means no data will be transferred from Live to Beta or Beta to Live.
    • US, EU and EA will get all the usual servers and services.
    • There will be a single server on Oceania to allow players to test new combat changes.
    • Beta servers connect to a testing server and because of that Lobby servers will not use SSL connection.
    • Clans that are created WILL be carried over to main!


    • Various walking sound problems are fixed.

    • Added a confirmation popup for character creation reset and reset all buttons.
    • "ShowCursor" key for scoreboards is now bindable.

    • Fixed many of the runtime spikes and invisible mesh issues by preloading the shaders.
    • Significantly improved performance of flora rendering.

    • Beautified animations related to mounting/dismounting horses, and falling from horses by blending the animations between switches and considering the scale differences of the horses.
    • Adjusted parameters of rotating in place animations, and made them slightly better.
    • Better shield hit inverse kinematics solving.
    • Falling animation problem when kicked down from high ground fixed.

    • Horses will now panic and run away properly when they are hit in battles.
    • The best accuracy moment of ranged weapons was moved further back, making quick shots a bit more inaccurate.

    • Better shield hit Inverse Kinematics solving.
    • Falling animation problem when kicked down from high ground fixed.
    • Various walking sound problems were fixed.
    • Fixed some dark atmosphere issues with the dense snowy atmosphere set.
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 20. August 2020
    roflkong3, Tenko und Pain553 gefällt das.
  16. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    Kleiner Fehler von mir, das vorher war der 1.50 Beta Patch.

    Das Hauptspiel ist auf Version 1.4.3
    Previous Beta Hotfixes:

    • Fixed a crash that occurred when entering a settlement.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred while distributing loot after battle.
    • Fixed a game freezing issue related to sound stutters.
    • Fixed an issue with party troops changing to 0 after battles.
    • Reduced the rate of casualties when a party is starving.
    • Changes made to the campaign AI party logic to change target less during the preparation of sieges.

    • Fixed a crash that occurred when entering a settlement that you own.
    • Fixed an issue with the assault option not showing in some instances when joining an ongoing siege.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when entering a newly captured city with an army.
    • Parties led by companions are now able to join armies.
    • Fixed a crash when the AI army leader lifted a siege.
    • Fixed an error while loading modules on game startup that caused a crash.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred with newborn NPC having no civilian or battle equipment set.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when the player completed an arena practice fight after loading the game while the arena menu was active.
    • Fixed a crash where a minor faction and a bandit party attacked an enemy faction and the player decided to help it.

    • Fixed a crash that occurred when talking to a minor faction party during the main storyline.
    • Tier 4 troop wages are decreased by 1 gold and Tier 5 wages decreased by 3 gold.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when attempting to perform an action while at a settlement with an army.
    • Fixed a bug that tagged garrisons as mobile parties which caused prison escape chances to be calculated incorrectly.
    • Fixed a crash the occurred while creating settlement notifications for caravan transactions.

    • Fixed a bug that caused wounded animations to not play while talking to an imprisoned lord.
    • Fixed a bug where the player party was erroneously called to an AI army that caused it to automatically move towards the army's position.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented some nobles from spawning in new games.
    • Fixed an issue where nobles without party were not going another settlement to join tournaments. Fixed a bug where family members stop being eligible for leading parties.
    • Notables' power ratings were stabilising at 100 after some time, this is fixed and balanced.
    • Default trade penalty (buy-sell price difference from average) is reduced to 8% from 10%.

    • Imperial Sergeant Crossbowmen got their swords back.
    • Fixed an issue related with automatic block direction option in which ranged attacks forced the player to stop holding their shield up.
    • AI now needs to build more siege equipment before launching an assault. If attackers start a siege assault without any equipment or with only one ram/siege tower, the settlement will have a better advantage compared to previously.
    • Siege preparation is now 33% longer.
    • Item prices differentiate more among settlements so merchant players & caravans can make better profits.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred if the player left an army while at a settlement.
    • Fixed a bug that caused problems with health regeneration.
    • Adjusted some village productions. Visual adjustments will follow shortly.

    • Fixed a bug that caused garrison wages to be excessive for a short period of time upon taking control of a settlement.
    • Prevented a crash when upgrading troops in Manage Troops screen before attacking a hideout.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when recruiting surrendering bandits in a conversation.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when clicking on death notifications.
    • Fixed a crash in Skirmish.
    • Fixed a bug that allowed players to mount a horse that was despawning.
    • Localisation fixes.

    Initial Beta Changelog:

    • Fixed a crash that happened upon leaving villages.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when entering some of the hideouts.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash when the main hero's troops retreated while the main hero was wounded in Radagos' Hideout.
    • Fixed a crash that happened when the rogue hero is killed in Notable Wants Daughter Found Quest.
    • Fixed a crash that happened when the main hero was executed because of crime rating.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when a player successfully persuaded a hero to join his/her kingdom while sieging the related hero's settlement.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when asking tavern keepers for available issues.
    • Fixed a crash which happened on exiting the game.
    • Fixed a crash that happened when the game could not parse a bad translation text.
    • Fixed a problem that caused crashes while ticking on the campaign map.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred during marriage barter.
    • Fixed a crash that happened at the start of the conspiracy quest.

    • Reduced memory usage of large settlement scenes by optimizing the memory footprint of game entities.
    • General CPU memory usage improvements for missions/scenes. For one of our currently most demanding scenes (Balgrad), which is very crowded, this meant a reduction of 100-150mb.
    • UI memory usage was reduced on the campaign map. UI binding system performance improvements were made.
    • Optimized weapon mesh loading behaviour for campaign party icons in order to prevent FPS drop spikes.
    • Sword parts have been optimized for better performance during crafting.

    Save & Load
    • Fixed a bug that caused troop formations to reset after saving and loading the game.
    • Fixed a bug that caused settlement characters to not to spawn after Saving and loading while waiting in a settlement.
    • Fixed a bug that skips the first clan income after loading the game.

    • Chinese localisation improvements
    • Punctuation fixes, spelling corrections and other localisation updates

    • Navmesh edits for better ai movement in the bazaar area of aserait_town_c.
    • Navmesh edits for better ai movement on ladders for sturgia_castle_003.
    • Improvements on empire keep models and scenes.
    • Added new ultra-short afro hair
    • Fixed some visuals issues in weapon crafting pieces.
    • Sestadeim Castle now has a castle scene.
    • Added new Sturgian armour set; Northern Lamellar Vest / Northern Short Lamellar Vest
    • Fixed a physics issue with falling down and getting stuck near some of the walls
    • Visual quality and performance improvements on trees.
    • Added 3 new old looking Sturgian shields
    • Fixed Northern Sloven Leather armour's clipping problems

    Campaign Map
    • Pathfinding and navmesh fixes in the world map.
    • Army member icons now make a movement animation while relocating during events, instead of floating.
    • World Map icon textures/models/materials were improved.

    • Changes
      • New conversation screen on the campaign map
      • This will allow players to open conversations on the campaign map with other parties much faster and without a loading screen.
      • Implemented cheering
      • Players can now cheer with the key “O”. A click will play the first cheer animation whereas holding “O” will open a cheer wheel with 4 animations in place. This is a feature in progress and will be implemented for MP with more features in future patches.
      • Custom Battle Improvements
      • Now the "Select a Map" text disappears on editable area focus and all maps are visible on dropdown upon area selection
      • Now siege machines slots are selected by default so players can start siege maps right away with pre-selected siege engines
      • Wall state options are now "Solid", "Single Breached" and "Dual Breached" instead of the previous "100", "50" and "0"
      • Some minor text changes and bug fixes
      • Now equipment of units in the encyclopedia is inspectable by hovering over their respective icons in their encyclopedia page.
      • Added map event (Battle and Raid) sound events.
      • The legend of the SP Scoreboard is always visible now for easier reading. Legend header will still be visible after the legend header is scrolled out of frame.
      • Right side circle map notifications will open their respective screens with the featured item selected by default. e.g clicking on the newborn notification will open the clan screen with the newborn hero selected by default.
      • Added missing One-Handed, Polearm, Leadership perk icons
      • The culture of a settlement can now be viewed on the settlement's encyclopedia page.
      • Updated Thamaskene steel image in crafting

    • Fixes
      • Fixed the hyperlink in the name of the conversed character in the conversation screen.
      • Fixed a vertical placement error in the campaign options popup
      • Fixed a bug that caused babies and children to have visuals in Encyclopedia and Clan screen
      • Encyclopedia page for children no longer shows enemies/allies

    Battles and Sieges
    • Adjustments to the hideout encounter.
    • The player now has 2 options to enter a hideout. Either simply charging in, which will select his highest level troops for the mission, or to manage his roster from a party screen.
    • Bandit counts in the mission were balanced.
    • Bandits that do not fight in the duel can be taken as prisoners.
    • An auto-blocking option was added for single player.

    Character Development System
    • Added a new system for XP sharing, where after a battle a portion of upgrade XP earned by troops will be distributed to the rest of the party.
    • Character levels now depend on raw experience collected from skills rather than skill level increases. Overall this should make it easier to focus on a particular set of skills.
    • Some of the calculations of perks were wrong because primary and secondary increment types were not divided. This was fixed.
    • Skill effects were not applied to non-hero agents. This was fixed.
    • Added 10 new athletics perks for the campaign side and prepared the UI for the combat/mission perks.
    • Added 7 new riding perks for the campaign side and prepared the UI for the combat/mission perks.
    • Fixed bugs for the perks Confidence and Public Talker.
    • Fixed a bug with the wholesaler and appraiser perks. Profits should now be marked.

    Clan and Party
    • Adjust clan members to make sure each clan has a number of combatants appropriate to its tier (at least 1 combatant for tiers 1 and 2, 2 for 3 and 4, 3 for 5 and 6). Combatants are characters that are reasonably skilled for leading parties, etc.
    • Fixed an issue that prevented the player from naming one of their children if they had twins.
    • Parties that fled from players in the mission battle should now also try to escape from the main party on the campaign map.
    • Fixed an issue with marrying a hero with a party that caused the spouse to be stuck in a neutral party. The hero should now be added to the player clan while the other clan’s party will disband.
    • Fixed a bug that enabled players to create parties with heroes that are on the run from their captors.
    • Cultural home settlements are properly assigned at the beginning of the game. The general home settlement selection algorithm was improved. The (non-party) hero wandering algorithm was also improved.
    • Fixed a bug that caused home settlements to not update upon marriage
    • Fixed a bug that caused some home settlements to be set wrong if a family member was in a different clan
    • Skill and trait generation for children was improved. Problems with excessively low or high skilled offspring should be resolved.
    • Face and body properties selection for children was improved.
    • Fixed an issue that caused children to be born in the wrong settlement.

    • Fixed a bug that allowed mercenaries to create armies.

    Kingdoms and Diplomacy
    • Adjustments to the War and Peace evaluations.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the player party to be teleported after a successful siege barter.
    • It is now more difficult for lords to defect: Even when they have no settlements, lords will typically not defect if they have a good amount of money. This means that the money they have affects their desire for defection. The player now also gains relation after a lord joins his kingdom via the defection barter and the defecting lord loses relation with his old king as well.
    • Fixed and enabled the succession kingdom decision that triggers on royal death for the player and AI.
    • Fixed a bug that led context dependent barterables to have no effect.
    • Fixed a bug that caused a wrong dialogue variable to appear while trying to convince an enemy lord to join the player’s faction.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the voting system to ignore player participation in some decisions.
    • Sturgian default party template strength increased to better match with other factions.
    • Added a notification for resolved kingdom decisions that the player didn’t vote in.
    • Fixed a bug that caused diplomatic stances to be removed for a kingdom when one of its clans was removed.
    • Fixed a bug that caused heroes that are in related kingdoms settlements to not to be captured or released after peace or war declaration.
    • Reduced the duratıon of the no-attack/safe passage barter.
    • Fixed an issue with persuasion that caused failures to trigger instead of critical failures.
    • The king’s chances of being a candidate for and winning ownership of a newly captured settlement were reduced a bit.

    Economy and Trade
    • Fixed a bug that caused a mismatch between town project bonus descriptions and their actual effect on the town.

    Settlement Actions (Town, Village, Castle and Hideout)
    • Some raid logs were added twice. This was fixed and raid logs are more informative now.

    Quests & Issues
    • Added the new quest LandLord needs Manual Laborers
    • A new main storyline quest named "Rescue Your Family" was added to the game.
    • Extortion by Deserter Updates & Fixes
      • The chance for the deserter party to be spawned too far away from the player (because of path blockers like mountains, rivers etc.) was significantly reduced.
      • The prosperity reward for finishing the quest successfully will now be applied correctly to the village's town or castle.
      • The journal will now correctly show the number of troops sent for the companion solution assuming the player has chosen this option.
      • The player can no longer pick troops below Tier 2 when forming the party for the companion solution.
      • Fixed a bug which let the player take this quest when the player faction was at war with the quest giver's faction.
      • Encyclopedia page now correctly displays the quest giver's entry if the player right clicks on the quest giver's party icon.
      • Quest giver's defence party can no longer be controlled by the player. They will join the ambush battle to defeat deserters but they will be under the command of the quest giver.
      • Fixed a number of dialogue texts.

    • Gang Leader Needs Weapons Updates & Fixes
      • Players will no longer be able to get the quest if they are the owner of the quest settlement.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to try persuasion multiple times with Save & Load.

    • Training for Retainers Issue Quest Updates
      • Reward gold amount increased.
      • Required skill minimum amounts increased for the alternative solution.
      • Required troop count for alternative solution adjusted.
      • Return duration for alternative solution increased.
      • Issue/Quest time limit increased.
      • Issue's prosperity effect no longer exists.
      • 5 relation and 10 power added to the issue owner as a reward for the alternative solution.
      • Borrowed troop count in quest adjusted.
      • Once the player clan becomes enemies with the quest giver's kingdom, quest cancels.
      • Quest success does not affect the issue settlement's militia anymore.
      • Keeping all of the borrowed troops decreases the main hero's honour by 10.

    • Issue/Quest conditions adjusted
      • Required grain amount was increased for the Headman Needs Grain Seed quest.
      • Fixed a bug that caused a wrong dialogue option to appear while talking to the quest giver NPC in the Needs Help with Looters quest.
      • Players can no longer persuade child nobles in the Company of Trouble quest.
      • Fixed a bug that caused the Family Feud quest NPC to change clans.
      • Fixed a problem with Lord Needs Horses quest which caused the battle encounter menu to pop up once the player completed the quest through dialogue.
      • Minor Faction Heros will no longer give Lord Needs Horses quest.
      • Fixed a bug that causes target quest NPC to be duplicated in Lady/Lord Wants Rival Captured quest.
      • Destroying Looter parties will also be counted as quest progress in Needs Help With Brigands quest.
      • Fixed a bug that changed the location of Radagos' hideout to another hideout.

    Conversations & Encounters
    • Fixed a bug that caused the lord’s hall guards to act like hireable mercenaries.
    • Fixed a bug that caused ally party heroes to act like enemies when the player encounters an enemy and tries to talk to the allied army member.
    • Fixed a bug that allowed players to talk to notables via the "Request a meeting with someone" button.
    • Fixed a bug when calculating the difficulty of a persuasion option.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the wrong encyclopedia page to open upon clicking the name of the conversed character in conversation
    • Fixed a bug that caused dialogue problems when the player asked an NPC to find another NPC in tavern missions.
    • Fixed an issue that caused players to get stuck in conversations when they tried to talk to wanderers in settlements that were owned by the player’s map faction.

    Troop Updates & Fixes
    • Faction Troops now use a greater variety of weaponry.
    • Mercenary Cavalry Units now uses spears.
    • Mercenary units now possess proper skill points and are in correct unit groups
    • Mercenary Guard and Mercenary Cavalry have slightly better weaponry.
    • Sturgian Brigand, Hardened Brigand and Horse Raider units now also have spears.
    • Basic Level 6 Units of Factions units now have a chance to carry and use Tier 2 weapons.
    • Battanian Oathsworn now use javelins.
    • Battanian Scouts changed their horses to Battanian Ones.
    • Aserai Mameluke Regular and Aserai Youth now count as Cavalry units.
    • Mameluke Heavy Cavalry now uses a different bow.
    • Aserai Tribal Horsemen now have javelins.
    • Khuzait Torguuds now carry swords in addition to their original weaponry.
    • Khuzait Darkhan units carry better javelins.
    • Khan's Guards now also carry one-handed maces.
    • Khuzait Spear Infantry now uses Throwable Spears.
    • Levy Crossbowmen now counts as a ranged unit (as they should).
    • Fixed a bug that caused a notification that tells the player their relation with themselves decreased.
    • Fixed a bug that caused settlement healing effects to not work.
    • Fixed a bug that caused lords not to move when they were asked for a board game.
    • Fixed a bug that stopped lords from moving when they were asked for a board game.
    • Characters would not properly show their age / look younger in missions. This was fixed.
    • Fixed an issue that caused crashes in tournaments for mods that added new cultures to the game.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented child nobles from spawning in the lord’s hall.
    • Fixed a bug that caused child heroes to be added to tournaments as participants.
    • Hideouts will no longer give the settlement healing boost to parties.
    • Fixed a bug that caused wanderers to spawn in the same position in taverns.
    • Fixed a bug that causes some horses to have the same colours.
    • Editor UX cleanup for modding tools
    • Asset override systems for the modding tools
    • Modding support for sound system.
    • Internal Refactoring and code cleanup.

    • Added better barriers to some points that go outside of the map for mp_tdm_map_001.

    • Fixed a common issue of seeing lances in the couched state in clients although it is already pulled up.

    Design & Balance
    • Voulge chain attack speed reduced.
    • Vlandia Knight - Bastard Axe one-handed use fixed.
    • Crush throughs are more likely to happen with 2handed maces
    • Crush throughs with couched lances don't happen in multiplayer

    Game Modes
    • Siege servers now stop accepting players after a morale threshold. Also fixed changing stats of players when a game ends while they were loading. This happened rarely on Siege servers.

    Other - Miscellaneous
    • Matchmaker now balances teams after arranging a match.
    • Factions and maps are now distributed uniformly between game types instead of globally.
    • You can now leave MP games without punishment if you haven't spawned during the game.
    • Fixed an issue causing starting gold not to be 120 when joining the spectator team before a combatant team

    Server & Network
    • Fixed a bug that caused an infinite wait screen when trying to join an ending custom game.
    • Fixed a condition where a player can start a kick action without letting other clients be notified, thus making it invisible to other clients.
    • Fixed many cases of disconnects from Lobby. Failed actions will now be reverted and an information text regarding those will be shown on the chat screen.
    • Fixed an issue causing the visual count on quivers sometimes not updating on clients.
    • Fixed custom servers waiting abnormally long after ending normally.
    • Fixed a client crash at the Lobby
    • Fixed a crash in mp matches with the aserai faction active

    • Fixed a crash that occurs during mission loading.

    • Cloth simulation now uses fewer CPU resources.

    • Removed given velocities to riders falling backwards from mounts which causes an unnatural movement.
    • Fixed wrong movement animations on users while rotating a siege machine.
    • Shield hit inverse kinematics improvement.
    • Replaced placeholder animations with motion-capture animations for death by fire/explosion.
    • Replaced placeholder animations with motion-capture animations for death by arrow/back direction/shoulder & back.

    • Fixed a flaw in the weapon-wielding logic that allowed wielding weapons while mounted that are supposed to be disallowed.
    • Active combat actions of an agent no longer get locked while giving an order or using an object/machine.
    • Third-person camera height formula is adjusted so that the character covers less space on the screen when the camera is very close to it, allowing a better view while fighting.
    • Two-handed weapons can now crush through a block on overswing attacks.
    • Crush through was printing two different damages, it's fixed.

    • Implemented the first-person camera movement behaviour while mounted option, which actually did not change anything before.
    • Fixed a bug where some throwable weapons disappear after the attached agent dies.
    Tenko gefällt das.
  17. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    Weitere 1.5.0 Beta Hotfixes der letzten paar Tage (die kommen gerade wie am Fließband)
    • Leaving a faction while in an army is now fixed.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when joining a kingdom as a vassal while being employed as a mercenary for the same kingdom.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when Lord Wants Rival Captured quest was cancelled by a declaration of war.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the total issue count to be less and less over time.
    • Added meshes for the Highland Mail Shirt and Highland Mail Shoulders.
    • Clan game map selection list now consists of up-to-date maps.
    • Fixed an issue with white textures.
    • Fixed a Save & Load crash related to settlements that do not have an owner.
    • Fixed a bug that caused notables (mainly village notables) to disappear after some time.
    • Fixed a bug that caused a settlement ownership kingdom decision to trigger for enemy settlements if they were reclaimed before the vote took place.
    • Players can now only enter empty settlements if they are owned by their faction: the gate will now be down for enemy settlements, even if they don't have a garrison.
    • Fixed a bug with neutral heroes trying to create parties.
    • Fixed a bug in the loading order which led to instability after loading. This should resolve issues with "ghost" armies.
    • Clan names with white-spaces in them are now correctly validated.
    • Fixed a crash occurs when Chaikand is under siege.
    • Fixed a crash on load screen when there is a corrupt save.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred while fistfighting in TDM games.
    • Fixed the missing shader issues. This will fix the long loading screens and eventual freeze and/or crash after it.
    • Fixed a bug that caused a crash while preparing tooltips for villages in the town management popup.
    • Fixed the issue with the matchmaker that forced everyone to play on EU servers for a while. Sorry for the inconvenience!
    • Fixed a bug that caused expand tooltip [ALT] key to not work properly.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Left Mouse Click to be assigned whenever the player tried to rebind a key.
    • Fixed an issue with the unverified DLL caution popup.
    • The create a premade game button is now enabled correctly.
    • Various world map navigation mesh errors have been fixed.
    • Added the missing loading images of the two new skirmish maps.
    • Added a deleted Battanian armour and shoulder piece.
    • Fixed the issue with being able to equip the billhook as a one-handed weapon.
    • Whitespaces can now be used in clan names.
    • UI fixes for the clan tab on the multiplayer Lobby.
    • Fixes and improvements to formation AI behaviours.
    • Chinese localisation fixes.
    • Fixed the issue of randomly disconnecting from the lobby while playing multiplayer.
    • Leaving a faction while in an army is now fixed.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when joining a kingdom as a vassal while being employed as a mercenary for the same kingdom.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when Lord Wants Rival Captured quest was cancelled by a declaration of war.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the total issue count to be less and less over time.
    • Added meshes for the Highland Mail Shirt and Highland Mail Shoulders.
    • Clan game map selection list now consists of up-to-date maps.
    • Fixed an issue with white textures.
    • Fixed a Save & Load crash related to settlements that do not have an owner.
    • Fixed a bug that caused notables (mainly village notables) to disappear after some time.
    • Fixed a bug that caused a settlement ownership kingdom decision to trigger for enemy settlements if they were reclaimed before the vote took place.
    • Players can now only enter empty settlements if they are owned by their faction: the gate will now be down for enemy settlements, even if they don't have a garrison.
    • Fixed a bug with neutral heroes trying to create parties.
    • Fixed a bug in the loading order which led to instability after loading. This should resolve issues with "ghost" armies.
  18. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    Patch 1.5.0 und Beta Patch 1.5.1 sind draußen, darunter auch "Vorbereitungen für die Gamescom"
    Latest Changes:

    • Fixed a crash at the MP lobby login.
    • Reverted some save and load-related changes that were causing issues with non-Latin characters.
    • Gamescom related preparations.
    • Fixed a load-related issue with the movement tutorial.

    Previous Beta Hotfixes:

    • Leaving a faction while in an army is now fixed.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when joining a kingdom as a vassal while being employed as a mercenary for the same kingdom.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when Lord Wants Rival Captured quest was cancelled by a declaration of war.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the total issue count to be less and less over time.
    • Added meshes for the Highland Mail Shirt and Highland Mail Shoulders.
    • Clan game map selection list now consists of up-to-date maps.
    • Fixed an issue with white textures.
    • Fixed a Save & Load crash related to settlements that do not have an owner.
    • Fixed a bug that caused notables (mainly village notables) to disappear after some time.
    • Fixed a bug that caused a settlement ownership kingdom decision to trigger for enemy settlements if they were reclaimed before the vote took place.
    • Players can now only enter empty settlements if they are owned by their faction: the gate will now be down for enemy settlements, even if they don't have a garrison.
    • Fixed a bug with neutral heroes trying to create parties.
    • Fixed a bug in the loading order which led to instability after loading. This should resolve issues with "ghost" armies.

    • Fixed a crash that occurred while creating village issues.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the scene snow calculation to be misaligned with the campaign map.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when talking to a companion after clearing an alley.
    • Fixed the swing speed of the Battania Axe.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when an army sieges a settlement.
    • Fixed a crash that happened when the player tried to open the encyclopedia page for "Radagos' Raider.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred during tournament missions.
    • Clan tags are not added to player names that already have that tag.
    • Players can now see the clan leaderboard when they are creating clan games.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the player to be unable to end battles when enemies were fleeing.
    • Fixed Vlandia and Empire Heavy Infantry default shields.
    • Changed Voulgier two-handed Sword Perk to Sword and Shield Perk.
    • Slightly lowered Voulgier armour.

    • Clan names with white-spaces in them are now correctly validated.
    • Fixed a crash occurs when Chaikand is under siege.
    • Fixed a crash on load screen when there is a corrupt save.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred while fistfighting in TDM games.

    • Fixed the missing shader issues. This will fix the long loading screens and eventual freeze and/or crash after it.
    • Fixed a bug that caused a crash while preparing tooltips for villages in the town management popup.
    • Fixed the issue with the matchmaker that forced everyone to play on EU servers for a while. Sorry for the inconvenience!
    • Fixed a bug that caused expand tooltip [ALT] key to not work properly.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Left Mouse Click to be assigned whenever the player tried to rebind a key.
    • Fixed an issue with the unverified dll caution popup.
    • The create a premade game button is now enabled correctly.
    • Various world map navigation mesh errors have been fixed.
    • Added the missing loading images of the two new skirmish maps.
    • Added a deleted Battanian armour and shoulder piece.
    • Fixed the issue with being able to equip the billhook as a one-handed weapon.
    • Whitespaces can now be used in clan names.
    • UI fixes for the clan tab on the multiplayer Lobby.
    • Fixes and improvements to formation AI behaviours.
    • Chinese localisation fixes.
    • Fixed the issue of randomly disconnecting from the lobby while playing multiplayer.

    Initial Beta Changelog:


    • Fixed a crash that could occur at the end of battles due to a missing check in a 'formation AI' behaviour.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Manual Laborers quest to crash.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when annexation decisions were proposed by AI clans.

    • Improved performance of retreat and flee behaviour of battle formations.
    • Optimized AI ranged and melee target selection for performance and spike reduction.
    • GPU performance improvements for towns - Make shadow occlusion queries great again!

    Save & Load
    • Refactored the save/load file paths so they won't include the Native folder.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Siege Battle to continue in Lords Hall if players exited to the main menu while climbing a ladder during a siege mission.
    • Fixed an issue that caused wrong prisoner numbers to be displayed in the load screen.

    • Fixed navigation mesh issue in Mazhadan Castle.
    • Keep and arena menu images have been updated.
    • Fixed a few bugged siege ladders that prevented climbing.
    • Fixed castle gates physics issues.
    • Fixed clipping issues on some of the gloves.
    • Fixed visual glitches on some of the armours.
    • Added a new Sturgian light armour.
    • Improvements on Empire wall brick textures.
    • Improved Empire Dungeon and some garden meshes.
    • Fixed some parallax issues on Empire Buildings.
    • Fixed trader missing issues in Vlandia cities.
    • Fixed walkable area problem in some scenes.
    • Crafting Axe Pieces have been optimised for future updates.
    • Made some improvements (f.e. adding dynamic barriers and indestructible merlons) on the following scenes:
      • sturgia_castle_003, aserai_castle_002, khuzait_castle_002, vlandia_castle_005a

    • Added 3 new hair types.
    • Added new Battanian chain mail armour.
    • Fixed visual issues on the male version of Northern Visored Cap.
    • Fixed getting teleported into the void on Empire Tavern scenes issue.
    • Improvements on some Aserai Villages.
    • Helmets with wrong beard-covering tag fixed.
    • Lords and Ladies facekeys revised for Sturgia.

    • Fixed many of the agent movement errors near wall and stair intersections.

    Campaign Map
    • Fixed a bug which caused the raid particles to be invisible after a campaign save game was loaded.
    • Improved geometry in world map, improved texture detail, paths and roads are added, fixed various visual problems with settlements, improved pathfinding. Aserai lands are re-rendered. slight changes in settlements placements for balance reasons. Change in some village productions for balance and lore reasons.

    • Changes
      • New Campaign Map Mobile Party Trackers:
        • Now players can see and track(keep inside their screen) mobile parties of their clans and armies of their kingdom on the campaign map, while they're not in the spotting range.

      • Encyclopedia Favourites:
        • Now players can favourite encyclopedia items so these favourited items will be shown at the top of their respective lists.

      • New Hideout Troop Management Screen:
        • New popup for hideout troop management before hideout battles that will decrease deadtime waiting for the party screen to load.

      • Players can now input numbers directly in Custom Battle sliders (army size, troop type percentage).
      • Added a tooltip to the execution notification ("Execute Him/Her" button) to show the player, who they'll lose relation with.
      • Added new Game Menu images for each cultures' settlement keep and arena menus.

    • Fixes
      • Fixed an issue that caused the inventory screen to close when the item preview popup is open. Now ESC closes the preview first.
      • Fixed a bug that caused the governor selection panel to go out of bounds in some cases in town management popup.
      • Fixed a bug that caused prisoners in party screen to show up with the main party's banner.

    Battles and Sieges
    • Added automatic captain assignment to formations without a captain.
      • To use this feature, assign a formation to a companion from the party screen.
      • Once a battle starts the first companion/hero that is assigned to a formation is picked as the captain of the formation (this also works for AI parties).
      • Captains provide formation-wide perk bonuses to their troops.
      • If a captain dies or flees, the next living companion/hero (if there are any) within the same formation is picked as the new captain.

    • "Formation AI and Tactics overhaul"
      • Troops with throwing weapons now have their own skirmisher category, they are no longer used as archers by the AI (which caused various problems).
      • Horse archer formation behaviours improved to make them protect themselves and pull back better and not to get stuck between enemies.
      • Archer formations moved around too much making AI armies far less effective than they could be, a lot of logic added to make them more stable.
      • Army approaching enemy army to get in missile range logic overhauled to make it more effective and stable.
      • AI now stops and lets its formations form up before continuing moving when it changes their arrangement such as to and from shield wall.
      • AI Formations now recognise if most of their units have shields or not and accordingly chooses loose arrangement under missile fire instead of shield wall if they don't have shields.
      • Chokepoints in battlefields are now used facing either side if it is appropriate.
      • Various errors with the defensive ring tactic fixed, calculations improved, large circles are now being properly formed, square arrangement in the middle improved.
      • Enemy army composition having more cavalry now confers a tactical advantage to defensiveness as attacking cavalry armies is more difficult.
      • Single cavalry unit in a formation no longer messes up formation unit intervals and unit diameters which used to cause formations to stand with gaps regardless of arrangement.
      • When a mixed unit formation is given a shield wall arrangement order, units with shields will move to the front ranks, switching places with soldiers without shields.

    • Agents who stopped retreating because their side won the battle were causing glitchy continuous playing of running away shout sounds is fixed.
    • Fixed friendly fire notification on the combat log.

    Character Development System
    • Aserai "Joined the Skirmishers" character creation option now grants relatively cheaper javelins.
    • Some character creation choices were giving strong and expensive mid-tier armours. This is no longer the case.
    • Added 13 combat-related Athletics perks.
    • Added 10 campaign-related archery perks.
    • Added 8 campaign-related crossbow perks.
    • Characters' skills are generated from their traits when the character comes of age.

    Clan and Party
    • Some nobles were not spawning in a new game and nobles without a party were not going to another settlement to join tournaments. These issues are fixed now.
    • Fixed a bug where fugitive family members could not be selected as a party leader.
    • Fixed problems related to death.
    • Companions teleported to a settlement of their culture when disbanded. They will now be teleported to a closer neutral or ally settlement if there are any nearby.
    • AI Lords' traits determine the equipment template allocated to their offsprings during coming-of-age. Only a few templates are now assigned - there will be more variation in the future.

    Kingdoms and Diplomacy
    • Fixed the party size effect of Noble Retinues policy.
    • Passive influence gains are tweaked further for balance. Some policies have increased penalties to match their positive effects.
    • A miscalculation bug in Bailiff policy is fixed.
    • Fixed a bug that caused minor factions to join kingdoms as vassals instead of mercenaries.
    • Fixed a calculation error in kingdom tributes that lead to unintended tribute values.

    Settlement Actions (Town, Village, Castle and Hideout)
    • If a player is inside a fortification and if that fortification's map faction declares war on that player, a new menu will be shown to inform the player that they escaped from the fortification. If a player gains a crime rating in a mission and it leads to war, they will also see the menu after the mission ends, if they are not disguised.
    • When players entered settlements sometimes it was auto-recruiting from notables. This was fixed.

    Quests & Issues
    • New Issue Quest "Inn and Out" added.
    • Implemented the new Caravan Ambush quest.
    • Balanced deserter and defender party sizes for Extortion by deserters quest. Added extra quest requirements.
    • Fixed a bug that caused quest NPCs to not holster their weapons after the Family feud quest fight.
    • Village issues will now affect the bound settlement's properties (Loyalty, Security etc.).
    • Improvements were made to the issue and quest generation algorithm.
    • Some improvements about conspiracy progression.

    Conversations & Encounters
    • Fixed a bug that caused wounded animations to not play while talking to an imprisoned lord.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the third-person camera to get stuck when players talked to an NPC from the UI.
    • Fixed siege parley dialogues. The trigger did not recognise that a parley was in process.

    • Engraved Backsword can now be thrusted.
    • Stats of Expert Forester units have been fixed.
    • Seaxes can now be used with civilian equipment.
    • Battania Veteran Falxman unit has stats that benefit his weapon of choice now.
    • Aserai rural notables and peasant units no longer come with heavy armour.
    • Militia Equipment has been balanced and changed. Veteran militia units now use weaker armour and weaponry.
    • Fixed a bug that causes NPCs to remain hostile after player retreats from alley fight.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the wife/husband of the player to appear multiple times in missions.
    • Bandit parties' prisoners are recruitable now.
    • Minor refactor about recruitment and mercenaries
    • Fixed a tick problem which also causes skipping daily income in some cases.
    • Fixed an issue for the editor build deploy.
    • Editor problems about editing AI hint objects fixed.
    • Editor build deploy improvements.


    • Fixed a crash that happened when a player picked up an item from the ground while it was fading out.

    • Map Fixes:
      • Fixed walking through from window to the roof with camel issue in Nord Town TDM map.
      • Improved visibility in both interiors and ability to see outside from inside and vice versa in Trading Post Skirmish map.
      • Fixed various positions for Trading Post and Town Outskirts Skirmish maps that allowed players to reach out of bound areas.
      • Some physics improvements to Xauna Skirmish Map.

    • Two new skirmish maps:
      • Name: Echerion
        Theme: Main visual features: Imperial City, Canals, Sea Side. The map is set in a grand imperial city, with canals running through the two contrasting districts, which serve as starting points for both teams. Players will fight for the main square with its construction sites, the city's pottery workshop and the elevated grand plaza.
      • Name: Port at Omor
        Theme: Main theme is a fishing and trading village at the outskirts of an old and established city. While one team starts from the channel that divides the city from the village, the other team starts at the opposite end of the village. Players will battle amongst trade yards, shipyards, warehouses, taverns, and statues left behind by old inhabitants of the land.

    Combat Changes
    Melee Combat:

    • Defend speed has been increased drastically. (So blocking is a lot more responsive now.)
    • Ready speed has been increased. (So your weapon goes faster into the attack position.)
    • Release speed has been decreased. (So your weapon swing/thrusts is slower now.)
    • Quick attacks now skip more processes of the animation. (Removes some of the delay at the start of quick attacks.)
    • Adjusted the crush through formula:
      • It will be easier to crush through with high force weapons now.
      • Made it so that Two-Handed Mace crush through way more consistently than other types.
      • Couch lance attacks can now crush through blocks. (Singleplayer Only)

    • Made defender stuns longer when being struck/hit.
    • Made defender stuns less dependent on weapon weights.
    • Removed stance bonuses to stuns.
    • Made attacker stuns shorter after blocked attacks.
    • Made attacker stuns shorter on bounces/glances.
    • Made attacker stuns shorter for swings + thrusts.
    • Hitting with a weapon now slows it down more, especially for thrusts.
    • Made it slightly easier to chamber block. (More changes to come since its still quite hard.)
    • Decreased the damage thresholds for pierce, cut and blunt attacks:
      • Meaning attacks will not bounce/glance as easily.
      • Made them consistent between the damage types.

    • Modified the damage curve for swing attacks:
      • Swings will now deal damage more consistently.
      • Swings will now deal damage earlier into their collision period.
      • Note that the collision periods for all attacks have been updated (moved further back), check below.

    • Collision period adjustments (the time frame of attack animations that can collide / deal damage):
      • One-Handed Left Swings collision starts slightly later.
      • One-Handed Right Swings collision starts slightly later.
      • One-Handed Lance Thrusts collision starts later.
      • Two-Handed Left Swings collision starts slightly later.
      • Two-Handed Right Swings collision starts slightly later.
      • Polearm Right Swings collision starts earlier.
      • Polearm Left Swings collision starts earlier.
      • Polearms Thrusts damage starts later (collision stays the same).

    Ranged Combat:
    • When defending (blocking with a shield) with a weapon in throwing mode in hand, you now also get bumped when enemies come close to you. (This is to make it risky to play for kick throws (but keeps it possible). Earlier it only happened when readying your throwing weapons.
    • Decreased accuracy of throwing weapons when released instantly.
    • Decreased accuracy of throwing weapons when held for a long time. (Similar to bows.)
    • Slightly increased the release time of throwing weapons.
    • Made bows a bit less accurate when released instantly (This won't affect AI too much. Will make it harder (but not impossible) for players to hit feet or around shields.)
    • Multiplayer Only:
      • Made bows inaccurate earlier when drawn out for a time. (This will make it make the window of perfect accuracy smaller. Early Accuracy will be slightly better if the bow was readied before.)
      • Made bows more inaccurate when moving.

    Other Combat Changes
    • Made kick animation longer. (Gives the opponent more time to react. Also slightly reduced the stun.)
    • Increased collision resistance (makes it harder to push people):
      • Increased minimum collision resistance (when moving fast).
      • Increased maximum collision resistance (when moving slow).
      • The collision resistance when standing still stayed the same.
      • This will also make it harder to push through formations of AI.

    • Made Equip animations longer:
      • This will increase the equip times slightly when changing weapons.
      • Doesn't affect sheathing weapons.

    • Decreased movement speed during combat. (Will make it harder to move in and out of duels)
    • Increased maximum sprint speed.
    • Increased the time needed to reach 100% sprint speed.
    • Slightly increased when running backwards.
    • Slightly increased the time needed to accelerate out of combat speed.
    • Made it easier to turn with horses.

    Mounted Combat + Movement
    • Couch lance engage animation is slightly longer now.
    • Couch lance angle to right side has been decreased.
    • Lowered speed and angle requirement for mounts to trigger the “hit object” animation.
    • Horses now rear up when riding into objects to hard.
    • Increased speed requirement for horses to charge characters. (This will make it harder to bump run over characters. There will be more bumps than run overs now. This will require better infantry coordination to take advantage of cavalry charges.)
    • Decreased the damage threshold for being able to rear mounts.
    • Mounts can now be reared from a wider angle by spears.
    • Multiplayer Only:
      • Classes with lower riding skill will now perform worse on horseback (less manoeuvrability and less speed).

    • Increased Fall Damage.
    • Fixed an issue when a picked-up weapon is dropped for the second time gets spawned far away from its original position.

    • Changed Max Gold to 380.

    Weapon Changes
    • Adjusted all weapons in relation to new Combat Parameters. (Weapons will be fine-tuned if required as we monitor their performance.)
    • Slightly increased damage of Battania Axe.
    • Reduced damage of Vlandia Pickaxe.
    • Slightly reduced damage of Sturgia Axe.
    • Slightly increased damage of Pikes.
    • All Lance's damage increased to adjust for the new Couch Lance formula and price changes.
    • Sling:
      • Increased Stack size is changed to 20.
      • Increased Missile Speed from 40 to 45.

    • Javelin damage reduced.
    • Sturgia Harpoon damage reduced.
    • Billhook damage reduced.
    • Sturgia Throwing Axe stack count is reduced from 4 to 3.

    Troop Changes
    • All Skirmishers and Shock Troop are slightly faster.
    • All Heavy Infantry start with a lighter, weaker tall shield.
    • All Horses hit points increased by 20.
    • All Heavy Cavalry and Barding perks armour reduced by 5.
    • All Shock Troops start with a small, and very weak shield. (Only planned for Skirmish for now. We will make adjustments after certain AI issues are fixed.)

    • Skirmisher
      • Price is increased from 100 to 120.
      • Range Javelin perk is changed to Axe perk.
      • Lighter Shield Weight value is changed from 3 to 2.
      • Better Javelin perk stack count is reduced from 6 to 4.

    • Tribal Warrior
      • Price is reduced from 120 to 100.
      • Default armour value is reduced from 19 to 14.
      • Heavy Mace perk is changed to Mace perk.

    • Guard
      • Added Default Small Weak Shield (20 HP, Skirmish only).
      • Sword perk is changed to Heavy Mace perk.

    • Veteran
      • Price is increased from 150 to 160.

    • Beduin
      • Move Speed value is increased from 74 to 77.

    • Mamluke
      • Price is changed to 200.

    • Wildling
      • Extra Javelin perk stack count is reduced from 7 to 6.

    • Savage
      • Added Default Small Weak Shield (20 HP, Skirmish only).
      • Hit Points value is increased from 100 to 110.

    • Oathsworn
      • Price is changed to 160.
      • Lighter Shield perk is changed to Improved Armor perk.
      • Range Javelins perk is changed to Stronger Shield perk.
      • Strong Javelins perk is changed to Javelins perk.
      • Spear perk is changed to Long Spear perk.
      • Bastard Sword perk is changed to Heavy Mace perk.

    • Clan Warrior
      • Spear perk is changed to Pike perk.

    • Mounted Warrior
      • Move Speed value is increased from 75 to 78.

    • Menavlion Infantry
      • Added Default Small Weak Shield (20 HP, Skirmish only).
      • Hit Points value is increased from 100 to 110.
      • Pilum perk stack count is reduced from 2 to 1.

    • Legionary
      • Price is changed to 160.
      • Lighter Shield perk is changed to Stronger Shield perk.
      • Spear perk is changed to Long Spear perk.
      • Move Speed value is increased from 76 to 77.
      • Pilum perk stack count is reduced from 2 to 1.

    • Palatine Guard
      • Price is increased from 150 to 160.

    • Courser
      • Move Speed value is increased from 73 to 76.

    • Cataphract
      • Price is changed to 200.
      • Default Horse Maneuver value is reduced from 64 to 62.
      • Agile Horse perk Charge Damage value is reduced from 12 to 10. And the perks additional HP value is decreased from 40 to 25.

    • Spear Infantry
      • Price is changed to 130.
      • Short Spear perk is changed to Spear perk.
      • Move Speed value is increased from 76 to 77.
      • Throwing Spear perk stack count is reduced from 2 to 1.
      • Added default weapon, Shortsword.

    • Steppe Bow
      • Fast Arrows perk is changed to Strong Arrows perk.

    • Nomad
      • Default Horse Maneuver value is increased from 60 to 64, Speed value is increased from 37 to 39 and HP value is increased from -30 to -20.
      • Tougher Horse perk Charge Damage value is reduced from 8 to 6. And the perks additional HP value is increased from 25 to 40.
      • Charger Horse perk additional HP value is decreased from 15 to 0.
      • Short Spear perk is changed to Spear perk.
      • Move Speed value is increased from 74 to 76.

    • Lancer
      • Price is changed to 200.
      • Default Horse additional HP value is decreased from 25 to 0.
      • Tougher Horse perk additional HP value is decreased from 38 to 45.
      • Swapped Glaive and Tougher Horse perks. Glaive Perk now replaces Lance.

    • Mounted Archer
      • Default Arrow count is increased from 25 to 32,
      • Extra Arrows perk increased from 40 to 50.
      • Default Horse Speed value is increased from 37 to 39, Maneuver is increased from 60 to 64 and additional HP value is increased from -30 to -20.
      • Faster Horse perk Speed value is increased from 40 to 41.
      • Tougher Horse perk Speed value is increased from 37 to 38, and additional HP value is increased from 0 to 5.

    • Berserker
      • Added Default Small Weak Shield (20 HP, Skirmish only).

    • Varyag
      • Price is changed to 160.
      • Lighter Shield perk is changed to Mace perk.
      • Spear perk is changed to Long Spear perk.
      • Javelins perk is changed to Stronger Shield perk.

    • Hunter
      • Armour value is increased from 6 to 10.

    • Raider
      • Move Speed value is increased from 73 to 76.

    • Druzhinnik
      • Price is changed to 200.
      • Default Horse Charge Damage value is reduced from 11 to 8.
      • Tougher Horse perk additional HP is increased from 43 to 50.

    • Peasant Levy
      • Move Speed value is increased from 79 to 81.
      • Price is reduced from 90 to 80.
      • Removed Bonus Damage to Shields from Sickle and Pickaxe.

    • Voulgier
      • Added Default Small Weak Shield (20 HP, Skirmish only).
      • Armour value is increased from 10 to 16.

    • Sergeant
      • Price is changed to 160.
      • Spear perk is changed to Long Spear perk.
      • Javelins perk is changed to Stronger Shield perk.

    • Sharpshooter
      • Price is increased from 140 to 160.

    • Vanguard
      • Agile Horse perk Maneuver value is increased from 68 to 70, Speed value increased from 45 to 47.
      • Move Speed value is increased from 73 to 77.

    • Knight
      • Price is changed to 200
      • Default Horse Speed value is increased from 40 to 41, additional HP value is reduced from 35 to 10.
      • Javelin perk is changed to Heavy Lance perk.

    Game Modes
    • Added objective-based gold gaining to Siege game mode.

    New Features
    • Clan System
    • Clan Matches
    • Clan Roster
    • Clan Leaderboard
    • Spear Bracing

    • Added some explanatory hints in the MP lobby.
    • Fixed an error at the context menu in the Recent Games tab.
    • Non-leader members of parties can now suggest their friends to their party leaders to be invited.


    • Various walking sound problems are fixed.

    • Added a confirmation popup for character creation reset and reset all buttons.
    • "ShowCursor" key for scoreboards is now bindable.

    • Fixed many of the runtime spikes and invisible mesh issues by preloading the shaders.
    • Significantly improved performance of flora rendering.

    • Beautified animations related to mounting/dismounting horses, and falling from horses by blending the animations between switches and considering the scale differences of the horses.
    • Adjusted parameters of rotating in place animations, and made them slightly better.
    • Better shield hit inverse kinematics solving.
    • Falling animation problem when kicked down from high ground fixed.

    • Horses will now panic and run away properly when they are hit in battles.
    • The best accuracy moment of ranged weapons was moved further back, making quick shots a bit more inaccurate.

    • Better shield hit Inverse Kinematics solving.
    • Falling animation problem when kicked down from high ground fixed.
    • Various walking sound problems were fixed.
    • Fixed some dark atmosphere issues with the dense snowy atmosphere set.


    • Two end of battle crashes were fixed.
    • Fixed an issue with dead agents dropping equipment that was causing the game to crash.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred after arena practice fights.
    • Fixed a crash that was caused by garrisons without a bound settlement.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred due to a dialogue condition in the main storyline.
    • Fixed a crash that was related to corporal punishment.

    Save & Load
    • Added a notification that informs the player that the game was successfully quicksaved.

    • Updated Chinese translations.
    • Turkish translation updates.
    • Minor text and punctuation fixes.

    • Fixed a visual issue with an Aserai Helmet
    • horse_harness_a, horse_harness_roman_b and horse_harness_saxon have been remastered. Brought to your service under the names Saddle of Aeneas, Fortuna's Choice and Celtic Frost.
    • Added new Battanian chainmail armour.
    • Fixed some clipping issues on civilian clothes.
    • Updated some spear fur guard meshes for better aesthetics and optimized crafting spear pieces for future updates.
    • Fixed a bug where arrows went through some solid pots instead of getting stuck.
    • improved on some of the Aserai and Vlandia village scenes.

    • Added new death animations for camel riders.

    • Added missing troop tier and type icons to the new hideout troop selection popup
    • The selected skill now stays the same when the current character is changed in character developer screen for easier comparison

    • Fixed a bug that caused a crash while preparing tooltip for villages in the town management popup.
    • Fixed some localization bugs in the encyclopedia.
    • Fixed a bug that caused development stats for items to be visible in item tooltip (Culture, StringId).
    • Fixed a bug that caused selected clan to change in Kingdom clan tab after supporting a clan.
    • Fixed an issue in character naming that didn't allow for 1 character names in Asian languages.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the raid icon to become visible in village nameplates when there is a battle happening nearby.

    Battles and Sieges
    • Not being able to defend against ranged attacks when the Auto option was selected for blocking direction has been fixed.
    • AI will be less cautious while they are besieging settlements so the player has a greater chance to experience defensive sieges by breaking into a castle or town. In previous versions, the AI was giving up the siege in most scenarios when the player joined the defenders because of changed power ratios. Because of this sieges will also be won more frequently by defenders compared to past versions.

    Character Development System
    • We have removed some of the starting equipment that was too strong or too expensive. This will create a more even starting point for each selection.
    • Added 24 for combat-related perks for Riding. This completes the perks for this skill.
    • Added 6 new campaign-related throwing perk.

    Clan and Party
    • Starving parties healthy troops will be wounded 50% slower

    • AI changes its siege targets less frequently now so they lose less time while travelling from one target to another
    • Because of some bugs, weak factions were having problems in forming armies. Now they will form armies even if they are weak and they will not simply give up. In rare cases, some factions which have no settlements left will make comebacks by conquering a new settlement.

    Kingdoms and Diplomacy
    • AI clans make their war/peace decisions more cleverly and take into account a broader range of situations. They generally do not want to face more than 1-2 enemies at the same time. So if they have lots of enemies they will try to make peace with some of them. This will reduce wiped out factions because in previous versions some factions were not giving logical decisions at diplomatic votings. Clans which have settlements that border the enemy will want peace more frequently. Similarly, they will not want wars in peace times. Rich kingdoms will not care about paying tribute as much as poor ones. If a faction has fewer men in garrisons or lord parties or if lots of settlements have food problems they will try to end the war with their recent enemies. There will be less snowballing due to all these changes because clans will try to act in the interest of their kingdom.

    Settlement Actions (Town, Village, Castle and Hideout)
    • New "Barber" NPC added to the town centre of every town. For 100 denars, this NPC lets you decide on a new haircut. Depending on the culture of the town, these haircuts and beards can change.

    Quests & Issues
    • Lord Needs Horses
      • Companions assigned for the alternative solution were not getting quest experience. This is fixed.
      • Added more detailed quest log entries for Lord Needs Horses quest.
      • Fixed an issue that caused the party encounter menu to pop up once the player finishes a conversation with the quest giver.
      • Minor faction leaders can no longer give Lord Needs Horses quest.

    • Landlord needs Manual Labor
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to get infinite relation with the quest giver.
      • Fixed a bug that caused the counter offer NPC's dialogue to be wrong.

    • Defender and deserter parties spawned during Extortion by Deserters quest have their cultures set to the quest village's original culture.
    • Wrong usages of the gold transaction action were fixed in multiple parts of the code. This should fix wrong or missing logs.
    • Fixed a bug that causes dialogue counts to be wrong in Artisan Can't Sell Products quest.
    • Fixed a bug that prevents quest NPC's from sheathing their weapons after Family Feud quest fight.
    • Fixed duplicated persuasion dialogue text in Army of Poacher quest persuasion.
    • Fixed a bug that blocked quests from being completed with alternative (companion) solutions and made alternative solution companions disappear in some cases.
    • Fixed a bug that caused a Nearby Bandit Base quest to get stuck when players also had an active Needs Help With Bandits quest.

    Conversations & Encounters
    • An issue with encounter side based logic was fixed. This caused the spawn points of heroes in hostile town and castle conversation missions to be reversed.
    • Fixed a bug that caused conversation buttons to become unresponsive after a bandit/looter party encounter.

    • Tournaments will now use blunt weapons. Blunt weapons will make sure these events occur in a more friendly manner.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented removing corpses while ending a tournament round.
    • A new menu that notifies players about their situation has been added for cases where the village that they are staying in gets raided by someone else
    • Improvements for the automatic navmesh creation system were made
    • Fixed multiple encyclopedia log entries for 2 heroes meeting for the first time
    • Added a console command to disable day/night cycle.
    • Fixed a bug related to the atmosphere selection algorithm based on the location of the main map.


    Other - Miscellaneous
    • A player can from now on report the same player only 3 times per session.

    • Added missing spear brace icons.


    • Couched lance and braced spear damages are reduced to a point where they are mainly effective with a high relative speed only.
    • First-person camera positioning is changed so that the clipping and being able to see the neck part of the body is significantly reduced.
    acer palmatum gefällt das.
  19. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    1.5.0 Hotfix
    • Fixed a crash related to object trackers.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred after Rival Gang quest battle mission.
    • Players can no longer activate quests if the same type of quest is already being solved by the companion (alternative) solution.
    • Fixed an issue with cheats using key combinations.
    • Fixed a bug that decreased campaign issues over time.
    • Fixed a crash with the Inn and Out quest if the player had already won a board game in the target settlement.
    • Fixed a crash when players closed the game with ALT F4 while the game was loading.
    • Fixed several cases of disconnect to login screen in multiplayer. If you are still having issues please report them.
    • Fixed a crash that sometimes happened at the end of a battle.
    • Fixed not being able to remove a pending friend request.
    • Fixed a crash that happened when a change occurred in the player's clan when that player was in-game.
    acer palmatum und Pain553 gefällt das.
  20. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    1.5.0 Hotfix
    • Chinese localisation fixes.
    • Adjusted swing speeds of all two-handed weapons and maces.
    • Voulgier - Swapped Military Bill Perk with Two-Handed Sword Perk
    • The crash that happened after changing the config is fixed.
    • Fixed an issue with lootable objects disappearing from corpses too quickly.
    • Disabled story quest characters being able to die while the story quests are active.
    • Fixed an issue with the Banner Investigation quest resulting in failure if the Brother character gets killed in a battle.

    1.5.1 Beta Hotfix
    • Fixed a crash that happens after clearing Radagos' hideout.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when leaving kingdom using Kingdom tab during a siege.
    • Fixed a rare crash that occurred when introducing self to a lord/notable.
    • Fixed an issue with companions or the spouse teleporting to other cities.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred on the clan screen.
    • Added all 1.5.0 fixes.
    roflkong3, acer palmatum und Pain553 gefällt das.
  21. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    Ein Video zu den Verbesserungen in 1.5 (jetziger Stand) und 1.5.1 (Beta)

    Werden im Forum genauer erklärt

    Im Endeffekt sind die Königreiche jetzt gewillter Frieden zu schließen und auch werden jetzt Faktoren wie z.B. wie viel Nahrung man hat oder ob die einzelnen Gruppen volle Stärke oder nicht haben in die Berechnung miteingezogen.
    Dadurch soll es weniger Schneeball geben das eine Fraktion alle anderen überrennt. Jetzt hat man aber das Problem das es hin und wieder zu Kriegen kommt die nur ein paar Tage dauert da der Krieg gerade so erklärt wurde, der Gegner Tribut anbietet und das angenommen wird.

    Spieler und Begleiter können sterben, sowohl durch Alter als auch auf dem Schlachtfeld und man spielt dann mit einem Erben weiter.

    Man kann einzelnen Gruppen im Kampf einen Begleiter als Anführer zuweisen welcher dieser Gruppe einen Bonus gibt. Fällt dieser übernimmt der nächste Begleiter in dieser Gruppe

    Sichtbarkeit von Clanmitgliedern
    Man sieht jetzt zu jeder Zeit wo sich die Gruppen deines Clans auf der Karte befinden

    1st Person Kameraverbesserungen

    Viele Clippingprobleme wurden beseitigt

    Favoriten in der Enzyklopädie
    Man kann jetzt bestimmte Artikel in der Enzyklopädie als Favorit markieren wodurch diese immer ganz ober erscheinen

    Man kann seine Frisur gegen Geld ändern

    Grafik wurde verbessert, es wurden Verzierungen hinzugefügt damit die Welt lebendiger erscheint, einige Siedlungen verschoben und Handelsgüter geändert

    Aufnahme von MP Spielen

    Man kann MP Spiele jetzt aufnehmen und abspielen.

    Neue Sturgia Kleidung
    Avior und Pain553 gefällt das.
  22. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    Update auf 1.5.1
    Previous Beta Hotfixes:

    • Fixed a crash that happens after clearing Radagos' hideout.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when leaving a kingdom using the Kingdom tab during a siege.
    • Fixed a rare crash that occurred when introducing self to a lord/notable.
    • Fixed an issue with companions or the spouse teleporting to other cities.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred on the clan screen.

    • Adjusted healing for heroes:
      • Base healing rate was increased from 5 to 8
      • Settlement healing bonus was decreased from 10 to 8
      • Bonus from medicine skill for heroes was increased from 0.1% to 0.5% of base healing per skill level.

    • Fixed a crash that happened when the meet with Arzagos/Istiana quest timed out.
    • Fixed a crash that could occur during battles.
    • Chinese localisation fixes.
    • War & Peace declarations were adjusted so that there are fewer short wars.
    • Tribute amounts were reduced by 33%.
    • Fixed an issue that caused dead clan members to be considered for marriage.

    Initial Beta Changelog:

    • Two end of battle crashes were fixed.
    • Fixed an issue with dead agents dropping equipment that was causing the game to crash.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred after arena practice fights.
    • Fixed a crash that was caused by garrisons without a bound settlement.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred due to a dialogue condition in the main storyline.
    • Fixed a crash that was related to corporal punishment.

    Save & Load
    • Added a notification that informs the player that the game was successfully quicksaved.

    • Updated Chinese translations.
    • Turkish translation updates.
    • Minor text and punctuation fixes.

    • Fixed a visual issue with an Aserai helmet
    • horse_harness_a, horse_harness_roman_b and horse_harness_saxon have been remastered. Brought to your service under the names Saddle of Aeneas, Fortuna's Choice and Celtic Frost.
    • Added new Battanian chainmail armour.
    • Fixed some clipping issues on civilian clothes.
    • Updated some spear fur guard meshes for better aesthetics and optimized crafting spear pieces for future updates.
    • Fixed a bug where arrows went through some solid pots instead of getting stuck.
    • improved on some of the Aserai and Vlandia village scenes.

    • Added new death animations for camel riders.

    • Added missing troop tier and type icons to the new hideout troop selection popup.
    • The selected skill now stays the same when the current character is changed in character developer screen for easier comparison.

    • Fixed a bug that caused a crash while preparing tooltips for villages in the town management popup.
    • Fixed some localisation bugs in the encyclopedia.
    • Fixed a bug that caused development stats for items to be visible in item tooltip (Culture, StringId).
    • Fixed a bug that caused the selected clan to change in the Kingdom clan tab after supporting a clan.
    • Fixed an issue in character naming that didn't allow for 1 character names in Asian languages.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the raid icon to become visible in village nameplates when there is a battle happening nearby.

    Battles and Sieges
    • Not being able to defend against ranged attacks when the Auto option was selected for blocking direction has been fixed.
    • AI will be less cautious while they are besieging settlements so the player has a greater chance to experience defensive sieges by breaking into a castle or town. In previous versions, the AI was giving up the siege in most scenarios when the player joined the defenders because of changed power ratios. Because of this sieges will also be won more frequently by defenders compared to past versions.

    Character Development System
    • We have removed some of the starting equipment that was too strong or too expensive. This will create a more even starting point for each selection.
    • Added 24 for combat-related perks for Riding. This completes the perks for this skill.
    • Added 6 new campaign-related throwing perk.

    Clan and Party
    • Starving parties healthy troops will be wounded 50% slower.

    • AI changes its siege targets less frequently now so they lose less time while travelling from one target to another
    • Because of some bugs, weak factions were having problems in forming armies. Now they will form armies even if they are weak and they will not simply give up. In rare cases, some factions which have no settlements left will make comebacks by conquering a new settlement.

    Kingdoms and Diplomacy
    • AI clans make their war/peace decisions more cleverly and take into account a broader range of situations. They generally do not want to face more than 1-2 enemies at the same time. So if they have lots of enemies they will try to make peace with some of them. This will reduce wiped out factions because in previous versions some factions were not giving logical decisions at diplomatic votings. Clans which have settlements that border the enemy will want peace more frequently. Similarly, they will not want wars in peace times. Rich kingdoms will not care about paying tribute as much as poor ones. If a faction has fewer men in garrisons or lord parties or if lots of settlements have food problems they will try to end the war with their recent enemies. There will be less snowballing due to all these changes because clans will try to act in the interest of their kingdom.

    Settlement Actions (Town, Village, Castle and Hideout)
    • New "Barber" NPC added to the town centre of every town. For 100 denars, this NPC lets you decide on a new haircut. Depending on the culture of the town, these haircuts and beards can change.

    Quests & Issues
    • Lord Needs Horses
      • Companions assigned for the alternative solution were not getting quest experience. This is fixed.
      • Added more detailed quest log entries for Lord Needs Horses quest.
      • Fixed an issue that caused the party encounter menu to pop up once the player finishes a conversation with the quest giver.
      • Minor faction leaders can no longer give Lord Needs Horses quest.

    • Landlord needs Manual Labor
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to get infinite relation with the quest giver.
      • Fixed a bug that caused the counter offer NPC's dialogue to be wrong.

    • Defender and deserter parties spawned during Extortion by Deserters quest have their cultures set to the quest village's original culture.
    • Wrong usages of the gold transaction action were fixed in multiple parts of the code. This should fix wrong or missing logs.
    • Fixed a bug that causes dialogue counts to be wrong in Artisan Can't Sell Products quest.
    • Fixed a bug that prevents quest NPC's from sheathing their weapons after Family Feud quest fight.
    • Fixed duplicated persuasion dialogue text in Army of Poacher quest persuasion.
    • Fixed a bug that blocked quests from being completed with alternative (companion) solutions and made alternative solution companions disappear in some cases.
    • Fixed a bug that caused a Nearby Bandit Base quest to get stuck when players also had an active Needs Help With Bandits quest.

    Conversations & Encounters
    • An issue with encounter side based logic was fixed. This caused the spawn points of heroes in hostile town and castle conversation missions to be reversed.
    • Fixed a bug that caused conversation buttons to become unresponsive after a bandit/looter party encounter.

    • Tournaments will now use blunt weapons. Blunt weapons will make sure these events occur in a more friendly manner.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented removing corpses while ending a tournament round.
    • A new menu that notifies players about their situation has been added for cases where the village that they are staying in gets raided by someone else
    • Improvements for the automatic navmesh creation system were made
    • Fixed multiple encyclopedia log entries for 2 heroes meeting for the first time
    • Added a console command to disable day/night cycle.
    • Fixed a bug related to the atmosphere selection algorithm based on the location of the main map.

    Other - Miscellaneous
    • A player can from now on report the same player only 3 times per session.

    • Added missing spear brace icons.

    • Couched lance and braced spear damages are reduced to a point where they are mainly effective with a high relative speed only.
    • First-person camera positioning is changed so that the clipping and being able to see the neck part of the body is significantly reduced.

    1.5.2 Beta
    • Fixed a Save & Load crash that occurred because of armies that were on an invalid navigation mesh after map changes and had the wrong parties attached to them.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred after a rival gang quest battle mission.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when creating a kingdom during a siege.
    • Fixed a crash that happened when the Company of Trouble issue quest completed.
    • Fixed a crash that happened when a party tried to disband and merge to a neutral city with prisoners that are in a war with the disbanding party's faction, but not in war with the merge city's faction.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred after character creation.

    Save & Load
    • Fixed a crash that happened during saving.

    • Chinese localisation updates.
    • Turkish translation updates.
    • Minor text and punctuation fixes.

    • Removed old sheep model. Added new sheep model and animations.
    • Fixed lighting issues on one of the Empire Towns (empire_town_h).
    • Fixed gate problem on one of the Aserai Castles (aserai_town_b).
    • Tree size corrections were made (flora_tree_high_004).
    • Minor texture improvement on harness Saddle of Aeneas.
    • Added new Battanian chainmail armour (battanian_chainmail_armor_03).

    • Improved Select Ruler, Policy, Make Peace, Declare War and Expel Clan decision panels in kingdom decision popup.
    • Fixed some localisation issues.
    • Added new crafting material icons to inventory.

    Battles and Sieges
    • Fixed an issue on siege tower connection to Khuzait castle walls.
    • Improvement on some of the Battania villages.
    • Fixed a bug that caused sieges to continue in the background if a player became a prisoner during the siege.

    Character Development System
    • Entering the character creator window with V key is enabled again but hair and beard options are kept limited to few basic ones. Hairs and beards can be changed using the barber NPC.
    • Fixed missing perk description parts in Non-English languages.

    Clan and Party
    • Disabled infertility chance and instead introduced a reduced pregnancy probability with every additional child.
    • Fixed a bug that caused a governor companion to disappear from the governed city.

    • Fixed a bug that allowed players to pay 0 influence while asking lords to join their army through the dialogue option.

    Kingdoms and Diplomacy
    • Fixed a bug that caused a settlement claimant decision to be proposed for enemy kingdoms.
    • Fixed a bug with clearing old diplomatic states when joining a kingdom.

    Settlement Actions (Town, Village, Castle and Hideout)
    • Fixed a bug that caused alley gang leaders to start the conversation with the wrong dialogue after the second phase of the fight.

    Quests & Issues
    • Notable Wants Daughter Found quest:
      • Companions will get more scouting experience when completing this quest.
      • Quest rewards (relation changes, Renown changes) won't scale with issue difficulty.
      • Quest effects (quest giver power, town security) won't scale with issue difficulty.
      • While searching for the daughter, the player's scouting skill amount will affect the quest.

    • If players activate Rival Gang Leader quest and wait for the quest battle in the quest settlement, they will be directed to a new menu when the battle is ready.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the Lord Needs Horses quest to end immediately after starting it.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the Family Feud quest to fail after a successful persuasion.

    Conversations & Encounters
    • Fixed a bug that allowed players to move and control the camera freely in a multi-agent conversation.

    • Training field ranged agents were not shooting to entity targets. This was fixed.
    • A mounted trainee was added to the training field.
    • An option to disable map notifications was added
    • Party speed now updates as soon as the day ends. This should resolve issues with the night’s movement penalty not being applied properly.
    • Not being able to talk to prisoners between cell bars is fixed.
    • Modding tool fixes in preparation of the eventual release.
    • Automatic nav mesh generation improvements for the modding tools.

    Map Related
    • Mp_siege_map_007_battania
      • Added a new asset to breach the wall. Small bug fixes.

    Other - Miscellaneous
    • One-handed throwing axes can now be used as melee weapons. (Default button: "X")
    • Fixed a physics bug that occurred while riding a horse over a ladder that is on the ground.

    • Ranged weapon calculation could cause an application crash. This was fixed.
    • Dropped equipment from dead agents could cause a crash related to weapon calculation specifics. This was fixed.

    • The format of streaming textures was changed. This improves texture streaming speed and reduces hard disk size of the game by 10GB.

    • Mount and dismount animations and timings updated.

    • Pushed mounts used to push back against agents to restore their original position. They now no longer do this and remain at their new positions.
    Pain553 und roflkong3 gefällt das.
  23. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    • Fixed a trade screen related crash.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when entering the smithy in any town.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred if the player kingdom made peace during a battle simulation.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when a rider dismounted from their mount outside the map borders and their mount was damaged within a small time window.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when changing the owner of an issue when the issue owner died.
    • Fixed a server-side crash that happened while cleaning up dynamic scene objects, such as dropped weapons.
    • Fixed a crash that happened when the player opened the journal screen with a tier 4 clan and with Neretze's Folly quest active.
    • Fixed a bug that made Radagos disappear from the tutorial.
    • Creating caravan for Lord Needs Tutor quest NPC is disabled.
    Pain553 und roflkong3 gefällt das.
  24. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    1.5.1 Hotfix
    • Prevented storyline related heroes from being able to be killed in battles during storyline quests.
    • Fixed an issue that prevented locations of characters being updated in a settlement that the player was in after a declaration of war or peace.
    • Fixed an issue that made players able to open conversations with prisoners without entering the castle.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the player and conversation partner to spawn in the enemy lords hall during a siege.
    • Fixed a crash that happened when entering a hideout.
    • Fixed a rare issue that caused villages to start raiding themselves without an enemy encounter.

    1.5.2 Beta Update
    • All 1.5.1 fixes above.
    • Fixed an issue that prevented player-led army parties from recruiting troops.
    • Fixed an issue that caused party icons to disappear after exiting a settlement.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when entering the smithy in any town.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when the Trade screen opened.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred if the player kingdom makes peace during a battle simulation.
    • Players will no longer create caravans for the Lord Needs a Tutor quest NPC.
    • Fixed the issue of multiplayer player avatars looking older than their own setting.
    • Fixed a bug that threw the player out if the player was disguised in an enemy town and the player's clan declared war/peace with another faction.
  25. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    Noch ein 1.5.1 Hotfix
    • Fixed a crash that happened when the main hero tried to marry someone that was in the same AI-led army.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when giving an order to a formation that was created with the F7 Transfer feature.
    • Fixed an issue related to the entry request when the player waited for some time in a castle settlement.
    • Fixed the issue for save games that have dead quest givers.

    Und 1.5.2 Beta Update
    • All 1.5.1 fixes above.
    • Fixed a bug that caused new notables to not spawn in some situations.
    • Fixed a bug that made the wrong menu appear if the player selected an aggressive action in a conversation with an army member.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the nameplate of the main party to not appear when starting a new campaign.
    acer palmatum, roflkong3 und Pain553 gefällt das.
  26. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    1.5.2 Beta Hotfix
    • Fixed a problem with animation sampling.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the player to get captured, lose all troops and companions despite a successful battle.
    • Both player and the bandit camp boss were forced to start the duel or battle without a wielded weapon. Now the boss wields the weapon when the dialogue is over and the player holds his weapon in his hands if he had already had one.
    • Removed the dismounting feature from spear blade parts. Dismounting can now only be applied with spear guard pieces.
    • Various problems with companion and lord deaths were resolved. (Parties that lost their party leader in special circumstances should not become stuck. Clan party creation & clan role assignment should not be locked if a companion party leader dies. A number of crashes were handled.) This fix does not resolve the issue in already broken save games.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred if the player failed at romance bartering.
    • Minor improvement in autosave timings.
    roflkong3, acer palmatum und Pain553 gefällt das.
  27. acer palmatum

    acer palmatum
    Registriert seit:
    15. November 2006
    Meddlfranken (tatsächlich)
    Aus irgendeinem Grund lädt das Spiel nicht mehr bei mir. :ugly:
  28. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    Dateien verifiziert?
  29. acer palmatum

    acer palmatum
    Registriert seit:
    15. November 2006
    Meddlfranken (tatsächlich)
    Wenn Du das "Dateien auf Fehler überprüfen" meinst - jo. Mehrere Neuinstallationen, verschiedene Speicherorte - nix hilft. Es startet, und bevor der Launcher kommt hört es einfach auf zu laufen ohne Fehlermeldung oder irgendwas.
  30. Muffin-Man Lord Of Skill

    Registriert seit:
    16. Februar 2006
    LuKü auf WaKü gewechselt
    wann wurde das leveln den schwieriger gemacht? 1000 punkte für das erste level up?
  31. CarnageDark

    Registriert seit:
    25. März 2007
    Wie ist denn euer Gesamteindruck bisher? Lässt es sich ntrotz EA schon ordentlich spielen? Ist es schon auf einen vergleichbaren Stand wie Warband, so dass es sich mehr lohnt, den neuen, als den alten Teil mit Mods zu spielen?
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 27. September 2020
  32. Pain553

    Registriert seit:
    29. Mai 2002
    ung fehlgeschlagen
    Mein RIG:
    Hier könnte Ihre Werbung stehen!
    Also man kann es spielen und ich habe damit auch schon viel Spaß, aber es ist definitiv noch im EA. Manche Skills funktionieren noch nicht richtig, komische Bugs etc...
    Mit Mods kann man zwar schon viel ausbügeln, aber im Moment ist Warband mit Mods klar die saubere und vollständigere Erfahrung. Vorallem da im Moment durch Updates gern mal Mods und Speicherstände unbrauchbar werden, außer man zockt mit der auf Stand der alten Version weiter.
  33. CarnageDark

    Registriert seit:
    25. März 2007
    Danke für die Rückmeldung, dann warte ich noch ab und lasse es noch ein wenig weiter reifen. Hier im Thread kann man ja gut mnitverfolgen, wie es gepatched wird. :-)
  34. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    1.5.2 Release
    Main e1.5.2
    Latest Changes:
    • Fixed an issue with death cam in battles.

    Previous Beta Hotfixes:
    • Fixed a problem with animation sampling.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the player to get captured, lose all troops and companions despite a successful battle.
    • Both player and the bandit camp boss were forced to start the duel or battle without a wielded weapon. Now the boss wields the weapon when the dialogue is over and the player holds his weapon in his hands if he had already had one.
    • Removed the dismounting feature from spear blade parts. Dismounting can now only be applied with spear guard pieces.
    • Various problems with companion and lord deaths were resolved. (Parties that lost their party leader in special circumstances should not become stuck. Clan party creation & clan role assignment should not be locked if a companion party leader dies. A number of crashes were handled.) This fix does not resolve the issue in already broken save games.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred if the player failed at romance bartering.
    • Minor improvement in autosave timings.

    • Fixed a bug that caused new notables to not spawn in some situations.
    • Fixed a bug that made the wrong menu appear if the player selected an aggressive action in a conversation with an army member.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the nameplate of the main party to not appear when starting a new campaign.

    • Fixed an issue that prevented player-led army parties from recruiting troops.
    • Fixed an issue that caused party icons to disappear after exiting a settlement.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when entering the smithy in any town.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when the Trade screen opened.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred if the player kingdom makes peace during a battle simulation.
    • Players will no longer create caravans for the Lord Needs a Tutor quest NPC.
    • Fixed the issue of multiplayer player avatars looking older than their own setting.
    • Fixed a bug that threw the player out if the player was disguised in an enemy town and the player's clan declared war/peace with another faction.

    Initial Beta Changelog:
    • Fixed a Save & Load crash that occurred because of armies that were on an invalid navigation mesh after map changes and had the wrong parties attached to them.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred after a rival gang quest battle mission.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when creating a kingdom during a siege.
    • Fixed a crash that happened when the Company of Trouble issue quest completed.
    • Fixed a crash that happened when a party tried to disband and merge to a neutral city with prisoners that are in a war with the disbanding party's faction, but not in war with the merge city's faction.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred after character creation.

    Save & Load
    • Fixed a crash that happened during saving.

    • Chinese localisation updates.
    • Turkish translation updates.
    • Minor text and punctuation fixes.

    • Removed old sheep model. Added new sheep model and animations.
    • Fixed lighting issues on one of the Empire Towns (empire_town_h).
    • Fixed gate problem on one of the Aserai Castles (aserai_town_b).
    • Tree size corrections were made (flora_tree_high_004).
    • Minor texture improvement on harness Saddle of Aeneas.
    • Added new Battanian chainmail armour (battanian_chainmail_armor_03).

    • Improved Select Ruler, Policy, Make Peace, Declare War and Expel Clan decision panels in kingdom decision popup.
    • Fixed some localisation issues.
    • Added new crafting material icons to inventory.

    Battles and Sieges
    • Fixed an issue on siege tower connection to Khuzait castle walls.
    • Improvement on some of the Battania villages.
    • Fixed a bug that caused sieges to continue in the background if a player became a prisoner during the siege.

    Character Development System
    • Entering the character creator window with V key is enabled again but hair and beard options are kept limited to few basic ones. Hairs and beards can be changed using the barber NPC.
    • Fixed missing perk description parts in Non-English languages.

    Clan and Party
    • Disabled infertility chance and instead introduced a reduced pregnancy probability with every additional child.
    • Fixed a bug that caused a governor companion to disappear from the governed city.

    • Fixed a bug that allowed players to pay 0 influence while asking lords to join their army through the dialogue option.

    Kingdoms and Diplomacy
    • Fixed a bug that caused a settlement claimant decision to be proposed for enemy kingdoms.
    • Fixed a bug with clearing old diplomatic states when joining a kingdom.

    Settlement Actions (Town, Village, Castle and Hideout)
    • Fixed a bug that caused alley gang leaders to start the conversation with the wrong dialogue after the second phase of the fight.

    Quests & Issues
    • Notable Wants Daughter Found quest:
      • Companions will get more scouting experience when completing this quest.
      • Quest rewards (relation changes, Renown changes) won't scale with issue difficulty.
      • Quest effects (quest giver power, town security) won't scale with issue difficulty.
      • While searching for the daughter, the player's scouting skill amount will affect the quest.

    • If players activate Rival Gang Leader quest and wait for the quest battle in the quest settlement, they will be directed to a new menu when the battle is ready.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the Lord Needs Horses quest to end immediately after starting it.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the Family Feud quest to fail after a successful persuasion.

    Conversations & Encounters
    • Fixed a bug that allowed players to move and control the camera freely in a multi-agent conversation.

    • Training field ranged agents were not shooting to entity targets. This was fixed.
    • A mounted trainee was added to the training field.
    • An option to disable map notifications was added
    • Party speed now updates as soon as the day ends. This should resolve issues with the night’s movement penalty not being applied properly.
    • Not being able to talk to prisoners between cell bars is fixed.
    • Modding tool fixes in preparation of the eventual release.
    • Automatic nav mesh generation improvements for the modding tools.

    Map Related
    • Mp_siege_map_007_battania
      • Added a new asset to breach the wall. Small bug fixes.

    Other - Miscellaneous
    • One-handed throwing axes can now be used as melee weapons. (Default button: "X")
    • Fixed a physics bug that occurred while riding a horse over a ladder that is on the ground.

    • Ranged weapon calculation could cause an application crash. This was fixed.
    • Dropped equipment from dead agents could cause a crash related to weapon calculation specifics. This was fixed.

    • The format of streaming textures was changed. This improves texture streaming speed and reduces hard disk size of the game by 10GB.

    • Mount and dismount animations and timings updated.

    • Pushed mounts used to push back against agents to restore their original position. They now no longer do this and remain at their new positions.

    1.5.3 Beta
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when entering a smithy in any town.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred in the inventory while moving items with the drag function.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when players conquered one of the Scout Enemy Garrison Quest Settlements while having the quest active.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when leaving a kingdom during a siege event.
    • Fixed a crash that happened when players tried to become a vassal while they were in an army.
    • Fixed a hideout crash that occurred when players attacked an empty hideout. It should no longer be possible to attack empty hideouts now.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when peace was declared during simulations.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred due to the main storyline mentor characters dying.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred after the rival gang leader quest mission.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred after marriage barter if the marriage partner was in an army.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred in the “Find hideout” main storyline quest.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when the player died.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred in some save files when attacking a neutral party and starting a war with their faction.
    • Fixed crashes/bugs that occurred when a non player hero died in battle and bugs related with his/her disbanding party.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred during passive usage of weapons (couch lancing & spear bracing).
    • Fixed a crash that occurred due to the brother character not appearing after save & load.

    Save & Load
    • Fixed the issue "Could Not Create Save data" for players with unicode PC username.
    • All deleted/removed/changed items from .xml's will become "Trash" items. (Some old saves that used crafting were crashing because they tried to load deleted items. This should be resolved now.).

    • Minor text fixes and localization updates.
    • Chinese localisation updates.
    • Simplified chinese translation file row fix.

    • Improvements on khuzait_village_b and khuzait_village_c.
    • Various visual bug fixes on some scenes.
    • Added new workshop wall scene props.
    • Updated cloth patterns and some mesh details for two battanian chainmail armors.
    • Improvements on several Empire building models.

    • Fixed an issue in the army management screen that occurred while closing the popup if the player's influence was below 0.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the nameplate of the main party to not appear when starting a new campaign.

    Battles and Sieges
    • Fixed a bug which crashed the game when the player transfered troops to custom formations in battle and then gave formation orders.
    • A minor position calculation error in the formation AI was fixed.
    • Cavalry aiming had some errors on hills, which resulted in cavalry not hitting the enemy at all. This was fixed.
    • Fixed attacker's formation and boundary issues on sturgia_town_b.
    • Fixed certain weapons that were stuck to dead agents and were randomly disappearing.
    • Fixed an issue with death cam in battles.

    Character Development System
    • Added 18 combat-related archery skill perks. This completes the archery skill perk tree.
    • Added 19 combat-related crossbow skill perks. This completes the crossbow skill perk tree.
    • Added stewardship experience gain for heroes that have been assigned as governors.
    • Opening Face Generator screen with 'V' is re-enabled in the main map. But the hair and beard options are limited to a few simple ones. For haircuts, the Barber NPC can be visited at any town center.
    • Fixed a bug that caused a change of the epic perk under Smithing.

    Clan and Party
    • Fixed a bug that allowed marriage to be proposed for dead heroes.
    • Fixed a bug that caused newly assigned governors to not to appear in the settlement menu.

    Kingdoms and Diplomacy
    • Fixed a bug that caused prisoners to become neutral yet remain captive in some situations after the AI that besieged a castle that held the prisoners made peace with the owner.

    Settlement Actions (Town, Village, Castle and Hideout)
    • Fixed a bug that caused settlement tooltips to display the number of ransomed prisoners incorrectly.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the wrong menu to appear after the player selected an aggressive action in the conversation with an army member.

    Quests & Issues
    • New quest "The Art of The Deal" added.
    • New quest “Lady's Knight Out” added.
    • Fixed a bug that led to the bandit party in a caravan ambush quest to stay stationary after battle.
    • Disabled dying chance for Radagos and brother. Added a 30 years time limit to the first phase of the storyline.
    • Fixed a bug where Radagos' hideout could not be created properly.
    • Fixed issues that caused Radagos to be dead in his hideout or other bandit bosses to appear.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the player's death to cancel the Neretzes' Folly quest.
    • Added scaling influence costs for the Lord Solutions of the quests “Lady's Knight Out”, “Overpriced Raw Materials” and “Extortion by a Robber Knight”.
    • “Nearby Bandit Base” quest can now be taken only from villages.
    • Some text and dialogue improvements for "Army Needs Supplies" quest.
    • If a player is waiting inside the “Army of Poachers” quest settlement, the quest menu will be opened automatically when poachers arrive at the village.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the “Deliver the Herd” quest to become impossible to complete.

    Conversations & Encounters
    • Added a few new dialogues and comments for guards and other NPCs.
    • If a player is waiting in a village and the village gets raided by someone, the player will be directed to an encounter menu which allows them to join the raid - either by helping the village or helping the attackers.

    • There was a visual bug showing butter in inventories as unavailable while players were within settlements. Butter is once again allowed within cities.
    • Steppe Marauders and Raiders are now assigned as Horse Archers.
    • Rhomphalias now use "Bent Razor Head" as their blade.
    • Khan's Guard units now have an additional set of arrows instead of their one-handed mace.
    • Ridged Short Gladius Blade (Battania_blade_2) can not be used as a two handed sword anymore. The blade itself was too short as the name implies.
    • Blunt Arrows have issues with inconsistent damage. It won’t be possible to purchase them for the time being.
    • Infantry can now dismount mounted enemies with hooked guarded spears. Battanian Oathsworn and Picked Warrior are the troops with this feature. Spear Guards with Dismount feature are: Double Huge Hooks With Fur Covering, Double Hooks, Weighted Long Thorns, Singular Hook Wing, Double Hook Wings and Double Thorn Wings.
    • You can now use new heroes for custom battles. Heroes with couch lances, long bows and more are available for your custom battles.
    • Disabled wounded character animations in inappropriate situations.
    • Added cheat commands to change settlement loyalty, security, militia and prosperity.
    • When entering a village, your companions now use battle outfits instead of civilian outfits.
    • Fixed a bug which made hideouts belong to the player faction.
    • Improved crash logging for the dump system.
    • Fixed a bug that caused some settlements' security value to be NaN.
    • Lords hall character agent spawning algorithm improvements. The settlement's owner will spawn on the throne but if the kingdom's ruler is inside the settlement, the ruler will override it.

    Design & Balance
    • Fixed a bug where inaccuracy for shooting/throwing wasn’t applied on horseback.
    • Reduced the maximum inaccuracy for throwing weapons.
    • Adjusted the movement inaccuracy for archers and made it more consistent between MP and SP.

    Map Related
    • Visual improvements all around on the new skirmish scene, Port at Omor. Atmosphere was changed, because it was hard to see Aserai troops on the scene. Bug fixes for physics issues and problems with getting stuck.
    • Echerion
      • Blocked the gallery (but not stairs) of flag C.
      • Added railings to stairs at C to indicate where they can be jumped off from.
      • Made stairs faster to traverse for cavalry and infantry.
      • Some small detail work.

    • Baravenos Encirclement
      • Added a new breach to the G flag.
      • Overhauled the G Flag.
      • Moved a lot of defender spawns.
      • Added some new destructible wooden structures.
      • Made some of the current structures destructible.
      • Adjustments to lighting.
      • Some detail work (replaced old trees, improved terrain for low settings, physics fixes etc.).

    Other - Miscellaneous
    • Fixed some troops appearing too old.
    • Auto team selection button will put the player into the team with a low amount of players.

    • Fixed a crash that occurred after changing the graphics settings.

    • Missing camel rider falling animations added.

    • Fixed a bug that caused battering rams to not deliver damage.
    • Fixed a bug that stopped range indicators on siege weapons from moving.
    Pain553, acer palmatum und roflkong3 gefällt das.
  35. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    1.5.2 hotfix

    • Fixed an issue that caused the brother and children of the player to not level up.
    • Fixed a server crash on multiplayer sieges.
    • Fixed sound performance issues on the campaign map.
    • Fixed an issue with black squares appearing in battle missions.
    roflkong3 und Pain553 gefällt das.
  36. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    Nochmal ein 1.5.2 Hotfix
    • Barricade fixed for Baravenos Encirclement MP Siege map.
    • Fixed a crash related to battle simulations.
    • Fixed a bug that caused player encounters to end when a clan left the kingdom that player is a member of.

    Die Beta der Modding Tools sind jetzt auch auf Steam verfügbar.
    Dazu in Steam in der Bibiliothek zu den Tools wechseln und Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord - Modding Kit runterladen
    Bannerlord muss dazu installiert und aktuell sein.

    Pain553, acer palmatum und roflkong3 gefällt das.
  37. acer palmatum

    acer palmatum
    Registriert seit:
    15. November 2006
    Meddlfranken (tatsächlich)
    Läuft jetzt bei mir wieder - aber nur ohne viele meiner Lieblings-Mods. Und ohne Mods... ne danke. Muss ich wohl noch ein bisschen warten, bis der Großteil von Haus aus drin ist. :D
  38. Muffin-Man Lord Of Skill

    Registriert seit:
    16. Februar 2006
    LuKü auf WaKü gewechselt
    was wohl noch lange dauern wird, mit jedem Update kann man die meisten mods wieder in die tonne kloppen. und wenn die mods verwaist sind (wie tweaks) ist man ziemlich aufgeschmissen.
  39. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    Hotfix 1.5.2 (hauptsächlich Modding Tools)
    Main e1.5.2
    • Fixed a crash when picking up a dropped weapon.

    Modding Tool Fixes
    • Crash from the "Start Mission" button is fixed. It opens a mounted agent mission.
    • Added a new tool to create a new module within the modding tools. It will populate the module with empty registered files for ease of modding.
    • Modding tools terrain operations crash fixes.
    • Added new checks and better error reporting for mismatched, not located DLL's from mods, both for the base game and the modding tools.
    • Easier overriding for materials and animation clips added to the right-click menu to the assets in Resource Browser. "Create Override" creates an override for those assets in the selected new module. You do not need to create an empty resource with the same name and change the properties to be same with the overridden resource.
    Pain553 und roflkong3 gefällt das.
  40. Muffin-Man Lord Of Skill

    Registriert seit:
    16. Februar 2006
    LuKü auf WaKü gewechselt
    toll jetzt gehen meine savegames einfach nicht mehr, kein update kein crash, es passiert einfach nichts wenn ich auf den Load button klicke