Seite 8: Diskussion Kirk vs. Slusallek

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Kirk: I think we can end your skepticism if you attempt writing a ray tracer on a GeForce 6800.

As I said, we have a ray tracer running on GPUs and we are closely tracking its performance as newer GPUs come out.

However, you are ignoring my point, that for the first time there is now a simple but fully functional prototype hardware for ray tracing that is already faster than both GPUs and CPUs for ray tracing. Even better, its performance can be scaled up simply by adding more copies onto the same chip because it is not limited by the usual memory bandwidth problems.

While there is certainly much work still to be done, I think it is fair to say that the conventional wisdom that ray tracing is more complex, slower, not practical for interactive use, etc. is finally proven wrong. It will be interesting to analyze in detail the architectural differences between GPUs, CPUs and custom hardware and discuss its consequences for future 3D graphics and gaming. We are already implementing two different game engines on top of our system in order to study how future games could best take advantage of the new ray tracing features.

It has been much fun to work on this topic and I expect to see many new and interesting things to happen very quickly in the near future. (DV)

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