Global Agenda - Neuer Patch veröffentlicht

Der Entwickler High-Rez-Studios behebt mit dem jüngsten Patch für das Online-Actionspiel Global Agenda unter anderem diverse Abstürze.

Das Team von High-Rez-Studios hat einen neuen Patch für das Online-Actionspiel Global Agenda veröffentlicht, der ab sofort exklusiv via Steam zum Download bereitsteht. Das Update beseitigt unter anderem einige Fehler, die zum Absturz des Clients führen können. Die kompletten Patch-Notes finden Sie im Anschluss an diese Meldung.

Patch-Notes für Global Agenda

  • Players with an active BOOSTER will be rewarded 2,000 tokens a day automatically at approximately Midnight GMT. Note that tokens will **NOT** be awarded if a player is at their WEEKLY or BANK limit on tokens (currently players are limited to earning no more than 50,000 tokens in a week and have a maximum bank size of 50,000 tokens). Players will not see the tokens until the first time after they relog following the token distribution time.
  • Pre-made teams joining Mercenary PvP queue must now contain either all Level 30+ players, or all players less than Level 30.
  • Players must now be in an agency for 7 days prior to the AvA end of season in order to receive the end-of-season reward.
  • Several client crash conditions have been fixed.
  • Possible fix for players launching onto another region's server even when the "Match on other Regions" flag is unchecked.
  • A bug in which items could be improperly unbound from your character has been fixed.
  • German profanity filter added.
  • Some bot spawns in the Moving Target map have been fixed. Commonwealth spiders will no longer take out their frustrations on the Dune Commander.
  • Modifications have been made to the AvA End of Season device rewards.
  • Hex 219 added to Region 2 of NA Sovereign zone.
  • Deleted some players "Single class top stats" achievements that were incorrectly awarded
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