The Red morning-Wer kann mir bei der entwicklung des spiels helfen?

Dieses Thema im Forum "Spieleforum" wurde erstellt von XWar, 27. November 2004.

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  1. Ich habe mir vorgenommen,ein Spiel zu entwicklen.Kann mir dabei jemand helfen?
    Hier die Information:(bewirbt euch, und schreibt an: [email protected],ihr entwickelt dann das Spiel alleine.Wer mir die schönste und best entwickelte Version schickt,dann werde ich diese auch nutzen.

    The Red morning

    Ein Actionspiel,das sich um ein missglücktes Zeitreis-Projekt handelt.Die amerikanische Regierung hat eine Zeitmaschine erfunden,die jedoch von Terroristen sabortiert wird.Da die U.S.A. die zerstörung des World Trade Centers verhindern wollte,versuchten Terroristen das nicht in betracht zu ziehen lassen.Sie werden als Michael Smith in einer anderen Welt reisen:da jedoch wie nun schon gesagt die Zeitmaschine sabortiert wurde,kam er nicht mehr aus dieser Welt hinaus.Er ist nun also zwischen der Vergangenheit und der Zukunft gefangen.Sie müssen versuchen, viele Katastrophen zu verhindern.Zum bsp. Vietnam-Krieg,World Trade Center zerstörung,vergasung von Juden,zweite Weltkrieg,Irak Krieg ect.

    Ideen: 35 Fahrzeuge,mehr als 40 Waffen,Online-Modus.
    qwasderu-desu, MrBlonde, dabba und 6 anderen gefällt das.
  2. Öhm.... Jemand soll dir ein von der Story her voll :spinner: Spiel proggen :huh:

    Wo entwickelst du bitteschön ein Spiel? Du stellst nur Anforderungen und willst'n Spiel haben :huh:

    Sorry, aber so wirklich blick ich deine Absichten nicht :no:
    Campi69 gefällt das.
  3. Nein,es dient nur zur Info:mein problem liegt bei Terrain's und Model's.Den Rest des Spiels mache ich.
  4. Ich wollte doch nur Soldaten und ein paar schöne Level's.
  5. Lasst euch nicht verarschen.....
  6. xGERxSpiderx Qualitätskontrolle

    Registriert seit:
    29. Februar 2004
    New Hamshire
    Da hab ich mal ne Frage:
    Womit entwickelst du das Spiel? C++ ? Visual Basic :ugly: ?
    Zeig mir mal ein paar Screenshots.
    Wie weit bist du denn schon?
    Hast du überhaupt irgendwelche Programmierkennstnisse?
    Wie sieht das Spiel aus? 3D Ansicht? 2D von oben?

    So ein Spiel kann man nicht einfach so mal schnell entwickeln. Dazu brauchen viele Entwickler mehrere Jahre dazu.
  7. Mit 3D Game Studio.

    Da ist schonmal ein erster eindruck:
    Ich habe mit dem Spiel heute erst angefangen,Screenshots werden daher erst im Frühjahr gezeigt.

    Version 6.1

    Tutorial & Reference

    Welcome to 3D GameStudio! The purpose of this program is the quick and easy creation of interactive real time applications, especially 2D and 3D computer games. The purpose of this manual is to introduce games creation and answer all questions that might arise.

    Creating a computer game involves level design, modeling, lighting, and (optionally) script programming. 3D GameStudio contains all tools necessary for designing the elements of your game. In the following chart you can see the workflow and components that are needed to put a 3D Game together. External tools, like 3D editors, can be used optionally:

    Optional external tools (Worldcraft, Milkshape, 3DS MAX, MAYA, Terragen ... ) C++ Programming


    WED MED Paint Program SED

    Primitive Prefab
    (WMP) Sublevel
    (WMB) Light
    Sound Model
    (MDL) Terrain
    (HMP) Sprite,Decal
    (PCX,BMP,TGA) Textures

    Compiled Level
    (WMB) C-Script
    (WDL) Plugin

    Finished Game
    (EXE, WRS)

    A 3D game basically consists of a virtual environment - a Level - which contains other 3D elements like models or sprites. Levels are built from 3D objects that consist of simple geometric blocks - the Primitives. Image patterns, called Textures, are put onto the surfaces of every block. Primitives can be of various shapes, and their material can have certain properties, like being passable or impassable.

    The WED editor saves and loads maps and prefabricated 3D objects in the WMP format. You can create your textures with the paint program of your choice and then put them together in a WAD file . Within a map, further maps can be placed, as well as other objects like Models, Sprites or Terrain. The Engine - this is the 'core' program which runs the game and displays the 3-D world on the screen - needs the level in a final WMB format. This format, which contains some precalculated data - like the BSP Tree and the Shadow Mapping - is compiled from the WMP file and one or more WAD texture resources if you click onto the Build button.

    How impressive the level will look depends on the lighting. Lighting can make or break a game. Lights and shadows are an important feature of GameStudio's A6 engine and a very powerful tool you have at your disposal. But don't use lighting as a way to hide a poorly designed level. Good lighting cannot save a bad level, but bad lighting can destroy a good level. Despite A6 can achieve the same graphics quality as Quake3T, UnrealT or other high-end game engines, your levels will look amateurish if you don't light them correctly!

    If you want something moving within your level, like a door or a monster, you can use a script to describe it's behavior (if you not prefer to program everything in C++ or Delphi). Scripts are also responsible for special effects, like dynamic lights, flares, particles, fog, or polygonal. Many scripts are prefabricated and included, so you don't have to write scripts for simple games, like shooters. However only self-written scripts release the real power of the A6 engine and give you the ultimate flexibility of game programming.

    Here are three links which will take you directly to the GameStudio tutorials. Beginners should start with the WED Tutorial:

    WED Tutorial
    MED Tutorial
    SED Manual
    C-Script Tutorial

    Let's start ...

    Are you ready to walk through your first level? Ok, let's go:

    Start WED (if you haven't already done it).
    Open the example level techdemo.wmp in the work folder ( File / Open).
    Start it with File/Run !
    What's new...

    The newest features, instructions and variables are listed here.

    Instructions and Variables list

    Here can you find all instructions, variables and parameters.

    When working with 3D GameStudio, visit frequently! Every few weeks you'll find new updates, tutorials, artwork, tools, workshops, useful links, the official GameStudio magazine and the user forum where professionals will help you to realize your game ideas.

    Last change: 09-12-2003
    MrBlonde und Thengell gefällt das.
  8. =======================================================================
    New features implemented in A6 6.20: ==================================

    Material, Effects, Shaders ============================================

    Script-based material effects and shaders (Commercial & Pro)

    Material effects help you use all the rendering capabilities of the
    3D hardware. Effects are a collection of different rendering
    techniques that can fit onto a variety of hardware devices. This
    enables you to not only to program games that make optimum use of
    video card functionality - effects also make it easy to upgrade an
    existing game to run on newer video cards as additional features are

    For example, to create a realistic rippled pond of water that
    reflects light, you begin with the first technique that renders the
    water, adds specular highlights, adds caustic textures, and applies
    light to the water in a single pass. If your hardware cannot render
    this technique in a single pass, a second technique might render the
    water, add specular highlights or caustic textures, but not apply
    light to the water.

    You must be familiar with the texture stage concept of DirectX for
    defining effects. Therefore, writing effects is only a matter for
    advanced users, although it's fun to try out the different render
    states and texture operators, and look which effects they produce on
    the screen. However, once an effect is properly written it can be
    used by anyone.

    Effects are defined in an effect string in the material object, that
    contains a syntax similar to C-Script.

    // the following code creates a material that adds DOT3 bumpmapping
    // to a model
    bmap reptile = <scales.tga>;

    material mat_bump
    skin2 = reptile; // set a reptile skin
    scale1 = 0.2; // factor for the skin scale at stage 0
    // define a material effect string
    effect = "
    // declare the used textures and variables
    texture entSkin1; // the entity skin
    texture mtlSkin2; // the bump map
    dword mtlSkill1; // the light vector
    // default technique
    technique bump_dot3
    pass P0
    // set texture stage states
    Texture[0] = <mtlSkin2>;
    Texture[1] = <entSkin1>;
    TextureFactor = <mtlSkill1>;
    ColorArg1[0] = Texture; // stage 0 = bumpmap
    ColorOp[0] = DotProduct3;
    ColorArg2[0] = TFactor;
    ColorArg1[1] = Texture; // stage 1 - skin texture
    ColorOp[1] = AddSigned;
    ColorArg2[1] = Current;
    ColorArg1[2] = Diffuse; // stage 2 - lighting
    ColorOp[2] = Modulate2x;
    ColorArg2[2] = Current;

    // fallback technique for devices that do not support bumpmapping
    technique fallback
    pass P0
    // set texture stage states
    Texture[0] = <entSkin1>;
    ColorArg1[0] = Texture; // stage 0 = skin texture
    ColorOp[0] = Modulate2x;
    ColorArg2[0] = Diffuse; // modulate by lighting
    "; // end of the effect string

    starter mat_bump_init {
    // initialize the material properties
    mat_bump.power = mat_model.power;
    // create the normals map for DOT3 bumpmapping
    // set a lighting vector for DOT3 bumpmapping
    mat_bump.skill1 = pixel_for_vec(vector(200,200,200),100,8888);

    An effect is a text string (given in "") that consists of one or more
    techniques. Each technique consists of one or more passes. Each pass
    consists of a setting of one or more texture stage registers of the
    3D hardware, and optionally a pixel or vertex shader that redefines
    the behavior of the stage. The model is rendered once for each pass,
    using the given settings.
    If a certain technique does not work because the 3D hardware does not
    support the given texture stage states (like
    CameraSpaceReflectionVector in the above example, which is not
    supported by old hardware like TNT2), the next technique from the
    effect is automatically selected. Therefore, an effect should always
    contain a simple fallback technique for supporting old hardware.
    The effect string is compatible to the DirectX .fx format. The
    keywords used in the texture stage settings are basically the same
    used in the Microsoft DirectX 8.1 reference for texture and render
    states. Therefore, an effect can be written based on the microsoft
    A reference list can be found in the DirectX8 documentation under
    DirectX Graphics -> Reference -> Effect Files Reference.

    - Effects can be copied from another material in an initialisation
    function, like
    mtl.effect = mtl_envcube.effect;
    and can be reloaded at runtime through the effect_load instruction.
    -Effect materials can only be assigned to models, sprites and terrain
    at the moment.
    -Effects are compiled at runtime into DirectX register states. Syntax
    errors will be indicated.
    -Effects can use 4 skins from the model, plus 4 additional textures
    defined in the material object. So every effect can use up to 8
    -The rendering speed of an entity is reduced when an effect or a
    Pixel or vertex shader is used. So be careful with effects.

    Pixel and vertex shaders (Commercial & Pro)

    Programmable shaders add a new dimension to graphics rendering by
    allowing the transform, lighting, and rendering functionality to be
    modified at runtime on a vertex and pixel basis. A shader is a small
    program that runs for every vertex, or every pixel that is rendered
    on the screen. It can control the vertex position, color and normal,
    the texture coordinates, as well as the pixel color and brightness,
    dependent on the influence of light, textures or arbitrary C-Script
    variables. This gives the user a new level of dynamic flexibility
    over the way that pixels are rendered.

    A shader description contains register declarations and shader
    instructions. Pixel and vertex Shaders can be defined as part of the
    material effect script, by using the VertexShader and PixelShader

    material shadertest {
    effect "
    matrix matWorldViewProj;
    matrix matWorld;
    technique shader_test
    pass p0
    VertexShaderConstant[0] = <matWorldViewProj>; // the screen transformation
    VertexShaderConstant[4] = <matWorld>; // the world transformation
    VertexShader =
    stream 0;
    float v0[3]; // Position
    float v3[3]; // Normal
    float v7[3]; // Texture Coord 1
    float v8[3]; // Texture Coord 2, or tangent vector
    // Transform position to screen coordinates
    m4x4 oPos,v0,c0
    // Transform normal to world coordinates
    m3x3 r0,v3,c0
    ... // do something
    // send the texture coordinates to the pixel shader
    mov oT0.xy,v7.xy
    mov oT1.xy,v8.xy

    Shader programming is non-trivial and requires good DirectX and
    shader assembler knowlege. There are several books about shader
    programming. However, once a shader effect is defined, it can be used
    by everyone. With the help of advanced users, we hope to build up a
    library of impressive material and shader effects for A6 soon.

    While the effect script only supports shader assembler (Cg and HLSL
    will not be supported before the DirectX 9 implementation), the
    shader source can nevertheless be written in Cg and then compiled to
    shader assembler through an external Cg compiler. Cg is a
    C-Script-like shader language recently developed by nVidia and

    Note that many even new 3D cards, like the GeForce MX series, do not
    support pixel shaders. Always add a fallback technique when
    programming vertex or pixel shaders.

    Literature recommendation:
    Microsoft DirectX 8 help file
    Wolfgang Engel, ShaderX Shader programming techniques

    Effects & Shaders predefined variables
    The following variables, vectors and matrices are available within
    effect scripts and shaders:

    mtlSkin1 ... mtlSkin4
    The 4 material skins, to be set to any bmap through material.skin1
    ... material.skin4.

    entSkin1 ... entSkin4
    The current entity skin and the 3 following skins. If a skin does
    not exist, it is replaced by the corresponding material skin.

    entSkill41 ... entSkill44
    Four general purpose variables, set by entity skills.

    mtlSkill1 ... mtlSkill8
    8 general purpose variables, set by material.skill1 ...
    material.skill8. They are often used for an ARGB color value, which
    can be set through pixel_for_vect(vector(blue,green,red),alpha,8888).
    Note that the alpha range is 0..100, while the color range is 0..255.

    The normalized direction vector of the sun light, used for vertex

    vecAmbient, VecDiffuse, vecSpecular, vecEmissive
    The current material properties, converted to color vectors for
    vertex shaders (alpha, red, green, blue, range 0.0f..1.0f).


    effect "
    vector vecAmbient;
    vector vecDiffuse;
    technique shader_test
    pass p0
    VertexShaderConstant[12] = <vecAmbient>; // the material ambient values, 0.0f..1.0f range
    VertexShaderConstant[13] = <vecDiffuse>; // the material diffuse values

    Material skills 1..4, 5..8, and entity skills 41..44 as vector for
    vertex shaders. Note: The skills are _not_ automatically converted to
    float. This has to be done by C-Script through float(), floatd() or
    floatr() instructions.

    A vector set from engine variables:

    vecTime.x = float(time);
    vecTime.y = time.y; // to be set in C-Script
    vecTime.z = time.z; // to be set in C-Script
    vecTime.w = float(total_ticks);

    A vector set from camera parameters:
    vecFog.x = float(Camera.clip_near + Camera.fog_start);
    vecFog.y = float(Camera.clip_near + Camera.fog_end);
    vecFog.z = 1.0f / float(Camera.fog_end - Camera.fog_start);
    vecFog.w = 1.0f;

    A vector set from the sum of the entities' red, green, blue values
    and the environment light.

    vecLight.x = float( +;
    vecLight.y = float( +;
    vecLight.z = float( +;
    vecLight.w = entity transparency;

    A vector to be used in shaders, which gives the view dimensions:

    vecViewPort.x = float(view.size_x)
    vecViewPort.y = float(view.size_y)
    vecViewPort.z = 1/vecViewPort.x
    vecViewPort.w = 1/vecViewPort.y

    A vector to be used in shaders, which gives the view position.

    A vector to be used in shaders, which gives the view direction.

    A vector to be used in shaders, which gives a cyclic repeating
    time value and it's sine, cosine, and tangent:

    vecCycle.x = float((total_ticks % material.cycle)/material.cycle);
    vecCycle.y = sin(2 * PI * vecCycle.x)
    vecCycle.z = cos(2 * PI * vecCycle.x)
    vecCycle.w = tan(2 * PI * vecCycle.x)

    See also:

    The world transformation 4x4 matrix, set by the entities' position
    and angles.

    The view transformation 4x4 matrix, set by the view position and

    The inverse view matrix.

    The view projection 4x4 matrix, set by the view angle and the
    clip_near / clip_far range.

    The product of World and View matrix.

    The product of World, View and Projection matrix.

    The material.matrix.

    Material Parameters

    A user-writable matrix that is available for effect scripts through
    <matMtl>, and can be used for shaders or texture transformations. The
    matrix parameter can be used for matrix operations, while the
    elements of the matrix are accessible through the matrix11..matrix44

    The material matrix can be used for scaling and shifting a texture
    according to the following formula:

    u' = u * mtl.matrix11 + v * mtl.matrix21 + mtl.matrix41
    v' = u * mtl.matrix12 + v * mtl.matrix22 + mtl.matrix42
    (u,v = skin coordinates)

    Shifting and scaling a texture this way is faster than using the
    entity.u and v parameters, or the material.scale1 and scale2
    parameters, which directly affect the model mesh. Therefore,
    entity.u and entity.v will be abandoned, and material.scale1,scale2
    can not be changed anymore during gameplay.

    // use a matrix for cubic environment mapping
    function mtl_env_init()
    // generate a user matrix that transforms camera space back to world space
    while(1) {
    // reset the translation part of the matrix
    mtl.matrix41 = 0; // 0 is the same as float(0)
    mtl.matrix42 = 0;
    mtl.matrix43 = 0;
    material mtl_envcube // environment cube
    skin1 = bmp_envcube;
    event = mtl_env_init;
    effect = "

    texture mtlSkin1;
    matrix matMtl;
    technique envcube
    pass p0
    AddressU[0] = Clamp; // don't wrap around edges
    AddressV[0] = Clamp;
    TexCoordIndex[0] = CameraSpaceReflectionVector;
    TextureTransformFlags[0] = Count3;
    TextureTransform[0] = <matMtl>; // transform camera space back to world space
    ColorOp[0] = SelectArg1; // ignore the ambient light
    ColorArg1[0] = Texture;

    // use an effect for scaling or shifting a texture with a matrix
    effect = "
    matrix matMtl;
    technique scale {
    // use material transformation matrix, leave everything else at default values
    pass p0
    TextureTransformFlags[0] = Count2; // use u,v values
    TextureTransform[0] = <matMtl>;
    } }
    technique fallback { pass p0 { } }

    This function is called once for every entity this material is
    assigned to. It can be used to initialize material and entity
    mtl - predefined material pointer, set to the material
    my - predefined entity pointer, set to the entity.

    function mtl_enviro_init()
    bmap_to_cubemap(my.skin1); // convert the entity's skin 1 to a cube map

    material mtl_enviro {
    event = mtl_enviro_init;

    See also:
    material.enable_view, material.enable_render

    If this flag is set, the material's event function is executed at the
    beginning of every view rendering. This can be used to calculate a
    texture matrix from the view or projection matrices.

    // generate a matrix that transforms camera space back to world space
    function mtl_env_view()
    // reset the translation part of the matrix
    mtl.matrix41 = 0; // 0 == float(0)
    mtl.matrix42 = 0;
    mtl.matrix43 = 0;

    function mtl_env_init()
    mtl.event = mtl_env_view;
    mtl.enable_view = on; // run the event at the beginning of every view rendering

    material mtl_envcube // environment cube
    skin1 = bmp_envcube;
    event = mtl_env_init;
    If this flag is set, the material's event function is executed at the
    beginning of every entity rendering, if the material contains an
    effect and was assigned to the entity. This can be used to perform
    effect calculations based on entity skills or the entity's world

    If set, the second texture coordinate set (v8) is the tangent u
    vector rather than skin coordinates. Used for vertex shaders.

    Flag (can only be set in a definition, but not during gameplay)

    material mat_bump3 {
    flags = tangent;

    - The binormal vector (v tangent) can be calculated by the vertex
    shader from the cross product of the vertex normal and the u tangent.
    - The tangent flag affects the meshes of all models or terrains that
    use this material. It does not affect sprites.

    Determines the time value in ticks for the vecCycle vector for vertex

    1..999999, default 480 (30 sec)

    See also:

    material.skill1 ... material.skill8
    8 variables that can be used by effect scripts and shaders. They
    are referred by <mtlSkill1> ... <mtlSkill8> in the effect.

    material.skin1 ... material.skin4
    4 bitmaps that can be used by effect scripts and shaders. They
    are referred by <mtlSkin1> ... <mtlSkin4> in the effect.

    Scale factors for the texture coordinates of the first and second
    DirectX texture stages for models and terrain. The resulting texture
    coordinates are the UV values assigned in the model editor multiplied
    by the scale factor if it's nonzero.

    Var, redefinable.
    0.001..9999, default 0.
    The scale factors directly influence the model mesh and thus affect
    all entities which use that model. They can only be initialized, but
    not changed during gameplay.

    It's diffuse color is now black (0,0,0) by default, and it's emissive
    color is grey (128,128,128).

    effect_load(material,string name) (Commercial & Pro)
    Loads an effect file in Microsoft .fx format from the work folder
    into the given material, and applies to effect to all models and
    terrain that have this material sssigned. This instruction can be
    used to edit effects and shaders in real time and observe the result
    immediately in the game.


    W1550 - Error in effect
    The effect or shader script has a syntax error. The line number will
    be indicated by the error message.

    W1551 - Effect unsupported by hardware
    The technique uses a feature or shader version that is unsupported by
    the 3D card. Do never forget to add a fallback technique to any
    effect. The DirectX Caps Viewer gives information about which
    features are supported by your hardware.

    Engine command line option; enables vertex shader emulation on 3D
    cards without shader hardware, like GeForce1. Vertex shader emulation
    deactivates hardware vertex processing and thus can reduce the frame
    rate remarkably, even if no vertex shader is used. Some render or
    texture stage modes, like CameraSpaceReflectionVector, as well as
    pixel shaders are not available in vertex shader emulation mode and
    lead to an error message when used in effect scripts. Therefore
    vertex shader emulation is used mostly for testing purposes, and is
    normally not recommended for released games.

    effects.wdl, effects.wmp
    A test level that contains examples for the newly implemented sky
    cube, material and matrix functions, is included in the work folder.
    The sky bitmap is (c) Mighty Pete.

    Multiplayer Mode Improvements =========================================

    session_connect(string session,string hostname) (Pro Edition)
    - This instruction can be used to switch the engine to client mode
    even if it wasn't started with the -cl command line option. Note that
    after switching from normal to client mode, the level has to be
    loaded anew.
    Switching the engine to client mode at run time has certain
    consequences for the script. IFDEF CLIENT can not be used - it's
    undefined because the engine was not started with the -cl option.
    Client dependent functions or initializations must run _after_
    connecting to a session. For instance, creating a client player in
    the main function won't work when the engine was not in client mode
    when running main(). A good place for creating the client player is
    after reloading the level after connection.
    - There is no dialogue box for entering the hostname. If the server
    or session is not found, the engine will remain connected to the
    current server, or remain in non-multiplayer mode.
    while (connection == 0) { wait(1); } // wait until connected
    level_load("office.wmb"); // load level anew
    sleep(0.5); // wait until the level state is received from the server
    player_create(); // user function to place the player into the level

    This variable determines whether multiplayer send functions wait
    until the data is actually sent, or write the data into an internal
    send buffer and return immediately.
    -1 : Never wait until the data is sent (not recommended - client and server will fall out of sync).
    0 : Wait until data is sent for entity updates, don't wait for send instructions (default).
    1 : Always wait until the data is sent (behavior prior to version 6.2).
    Setting this variable to 1 before a send instruction ensures that the
    data is really sent when the instruction returns. However, this can
    remarkably reduce the frame rate on a slow network when applications
    perform many send instructions.
    dplay_sync = 1; // don't use send buffer
    send_var(var1); // slow
    dplay_sync = 0; // use send buffer for send instructions
    send_var(var2); // fast
    See also:

    -cl command line option
    If no server or no session is found, the engine now automatically
    starts in non-multiplayer mode.

    Bones Animation Improvements ==========================================

    ...were often used in a wrong way in bones animation examples sent to
    the support, resulting in garbled animations. The usual error was an
    attempt to compose a bones state from several animations, but using a
    wrong animation/blending order, or forgetting to reset the bones at
    the beginning of every cycle. Bones animation requires more
    reflections and understanding than vertex animation. We've improved
    the documentation, added more examples, and implemented another
    blending method that is easier to use:

    ent_blendpose(entity,var target,var source,var percent)
    Linearly interpolates between a source and a target bones pose, and
    copies the result to the target pose. Can also be used to copy a pose
    to another one by setting the percent value at 100.
    target - the target pose, 1..4
    source - the source pose, 1..4
    percent - the blending percentage, 0..100
    Medium (percent >= 100)
    Slow (percent < 100)
    A pose is a state of the entity's bones, built through ent_animate or
    bones_ instructions after setting the pose number by entity.pose. For
    blending entity animations in a complex way, a model entity can have
    up to 4 different poses that can be blended by this instruction. The
    visible pose is pose 1.
    Blending by linear interpolation computes intermediate vertex
    positions rather than intermediate bones angles. Thus it produces the
    best results when the bones angles of source and target pose are not
    too different, like less than 90 degrees.
    Using poses for animation blending is slower and requires more code
    and more memory than using the ent_blend instruction, but is easier
    to script - using ent_blend can sometimes be a little tricky. Poses
    also offer more freedom for complex blending operations.
    // let a model run, and smoothly blend over to shooting when [Ctrl] is pressed
    action bones_test
    my.skill1 += 3*time; // running torso animation
    my.skill2 += 3*time; // running legs animation
    if (key_ctrl == on) // fire key pressed?
    my.skill3 += 20*time; // shoot blending percentage
    my.skill3 = min(my.skill3,100); // limit at 100 percent
    my.skill3 -= 20*time;
    my.skill3 = max(my.skill3,0); // limit at 0 percent
    // reset skeletion and then compose the animation (order is important):
    ent_animate(me,NULL,0,0); // reset all poses

    ifdef USE_POSES;
    // compose the poses: 1 = running, 2 = shooting
    // animate the running legs in pose 1 and pose 2
    my.pose = 1;
    // copy the running legs from pose 1 to pose 2 - faster than animating separately
    // animate the torso in pose 1 only
    // if [Ctrl] pressed, animate the shooting torso in pose 2 only
    if (my.skill3 > 0) {
    my.pose = 2;
    ent_animate(me,"shoot",0,anm_add); // we assume only one shooting frame
    // now blend shooting (pose 2) into running (pose 1)
    // alternatively, same animation without poses - order is important
    // first, move the torso during running
    // then blend over to, or blend back from shooting (only affects the torso)
    if (my.skill3 > 0) { ent_blend("shoot",0,my.skill3); }
    // finally animate the legs
    See also:

    The current bones pose number of the model entity. All bones
    animation instructions relate to the pose given by this parameter.
    A pose is a state of the entity's bones, built through ent_animate or
    bones_ instructions. For blending entity animations in a complex way,
    a model entity can have up to 4 different poses that can be blended
    by ent_blendpose() instructions. Pose 1 is used for the visible model
    See also:

    like ent_bonereset_branch, but resets all bones of the current pose
    of the entity.

    ent_animate(entity,NULL,0,0) resets all bones poses of the entity.

    C-Script Instructions =================================================

    Recalculates the normal vectors for the given model or terrain entity
    and frame number. Necessary to achieve correct gouraud shading after
    having modified the frame mesh by displacing vertices.
    See also:

    If the effect_local instruction was performed by an entity, the
    particle functions can access this entity through the you pointer.
    This way, the particle effect can use the entity parameters and

    bmap_to_cubemap(bmap) (Commercial & Pro)
    Converts a six-sided sky cube bitmap into a cubic environment map,
    which can be used for enviroment mapping or shader effects.
    The bmap must look like a sky cube sprite: consisting of 6 adjacent
    square cube faces in the order south, east, north, west, down, up.
    Thus its width must be six times larger than its height. Each cube
    face should be a power of 2 in size, like 512x512. The faces must be
    tiled in a way that they can be wrapped around a cube.
    bmap envmap = <skybox+6.tga>;
    material mat_env
    skin2 = envmap;
    effect = "
    texture mtlSkin2;
    technique env_cube
    pass P0
    Texture[0] = <mtlSkin2>;
    AddressU[0] = Clamp; // don't wrap around edges
    AddressV[0] = Clamp;
    ColorOp[0] = SelectArg1; // ignore the ambient light
    ColorArg1[0] = Texture;
    TexCoordIndex[0] = CameraSpaceReflectionVector;
    TextureTransformFlags[0] = Count3;
    technique fallback { pass p0 { } } // empty fallback causes normal rendering without effect
    starter mat_env_init {

    See also:

    bmap_to_normals(bmap,factor) (Commercial & Pro)
    Converts the given bmap into a normals map, needed for DOT3
    bumpmapping. A normals map contains, at each pixel position, instead
    of the RGB color values the XYZ components of the normal of a height
    map calculated from the luminance of the original bmap.
    0 if the conversion failed, otherwise the bmap pointer
    bmap - bitmap to be converted to normals
    factor - scale for the bitmap luminance

    bmap_to_uv(bmap) (Commercial & Pro)
    Converts the given bmap into a UV offsets map, needed for environment
    bump mapping. An UV offsets map contains, at each pixel position,
    the luminance difference values of the blue channel of the original
    bmap in u and v direction.
    0 if the conversion failed, otherwise the bmap pointer
    bmap - bitmap to be converted to uv offsets
    Remarks: While DOT3 bump mapping modulates the texture brighness
    according to a light vector, environment bump mapping modulates the
    texture UV offset, creating bumps on a mirror like surface.

    Creates a chain of 4 mipmaps for the given bmap. Can be used to
    create mipmaps for textures that are used by effect scripts.
    0 if the conversion failed, otherwise the bmap pointer
    bmap - bitmap to be converted to a mipmap chain
    // create a mipmapped normals map for bumpmapping

    video_window(vector pos,vector size,var style,string title)
    changes the position, size, style or title of the engine window.
    pos - vector containing the new x and y position in pixels, or nullvector for no change.
    size - vector containing the new x and y size in pixels, or nullvector for no change.
    style - 0 for no change, or a combination of the following modes:
    1 - no border
    2 - thin border
    4 - thick border
    16 - title bar and border
    48 - title bar with system menu
    112 - title bar with system menu and minimize button
    title - new title of the window, or NULL for no change.
    Changing the window size does not change the resolution. Use
    video_size() for changing the window resolution.
    // place the window at position (500,300) and remove the border

    video_set(var width,var height,var depth,var screen)
    Like video_switch, but the width and height can now be set
    individually, thus allowing arbitrary video resolutions not contained
    in the 12 supported modes.
    In window mode, arbitrary video resolutions are supported as long as
    they fit on the desktop screen and sufficient video memory is
    In fullscreen mode, only a few video resolutions are supported,
    dependent on the 3D card.

    mode 9 was changed to 1280x1024, because this resolution is supported
    by more 3D cards than 1280x960.
    A new mode 12 of 1920x1200 was implemented.

    txt_load(text,string name)
    Opens a file, reads its content into separate strings of the text
    object, and closes the file. This instruction can be used to fill an
    empty text object from a file.
    name - name of the text file to be read.
    text - empty text object.
    Number of strings filled.
    This instruction uses file_str_read() to parse the file content into
    separate strings. The text strings are created as variable length
    strings. If the file contains more strings than the text, the rest
    will be omitted.
    This instruction replaces the legacy dataview parameter of a text
    object. The old A3 database and dataview objects will be abandoned in
    one of the next updates.
    text bigtext { strings = 77000; } // empty text with a lot of strings
    txt_load(bigtext,"bigfile.txt"); // fill the text, allocate strings
    bigtext.visible = on;
    See also:

    0..4000 - number of characters read (4000 max)
    -1 - end of file reached
    The instruction automatically changes the size of variable length
    strings to the string read. The maximum string size to be read is
    4000 characters.

    execute(string commands);
    can now be called from DLLs, and accept direct sctrings.

    exec(string program, string arguments);
    can now be called from DLLs, and accept direct sctrings.
    '\' Characters in strings, like for file paths, have to be given in
    C-Notation as "\\". Example: "C:\\program files\\internet explorer\\iexplore.exe"

    Matrix instructions
    A set of instructions was implemented for performing calculations
    with 4x4 transformation matrices. Matrix calculations are used
    exclusively for effect scripts. A matrix is just an array of 16

    var my_matrix[16];

    The elements of the matrix can be accessed through the array indices
    [0]..[15], as usual. However, unlike normal variable arrays, a
    transformation matrix contains values in a special format, the IEEE
    32 bit floating point format. Thus, matrix elements can not be
    written to or read from like normal C-Script variables. They have to
    be converted to the IEEE floating point or the C-Script fixed format
    before, like this:

    my_matrix[0] = float(my_value);
    my_value = fixed(my_matrix[0]);

    The exception is the value 0, which is the same in fixed and float

    Handling matrix operations requires some mathematical knowledge. They
    are not intended for beginners to games programming, and are not
    necessary unless for advanced shader programming.

    Additionally to the user-defined matrices and material matrices, there
    are 4 predefined matrices:

    The view transformation 4x4 matrix, determined by the view position
    and angles.

    The inverse view transformation matrix.

    The view projection 4x4 matrix, determined by the view aspect, arc,
    and clip_near / clip_far range.

    The world transformation 4x4 matrix, determined by the entities'
    position, scale, and angles.

    The following matrix instructions were implemented:

    copies the identity matrix to the given matrix.
    The identity matrix is a matrix of 1's for all diagonal elements and
    zeros for the rest. A matrix multiplied by the identity matrix
    remains unchanged.

    mat_scale(matrix,var x,var y,var z)
    Scales the given transformation matrix by the given factors about the
    x, y, and z axis.

    copies the content of matrix2 to matrix1.

    copies the inverse of matrix2 to matrix1.
    The inverse of a matrix, multiplied by the matrix itself, results in
    the identity matrix. Note that not every matrix has an inverse, but
    transformation matrices usually have.

    copies the transpose of matrix2 to matrix1.
    The transpose of a matrix is a matrix with rows and colums exchanged.
    In case of rotations, the inverse of a rotation matrix is its

    Multiplies matrix1 by matrix2, and copies the result to matrix1.
    Multiplying two transformation matrices results in a matrix that
    concatenates both transformations.

    Returns x converted to a 32 bit IEEE floating point value. Not to be
    used for C-Script calculations, but handy for passing floating point
    values to effect scripts, vertex shaders, and matrices.
    mtl_bump.skill1 = float(time); // pass the time variable to a material effect

    floatr(var x)
    Returns 1/x converted to a 32 bit IEEE floating point value. Higher
    precision than float(1/x) when x is a large number.
    mtl_bump.skill2 = floatr(camera.fog_end - camera.fog_start); // pass 1/(fog_end-fog_start) to a vertex shader

    floatd(var a,var b)
    returns float(a)/float(b). Used for increasing the precision of
    fixed -> float conversions for small values.
    function mtl_shift_texture()
    mtl.skill1 += time; // shift texture left
    mtl.matrix41 = floatd(mtl.skill1,1000); // change texture u offset by 0.001 units

    fixed(var float)
    Returns the fixed format value of a variable that was converted to
    floating point through the float() instruction, or is an element of a
    transformation matrix.
    See also:

    Object Parameters =====================================================

    Defines a six sided environment cube from a 6-frames sky sprite.
    The cube flag allows defining sky cubes without having to create a
    The sides of the sky cube are drawn at a distance of Camera.clip_far
    from the viewer. The sky z parameter can be used to move the cube up
    and down. The x, y, angle, and scale parameters are ignored.
    The sprite image must consist of 6 adjacent square frames in the
    following order: west, north, east, south, down, up. Thus its file
    name must end with '+6' and its width must be six times larger than
    its height. Each frame should be a power of 2 in size, like 512x512.
    The frames must be tiled in a way that they can be wrapped around a
    A lot of sky cube images can be found at
    The sky sprite image can be put together by adding the single cube
    images in the order bk, rt, ft, lf, dn, up from left to right.

    sky mountain_cube {
    type = <mountains+6.tga>;
    flags = cube,visible;
    layer = 2;
    z = 30; // move 30 pixels upwards

    See also:
    sky.dome, sky.scene

    The number of entity skills was increased to 100.
    Entity.skill1..entity.skill20 are used for entering default
    properties in WED. Entity.skill21..entity.skill50 are used by the
    template scripts, except for entity.skill41..Entity.skill44, which
    are used for shaders. Entity.skill51..entity.skill100 are free for
    the user.
    If the entity was contained in a map entity, this pointer points at
    the map entity. Otherwise it contains Null. Can be used to move the
    entity together with it's 'parent' entity; or can alternatively be
    used as a general purpose entity pointer like my or you.
    Entity pointer
    See also:

    entity.polygon (Commercial & Pro)
    If set, the model entity's real shape is used for collision with
    physics entities. Otherwise, an oriented bounding box is used.
    on - use the entity's polygonal shape (default on terrain and maps)
    off - use the entity's oriented bounding box (faster, default on models and sprites)
    Though it is not enforced, this flag should be seen as mutually
    exclusive to calling phent_settype with PH_POLY. Only one of the
    objects involved in a collision should use polygons for collision
    action SelectHull {
    my.polygon= on; // now using shape of MDL
    my.polygon= off; // now using oriented bounding box

    .. is now also triggered when the mouse leaves the button area with
    no mouse button pressed.

    Draws TTF texts with a black shadow.
    Type: Flag

    Draws TTF texts with a black outline around the characters.
    Type: Flag

    Predefined Variables ==================================================

    Mipmap bias factor for sprites. If defined at 0, no mipmaps for
    sprites are created; otherwise the variable gives the relative
    distance for sprite mipmap switching. The higher the value, the later
    mipmaps are switched and the 'sharper' sprite images appear.

    Var, redefinable
    0 .. 10.0, default 2.0
    If this variable is defined at 0, sprite loading is a little faster
    because no mipmaps are created.
    var mip_sprites = 0; // no mipmapping for sprites.
    See also:
    mip_shaded, mip_flat

    Gives the 3 distances for the LOD switching in percentage of
    view.clip_far. At the distance given by lodfactor[0] the entity
    switches to LOD 1; at lodfactor[1] it switches to LOD 2; at
    lodfactor[3] it switches to LOD 3.
    0..100, default 12.5, 25, 50.
    var lodfactor[3] = 5, 10, 20; // switch LOD at 5%, 10%, and 20% of view.clip_far

    Gives the trace_mode for every entities' tracing downwards in order
    to find the shadow plane and the environment brightness.
    var, r/w
    See trace_mode.
    // place shadows on top of models below the player

    0 - All functions are running (default)
    1 - Level entity functions are suspended, all other functions are running
    2 - All functions are suspended.

    Determines whether entities contained in map entities are to be
    placed into the level, or not.
    Variable, redefinable
    on - place sub entities (default).
    off - don't place sub entities.
    See also:

    WED/MED/SED improvements ==============================================

    WED: New texture management
    WED can now load textures directly from folders, instead of WAD
    files. For this, an [Add Folder] button was added to the Texture
    Manager. For adding a texture, simply copy it into the folder. The
    texture list can be refreshed by right click and [Refresh].

    WED: Loading sub-entities from a map entity
    Models, sprites, or terrain that are part of a map entity are now
    also placed into the level in which the map entity is placed. This
    way, entity groups can be defined and compiled as map entities.

    WED: New Script
    When clicking 'new script', a requester will pop up that allows to
    select between any template script found in the template_6 folder,
    or an empty script. This way you can now choose between the old and
    the new templates, or add your own default script template.
    The old template scripts are used in the tutorials. They are for
    simple shooter style games only, and not recommended for commercial
    The new template scripts are much more flexible and powerful, can be
    easily combined with own code, and are suited for commercial

    WED: multiple selection in object tree
    Multiple objects in the object tree can now be selected by holding
    [Ctrl] while clicking the objects.

    WED: Ignore by Build
    Objects or groups can be omitted by the Build process, for speeding
    up the testing of parts of a level. For this, click right onto the
    object, and select Render Style->Ignore.

    WED: Vertex Snap
    Vertex Snap can be toggled with the [V] button in the button bar. In
    Vertex Snap mode, objects snap to the next vertex of another object
    within the same group.

    MED: Import (Commercial Edition)
    MED can now directly import 3DS, Milkshape ASCII, and .X models
    including skin texture and bones animation.
    Restriction: When importing a bones animation from an external
    editor, the whole animation must be done externally - external and
    internal bones animations use different rotation axes and thus can't
    be combined. This restriction will be overcome in a future update.

    MED: Save As
    You can now choose between the MDL5 and the MDL7 format. The MDL5
    format can also be read by old engine versions, like A5, and some
    external programs, like Milkshape. Bones are only supported by the
    new MDL7 format.

    MED: Add Frame
    Can now copy an arbitrary bones source frame to the new frame.

    Miscellaneous =========================================================

    Model normals...
    ...are now calculated by the engine, instead of loaded from the
    normals table. This increases model loading time a little, but leads
    to more precise shading.

    Automatic skin animation...
    ...that occured when an entity had several skins, but no action, was
    abandoned in order to avoid confusion for beginners.

    Abandoned =============================================================

    A3/A4 instructions
    Two years after their official removal, the following abandoned A3/A4
    WDL style instructions are now physically removed from the engine, in
    order to reduce the engine size and increase the compiler speed:

    MUSIC - not used anymore
    PLAY_SONG - replaced by media_loop()
    PLAY_SONG_ONCE - replaced by media_play()
    PLAY_SNDFILE - replaced by media_play()
    MOVE_VIEW - not used anymore
    LOOK - replaced by trace() or c_trace()
    PRINT... - replaced by file instructions

    To be removed from the documentation. For new applications we
    recommend to use a material with a texture matrix for shifting or
    scaling a texture (see example).

    To be removed from the documentation. For new applications we
    recommend to use a material effect for detail textures.

    New features implemented in A6 6.11: ===================================
    C-Script Instructions =================================================

    ent_animate(entity,string scenename,var percent,var mode)
    Like ent_frame and ent_cycle, but for both vertex and bones
    animation. If the name of a bones scene is given, the instruction
    does not alter my.frame and my.next_frame, but modifies the entity's
    skeleton. Only bones affected by the given scene are set to their new
    orientation; bones not contained in this scene keep their old state.
    By executing this instruction several times for different animation
    scenes, bones animations are combined if the scenes affect different
    sets of bones. Bones animation can also be combined with vertex

    entity - the entity to be animated
    scenename - the name of the scene. If NULL is given, the frame and
    nextframe parameters, as well as the entity's skeleton are reset
    to their default states. Used for setting a start bones position
    before combining several bones animation scenes.
    percent - the animation percentage within the scene
    mode - to be combined from the following predefined values:
    ANM_CYCLE - for a cyclic scene, like walking or running. Otherwise
    it's a noncyclic scene like jumping or shooting.
    ANM_ADD - for adding the new bones angles to the current angles,
    rather than replacing the current angles by the new ones.

    Use ANM_ADD for combining different bones movements even if they
    affect the same bones. For instance, if a bone was already rotated
    by 10 degrees and the new scene rotates the same bone by further 20
    degrees, the new bones angle is 30 degrees after ent_animate with
    ANM_ADD. Without ANM_ADD it's 20 degrees.
    Bones animation is also sent to the clients. However only basic
    frames, without ANM_ADD mode, and without any direct bones
    manipulation are sent. Sending bones animation to the clients
    causes high traffic and does not interpolate between bones frames.
    Therefore, we stronly recommend to perform bones animation on the
    client side by using a local function and setting the entity's
    NOSEND_FRAME flag on the server. The same is recommended for vertex
    ent_animate also affects vertex frames of models and bitmap frames
    of sprites, and thus can completely replace ent_frame and

    ent_animate(me,NULL,0,0); // reset the skeleton
    ent_animate(me,"walk",walk_percent,ANM_CYCLE); // set walk cycle
    ent_animate(me,"turnhead",turn_percent,ANM_CYCLE+ANM_ADD); // add head rotation
    ent_animate(me,"shoot",shoot_percent,AND_ADD); // add shooting

    ent_frame ent_cyle was replaced by ent_animate, and is to be removed from the manual.

    Can now also be used to interpolate between arbitrary bones scenes.
    However it interpolates the vertex positions rather than the bones

    Returns the number of bones of the entity, or 0 if the entity has
    no bones.

    Use the current state of the entity skeleton for calculating the
    vertex or normal position.

    ent_bonerotate(entity,string name,vector angle)
    rotates an entity bone, it's childs and all attached vertices about
    it's hinge point.

    entity - entity pointer
    name - name of the bone
    angle - pan, tilt, roll euler angles.

    0 if bone not found, otherwise nonzero.

    This instruction does not set the bone to a certain angle, it rather
    adds the angle to the current bone orientation. For setting the bone
    to an absolute angle, perform ent_bonereset before.

    ent_bonerotate_parent(entity,string name,vector angle)
    Like ent_bonerotate; however rotates an entity bone, it's children
    and all attached vertices about it's parent's joint. This corresponds
    to rotate3 mode in MED.

    ent_bonescale(entity,string name,vector scale)
    scales an entity bone, it's childs and all attached vertices in x, y,
    and z direction.

    entity - entity pointer
    name - name of the bone
    scale - x, y, z scale factors.

    0 if bone not found, otherwise nonzero.

    This instruction does not set the bone to a certain scale, it rather
    multiplies it's current scale by the given factors. For setting the
    bone to an certain scale, perform ent_bonereset before.
    This instruction can also be used to remove polygons attached to a
    certain bone by setting its scale to (0,0,0).

    ent_bonemove(entity,string name,vector offset)
    moves a bone by the given offset in x, y, and z direction.

    entity - entity pointer
    name - name of the bone
    offset - x, y, z move distance.

    0 if bone not found, otherwise nonzero.

    ent_bonereset_branch(entity,string name)
    Resets a bone and all it's children to their default position, scale
    and orientation.

    entity - entity pointer
    name - name of the bone

    0 if bone not found, otherwise nonzero.

    ent_bonereset(entity,string name)
    Resets a bone to it's default scale and orientation.

    entity - entity pointer
    name - name of the bone

    0 if bone not found, otherwise nonzero.

    file_length(var filehandle)
    returns the lenght of the file with the given handle, in bytes.

    file_asc_read(var filehandle)
    returns -1 when the end of the file is reached.

    Can now be used for more than one parameter of a vector instruction.

    Stops all level, entity, or other sounds.

    mode - 1 = stop all currently playing level sound sources.
    2 = stop all entity sounds.
    3 = stop all level and entity sounds.
    4 = stop every sound that is currently playing.


    Example: = off; // disable the sounds of the camera view
    snd_stopall(3); // silent all playing level sounds = on; // switch the sound focus to a different view

    Useful to immediately reflect a change of a view's audible flag or of
    the global sound volume.

    Conditional breakpoint. Activates the source debugger at any place in
    the script code as soon as the given condition becomes true. Very
    useful for observing the state of a certain variable during script

    condition - an expression that evaluates to false or true.

    - The condition is evaluated after each instruction. Therefore a
    conditional breakpoint slows down script execution remarkably and
    inflates the compiled code; the given condition should be a simple
    comparision and not a complicated formula.
    - Breakpoints can only be set in the development engine, not in the
    release engine.
    - If [Esc] is pressed while the source debugger is active, the
    conditional breakpoint is reset. The next break_on instruction
    reactivates the breakpoint.

    breakpoint_on(camera.genius == NULL);
    // activates the debugger as soon as the camera genius is set to zero
    // by any instruction.

    phent_setmaxspeed(entity, var maxLinear, var maxAngular);
    If an object moves faster than the specified limit it will be stopped
    (its velocity gets set to 0). If an object rotates with an angular
    speed faster than the specified maxAngular limit, it will stop
    spinning (angular velocity will be reset to 0).
    By default objects have no speed limit assigned to them, which can
    lead to problems of an object leaving the level or showing other
    unintended behavior. Setmaxspeed acts as a safety net to reduce this
    problem by halting an object if it goes beyond the specified speed
    limits. Because it will be halted abruptly, do not use this command
    for slowing down an object, for that purpose use phent_setdamping /
    phent_addforce instead.
    This function was already available in 6.0, but was omitted in the

    PH_WHEEL, Parameter 6, range changed for consistency reasons:
    nullvector or spring-damper constants in the 0..100000 range, e.g.

    c_move, activate_trigger, event_trigger, trigger_range:
    If c_move is called with activate_trigger, an nearby entities' event
    function is triggered when
    a) the sum of the moved entities' trigger_range and the nearby
    entities' trigger_range is bigger than the distance between the
    c_move target position and the nearby entities' center point.
    b) the nearby entities' trigger_range is zero, its passable flag is
    set and the c_move target position is inside its bounding box.
    Object Parameters =====================================================

    was removed and replaced by WINDOW.

    Has now a default value of 10 instead of 15.
    For framerate reasons the A5 software clipping of level blocks was
    reactivated for A6.
    Gives the color for drawing a TrueType font.
    Text colors were already available in 6.0, but were forgotten to

    can now also be individually set for map entities, thus overriding
    the mat_flat and mad_shaded defaults.
    C-Script variables, pointers, definitions =============================

    Nexus used by the current level, in KB.

    Var, read-only

    Indicated in the first value of the "mem" column in the statistics

    Time needed in ms/frame for physics calculations.

    Type: Var, read-only.

    Remarks: This variable is indicated in the last [ms] row of the [D]

    If this variable (default 1) is redefined at o, the new collision
    system and the physics engine are disabled. This has the advantage of
    slighly faster level loading.

    sky_map, cloud_map
    These bmap pointers are set to the texture of the level's sky box
    upon level loading. Is automatically set to NULL when a
    non-transparent, non-overlay sky dome or sky scene entity is visible.

    Panel pointer
    The panel pointer is passed as a second parameter to the button
    function when a button is clicked, and as first parameter to the
    on_click function. This way, the functions can determine which
    panel was clicked.

    function redblue(panel);
    panel red { x = 10; y = 20; bmap = redmap; on_click = redblue; }
    panel blue { x = 10; y = 40; bmap = bluemap; on_click = redblue; }
    function redblue(panel);
    if (panel == red) { print("red clicked!"; }
    if (panel == blue) { print("blue clicked!"; }

    This was already implemented in A5.51 and documented in the
    update.txt, but forgotten to take over into the manual.

    Variable for controlling the debugger.

    Var, r/w

    2 - Perform a single step ahead.
    1 - Debugger is active.
    0 - Run until next breakpoint.
    -1 - Run and ignore all futher breakpoints.

    - This variable is modified by the breakpoint and breakpoint_on
    instructions, as well as by the [Esc] and [Space] keys in single
    step mode when debug_external is not set.
    - By setting this variable at 0 at the beginning or after a wait
    instruction, a function can prevent it's own debugging for security
    - By setting this variable at 2 through a DLL, the current
    instruction is executed, it's result is copied to debug_result,
    debug_mode is set back to 1 and the debugger moves to the next

    Disables the source display and the [Esc] and [Space] keys of the
    debugger. Used for debugging through an external DLL.

    var, r/w

    0 - use internal debugger (default).
    1 - use external debugger.

    Contains the result of the last instruction when the debugger is

    var, r/o

    Gives a folder for engine plugin DLLs. The engine automatically opens
    all DLLs copied into this folder, without need for dll_open or
    dll_close instructions or for setting a DLL handle.


    "..\acknex_plugins" in development mode,
    "" in release mode.

    '\' must be given in C notation as '\\'. The folder name must not end
    with '\'.

    plugindir = "plugins"; // look for DLLs in the plugins subfolder.

    local vectors
    can now also be initialized with default values, just like global
    function test()
    var localvector[3] = 1,2,3;

    The restriction to 3 dimensions still applies.

    Main and starter functions
    ..were started in the order they appeared in the script, which
    normally caused the main function to be run after all starter
    functions. This is changed now so that the main function always
    runs at first.

    Path, resource
    32 paths or resource files can now be given instead of 16.
    WED/MED/SED improvements ==============================================

    Bones animation (Commercial, Pro)
    Bones form the 'skeleton' of a model, and are used as an alternative
    method for animation. A bone is defined by
    - a hinge point that is either located at a fixed position in the
    model, or attached to the end of a 'parent' bone,
    - a pan tilt roll orientation
    - a length
    - a set of vertices attached to that bone. If the bone moves or
    rotates, the attached vertices move or rotate with it.
    A model can be animated by changing the orientation or length of a
    set of bones. This has the following advantages over hierarchical or
    key frame animation:
    - Bones animation in MED is easier and faster than animation by moving
    - Bones animations can affect only parts of the model, and thus can be
    combined. For instance, a model can turn his head, shoot and walk
    at the same time. The engine combines the three partial animations.
    - MDL files are smaller with bones animation than with a
    corresponding key frame animation.
    MED allows to create and connect bones, attach vertices to them, and
    record bones animations.

    Creation of bones:

    Enter bone creation mode by clicking the [Create Bone] button. Left
    clicking into a window creates a bone hinge point. The next left
    click connects the hinge point with the click point by a bone.
    Further clicks create a connected chain of 'child' bones. [Del]
    deletes the last bone, and initiates a new bone chain.
    Alternatively, bones can be created by clicking and dragging.
    Clicking into an existing hinge point attaches the new bone to the
    previous one.
    Edit the bones by selecting the [Bones Mode] in the Select toolbar.
    In [Move] mode you can move the bones by selecting and dragging their
    hinges. In [Dependent Move] mode, moving a parent bone moves also all
    child bones. In [Independent Move] mode, only the parent bone is
    In [Rotate] mode you can rotate a bone chain by clicking a hinge and
    dragging upwards/downwards. Rotating a parent bone also rotates all
    child bones when [Dependent Move] is activated.
    You can merge two or several hinges the same way as you merge
    vertices - put them together, select them and then click the [Merge]
    button. This way, several child bones can be attached to the same
    parent bone.

    Attaching vertices to bones:

    Click the [Apply Vertices Mode] button. Vertices already attached to
    bones appear blue; free vertices appear yellow. Select a bone by
    clicking it's hinge point. Select some vertices and click the [Apply
    Vertices] button. The vertices are now attached to the selected bone
    and will move with it. You can remove vertices from a bone by
    clicking the [Remove Vertices] button. Continue until all vertices
    are blue.

    Recording bones animation:

    Similar to recording a frame animation. Click the [Animate] button to
    switch from bones placement to bones animation mode. Add a frame as
    usual with "Edit/Add New Frame". Activate [Use Bones Animation]. Now
    select a bone by clicking it's hinge point. You can move or rotate
    the bone to it's desired position, as described in 'Creation of
    bones'. When finished, add the next frame. For replay, you can toggle
    between replaying a normal frame animation, and a bones animation,
    with the [Use Bone Animation] button.

    For precise animation, select [Bones Properties] and click [Animation
    Key] on the panel. You can now change the following values for setting
    a bones position and orientation:

    [Position] - moves the bone and it's childs to the desired position.
    Note that the parent bone remains attached to the bone,
    however it's not rotated although it looks as if it were.
    [Rotate1] - rotates the bone and it's child bones about the bone
    [Rotate2] - rotates only the child bones about the bone position.
    [Rotate3] - rotates the bone and the child bones about the bone origin.

    If the bones properties panel is not open, you can toggle between the
    3 rotate modes by pressing [1], [2], or [3]. The current mode is
    indicated in the status line. For rotating a bone, click its hinge
    point and move the mouse upwards or downwards.

    An example for a complex rotation, ro-arm.mdl, is included in the
    beta. By clicking [Remove Bones Animation] the bone is reset to it's
    default position.
    The [Disable] flag temporarily excludes the bone from the animation.
    The flag is deleted when Animate mode is left.

    Playing bones animation:

    Just like playing vertex animation, through the ent_animate
    instruction. The engine makes no difference between bones and vertex
    frames, with the exception that bones animation can be added together
    from an arbitrary number of bones animation scenes.

    Please note:
    - Although vertex and bones animation can be combined within the same
    frame, this is not yet supported by the engine. Thus vertex animation
    within a bones frame will be ignored. This restriction will be
    overcome in a future version.
    - If a model has both bones and vertex frames, the vertex frames must
    come first, followed by the bones frames. This restriction will be
    overcome in a future version.
    - Bones animation needs more memory space per entity, and more
    rendering time than vertex animation. If you need huge armies of
    animated models on the screen, you might prefer vertex animation.
    - If a model's original size will be exceeded by bones animation or
    bones scaling or rotation during runtime, the model could be clipped
    too early by the viewing frustrum. This has the effect that the model
    disappears at the edges of the view despite it should be still
    partially visible. To prevent this, you can increase the model's size
    by placing single, unconnected vertices in it's first frame. All
    bones movement and scaling must be within the boundaries set by the
    outer vertices in the model's first frame.

    24 bit skins
    MED now supports 24 bit TGA skins without alpha channel for models
    and terrain. They will be rendered in 24 bit color depth and without

    Terrain skins
    are now mapped from the center of the first texture pixel to the
    center of the last texture pixel. This way, terrains can be attached
    without seams.

    GXL Properties
    By right clicking on a MED or WED window and selecting GXL Properties,
    view parameters like view depth and DirectX lighting can be adjusted.

    Vertex and Bone point size
    Can now be set in MED Preferences/Misc. This way it's easier to
    click on bone hinges or vertices on a low resolution display.

    This DLL allocates only one DirectX device per WED/MED session,
    instead of one device per window, thus saving resources.

    MED plugin folder
    MED plugins copied into the med_plugins folder appeat automatically
    in the tools menu. The following MED plugin exmples are included:

    This MED plugin can reset or delete certain or all bones animation

    Allows to shape or distort MED objects by manipulating a rectangular
    box around them.

    Allows to create bones animation sequences in a sort of sequential

    Creates animated background pictures for copying a recorded 2D
    animation into an animated model.

    Exports and imports MDL models in ASCII format. Example for creating
    MDL exporter and importer into other model formats.

    All the DLLs above will be available in source code, together with
    a semiautomatic DLL creator program, within the upcoming WED/MED
    plugin SDK.

    New SED features:
    - Code Jumper improved, now jumps between
    - Small bug when indenting braces at beginning of lines corrected
    - Automatically adding of () and {}
    - Change the update interval of the watches
    - Change color of commands added
    - The current line gets commented/uncommented if no selection has been
    - Edit scripts while using the find/replace dialog.
    - Debug objects with parameters, for example an entity named myent you
    can get the x position adding myent.x to the watches. To debug the
    whole entity, just use myent.
    - Step over to next source line (F4) and Ignore further breakpoints
    added to the debugmenu.
    - When SED moves to a specific line due to syntax checker or the
    debugger it will only scroll if the line is not visible.
    - Test run will not start again if a debug has already been started,
    instead it will run until the next breakpoint.
    - SED will now disable the source display and the [Esc] and [Space]
    keys of the engine built-in debugger.
    - Ability to rename watches, by double clicking in the watches
    - Change values of the watches during run-time from the debug menu.
    - Debugging of the my/you entity
    - Toggle/Next/Previous/Clear all bookmark(s)
    - Code Completion now shows on top and displays correctly according to font size
    - SED will try to open the file where the error had occurred in the Syntax Checker Results
    - Does not longer register filetypes at startup, could cause trouble to some systems
    - Breakpoints could be removed/added during run-time added. (F9)
    - Go to current debugposition added. (F10)
    - Watch variable content during run-time, manually add watches from the Debug menu.
    - Test run and the syntax checker now uses the whole path from the configuration. This ensures that the "test run" function works even running it from another opened wdl script. So be sure to set the filename with path in the configuration options.
    - Test run now removes the * mark in the title as the current file gets saved when using this function
    - Syntax check now starts after the game has been executed to get current errors
    - Minor changes: Test Run (F5), Syntax Check (F6), Grep renamed to Find In Files and placed at the edit menu (Ctrl+Shift+F), Shortcuts for comment/uncomment lines corrected
    - The toolbar icons corrected
    - The opendialog now shows up properly in Windows 98
    - Added ability to change margin color
    - Background color was changed to gray when no color was selected and OK was pressed in the Customize Color dialog
    - Larger size of command help providing more help, including another help file.
    - Ability to change background color
    - Load included files. Option added in the configurations.
    - Starting with a blank script is now optional. Also added in the configurations.
    - Show line numbers applies to all open documents
    - Redo (Ctrl-Y), Commmand Database (Ctrl-D), Replace (Ctrl-H)
    - Close All/Save All added
    - Commands Database window resized
    - Open multiple files at once from the open dialog
    - One instance always, with other words, if another file is passed to C-Script Editor it will not start again. But it will open the file in the already opened instance.
    - Added grid lines to the Syntax Checker Results
    - Help with F1 and check if help file exists
    - Highlighted Selected Line added under options and is available by default
    - Ability to choose color for the highlight added
    - Show Toolbar added to the options menu in order to get the toolbar back if closed.
    - Choose of bold font in the Customize Colors dialog.
    - Go back to last edit position with Alt-Left
    - Multiline highlighting for strings added
    - Added cursor position and read mode to status bar
    - New XP style menus and change of toolbar imagesizes
    - Bigger size of the Command Help font
    Error Messages ========================================================

    E1198: <filename>: Bad file
    This error message pops up if an entity or level file is damaged and
    leads to an engine crash while loading.
    Miscellaneous =========================================================

    Debugging an entity at runtime
    Sometimes it's desirable to check the status of certain entities
    during gamesplay for AI debugging and examining what's going on in a
    complicated situation. For this, a new debugging function was
    Press [Shift-F11]. The game freezes and a cursor appears on the
    screen. Click onto an arbitrary entity. The watched pointer will be
    set to that entity, causing it's status display to appear on the
    screen. Pressing [Shift-F11] a second time will resume gameplay, but
    the status display is permanently updated with the status of the last
    clicked entity. If you want to get rid of the status display, click
    an empty position while in frozen mode.

    This debugging feature was implemented through a few lines of
    C-Script 'hardwired' in the engine:

    function _tog_dbg {
    if(key_shift) {
    freeze_mode = (freeze_mode == 0); // toggle freeze mode
    while(freeze_mode) {
    mouse_mode = 2;
    mouse_pointer = 2;
    mouse_pos.x = pointer.x; // move the mouse pointer
    mouse_pos.y = pointer.y;
    if(mouse_left) {
    watched = mouse_ent; // set entity to debug

    Watched entities
    The name of the current model file and vertex frame is now indicated
    in the watched panel.

    Statistics panel
    The statistics panel and the red lines are now activated by [F11]
    rather than by [D], which is used for the WASD player control of the
    new template scripts.
    The 4th and 5th values of the num column indicate the overall number
    of entities in the level, and the number of non-culled entities.

    Engine startup
    If a valid 3D device is not found at startup, the engine now tries
    to allocate a device a couple of times in 250 ms intervals. It gives
    up when no device was found after 4 tries.

    New template scripts
    The following scripts can be added to your project to enable new
    features (menus, player movement, enemy AIs, etc). Using WED, you can
    select the scripts you currently need for your project by selecting
    "File->Add Script" and then (using the standard Windows dialog box)
    open the script file you want to use.

    AI Bipeds

    Camera Scripts



    To switch from the old template scripts to the new template scripts,
    copy the template.wdl from the template_6 folder to your data folder.
    After that, [New Script] will create a script that contains paths to
    the new template scripts, instead of the old ones.

    Create a level with a player.
    1) Create a level in WED.
    2) Insert a model for your player.
    3) Add the "Player Biped" Script (WED: File->Add Script. Select "template_6\code\plBiped01.wdl).
    4) Attach "PlBiped01" action to player model.
    5) Add a "3rd Person Camera" Script (WED: File->Add Script. Select "template_6\code\camera3rd01.wdl).
    6) Rebuild level with Update Entities and Run.

    Some of the scripts can be customized (WED-> Resources-> Scripts->
    Customize). A brief description of each script in HTM format can be
    found in the DOC folder.

    Scripts with the same name but different numbers (e.g. sky01 and
    sky00) can conflict with each other. At best this can give you
    undefined results, at worse it can cause crashing. Don't add more
    then one script with the same name.

    So,damit ihr wisst,was es für ein programm ist.
    MrBlonde, DigitalDeath und Thengell gefällt das.
  9. :huh: :spinner:

    Mach erstmal'ne richtige Story bzw. 'n Storyverlauf, Konzeptzeichnungen und'n bissl "seriöseren" Eindruck - und quote hier net irgendwelche Hilfe/FAQ/whatevertexte aus irgendwelchen Proggis :uff: :no:
  10. Nummer28 Verwirrter Urwaldbewohner

    Registriert seit:
    23. August 2002
    Den ganzen Text hättest Du Dir auch sparen können. So ein Scheiß liest hier eh keiner durch :D

    Wenn Du ein Spiel entwickeln willst, dann solltest Du es vielleicht etwas besser organisieren mit Deinem "Team", und nicht einfach in einem Forum schreiben, dass alle jetzt mal was machen und Dir zusenden sollen und Du das Beste daraus nimmst. Sorry, aber das ist absolut bescheuert, meiner Meinung nach.
    DigitalDeath gefällt das.
  11. Lord Snow rieselt

    Lord Snow
    Registriert seit:
    2. August 2000
    Erster Schritt: Lerne eine Hintergrundgeschichte in korrektem Deutsch zu verfassen.
  12. xGERxSpiderx Qualitätskontrolle

    Registriert seit:
    29. Februar 2004
    New Hamshire
    Hast du überhaupt schonmal irgendwas programmiert?
    Wieviele Jahre soll denn dein Projekt dauern?

    Ich wette nach 2 Tagen hast du keine Lust mehr, weil dir das zu kompliziert ist.
  13. bitte nicht zitieren ;)
  14. chrisxpred ^_^

    Registriert seit:
    22. Januar 2003
  15. xGERxSpiderx Qualitätskontrolle

    Registriert seit:
    29. Februar 2004
    New Hamshire
    Und nochwas: Der Name von diesem Angeblichen "Spiel" :ugly:
    .. "Der rote Morgen" klingt irgendwie bescheuert. :lol:
  16. sorry aber das ganze hier ist einfach nur :spinner::ugly:
  17. snaf2k Ich bin bereit!

    Registriert seit:
    31. August 2004
    :hammer: :atomrofl: :aua:

    du wirst in deinem ganzen leben kein einziges Spiel entwickeln!
  18. zudem hängt er mit der bisher geplanten "handlung" kein bißchen zusammen...
  19. The Fragile

    The Fragile
    Registriert seit:
    24. Oktober 2001
    sorry aber...

    :ugly: :ugly: :ugly:

    €: Das is der geilste Thread seit langem :spinner:
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 27. November 2004
  20. xGERxSpiderx Qualitätskontrolle

    Registriert seit:
    29. Februar 2004
    New Hamshire
    Außerdem würde ich gerne mal wissen, wie man in dem Spiel den 2. Weltkrieg oder den Vietnamkrieg vehindern soll. :lol: :spinner: :aua:
  21. auch last ihn doch :ugly:

    diese motivation und die sprudelnden idee machen immer richtig spass finde ich
    aber fertigegeweorden bin ich auch nie
    spätestens am debugging geht immer alles unter :D
    wobei man dazu sagen muss dass ich.. nun ja.. nie wirklich "anspruchsvolle" sachen gemacht habe :ugly:

    aber mal ernsthaft, wenn ich fähig wäre vernünftige 3D Models und Landschaften zu erstellen (nur damit du nicht auf dumme gedanken kommst, ich hab zwar entsprechende software, bin es aber NICHT! :xmas: (ich kann spieleentwicklunstechnisch eigentlich GARNICHTS :ugly: )) würde ich mir doch nicht eine viertel jahr totale mühe für schöne figürchen geben ohne zu wissen ob die überhaupt für irgendetwas genutzt werden

    da musst du wenn schon einen festen platz in deinem team zusichern ;)
    und etwas genauer gehts wohl auch, die story sacht ja jetzt noch nicht soviel aus
    wie schon gesagt nichteinmal ob 2d oder 3d game
    (für 2D würde ich mich sogar für die models anbieten, bin voll der Paint-Pr0 :ugly: )
  22. snaf2k Ich bin bereit!

    Registriert seit:
    31. August 2004
    jo ich biete mich auch als paint experte an :D

  23. f1r3storm

    Registriert seit:
    25. August 2001
    der Sonne geblendet
    Er stellt sich mitsamt einem Schild mit der Aufschrift "Peace!" auf's Schlachtfeld! :ugly:
  24. Moo

    Registriert seit:
    17. Mai 2001
    Gern. Entwickle gerne mit 3D Engine. Wenn du monatlich 2500€ berappen kannst wäre ich durchaus bereit mitzumischen. Allerdings auch nur wenn das Team aus knapp 16 Leuten besteht. Denn das Spiel wird ja wohl auch eine Lokalisierung, einen kleinen Trupp an Testern, mindestens 2 Mapper, 2 Modeller und leute die sich mit Texturen auskennen. Ein Mathe-Freak für die KI wäre auch von nutzen. Dann könnten wir es in 3-4 Jahren schaffen.
    DigitalDeath gefällt das.
  25. Lol, zu geil, mit dem Spiel zambastel Teil da, wahrscheinlich hast du dir noch ne Maya Lizenz gekauft:ugly:

    Viel Erfolg:ugly:
  26. snaf2k Ich bin bereit!

    Registriert seit:
    31. August 2004
    ach ja noch ein gut gemeinter tipp:

    steig von 3d game studio auf c++ und direct X um
    kauf dir zum start das buch
    "jetzt lerne ich spieleentwichlung..."

    glaub mir mit 3d studio kann man keine richtigen Spiele entwickeln
    das maximale was man aus 3d game studio rausholen kann
    ist 3d fahrschule.
    und jeder der ein mal 3d fahrschule "gespielt" hat,
    will eigentlich gar kein auto mehr...
  27. The Fragile

    The Fragile
    Registriert seit:
    24. Oktober 2001
    Bitte lasst den Thread nicht untergehen... ich hab heute erst einmal gelacht. Und das war wegen diesem Thread :ugly:
  28. xGERxSpiderx Qualitätskontrolle

    Registriert seit:
    29. Februar 2004
    New Hamshire
    Keine Angst, dafür sorg ich schon. ;)
  29. Leguan

    Registriert seit:
    23. Oktober 2003
    OMG, die Gegenwart!
    Überraschungszeuge gefällt das.
  30. snaf2k Ich bin bereit!

    Registriert seit:
    31. August 2004
    deswegen bin ich vorhin auch im lachkrampf versunken :ugly:
  31. The Fragile

    The Fragile
    Registriert seit:
    24. Oktober 2001
    Am meisten musste ich lachen als ich diese History runtergescrollt habe :ugly:
  32. Genial! :eek:

    Solche Ideen muss man erstmal haben! :hoch:

    Obwohl, lass mich mal überlegen...
    Ich glaub, ich hab auch ein paar tolle Ideen: "Guter Sound" zum Beispiel :leuchte:
    Oder wie wäre es mit "mehr als 45 Waffen"? Ist ja egal, man kann auch "80 Waffen" sagen. Modeln muss ja eh ein anderer.
    Ich hoffe, ich konnte dir helfen.

    Ne, also da wird bestimmt was draus. Es gab ja hier schon eine Menge Leute, die vorhatten, ein ganzes Spiel alleine zu programmieren, aber kein Projekt war so vielversprechend wie das hier. :ugly:
    DigitalDeath gefällt das.
  33. lol geile idee
    evtl solln wir ihm noch etwas ki für sein hirn entwickeln o_O
  34. deoee

    Registriert seit:
    14. Juli 2000
    So jetzt ist Frühjahr :ugly:
    WO sind die versprochenen Screenshots? :ugly:
  35. PaladinX Multifunktionsgamer

    Registriert seit:
    23. April 2000
    ung unmöglich!
    Mein RIG:
    RTX 3080 Ti
    MSI Z690
    32 GB DDR4
    6 SSDs
    1 HDD
    Creative extern
    beQuiet Dark Base 700
    Maus und Tastatur:
    Corsair + Logitech
    LG 42 C2
    Jepp, will auch Screens sehen! :ugly:
  36. Lasst ihn nächsten Jahrzehnt kann er uns dann berichten was draus geworden ist..:ugly:
  37. des kann ich auch heute:

    nix :ugly:
    DigitalDeath gefällt das.
  38. Hast dir ja viel vorgenommen. Zeig mir mal die Alpha Version. Die dürfte etwa dann fertig sein wenn Duke Nukem 4ever rauskommt. :ugly:
    Und schlat mal die Konsole an damit jemand mal etwas KI für dich aktivieren kann.

    Ich finde ich habs schon weiter gebracht als er indem mein Spiel in der nächstem GS veröffentlicht wird.
    Zuletzt von einem Moderator bearbeitet: 30. März 2005
  39. Er kann nicht schreiben, da er zwischen Vergangenheit und Zukunft gefangen ist. :ugly:
  40. Besenbeisser Atomgott

    Registriert seit:
    29. Juli 2004
    Ich ruf mal kurz Gabe,an der entwickelt auch sone Scheisse....Ausserirdische kommen durch Dimensionsportale und die muss man dann mit ner Brechstange besiegen......:spinner::ugly:
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