The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings - Vollständige Patch-Notes für Version 2.0 liegen vor

Der Entwickler CD Projekt legt eine Liste mit sämtlichen Änderungen und Neuerungen der Version 2.0 von The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings vor.

Die Patch-Notes für The Witcher 2 Version 2.0 stehen bereit. Die Patch-Notes für The Witcher 2 Version 2.0 stehen bereit.

Am 29. September 2011 erscheint bekanntlich das umfangreiche Update »Version 2.0« für das Rollenspiel The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. Der Patch bringt zahlreiche Änderungen und Neuerungen mit sich. Unter anderem wird mit »Dark« ein neuer Schwierigkeitsgrad eingeführt und der »Arena-Modus« schickt den Spieler in Kämpfe gegen immer stärker werdende Monster. Zudem gibt es ein Tutorial-Abenteuer für den Einstieg in das Spielgeschehen.

Der Entwickler CD Projekt hat bereits heute die vollständigen Patch-Notes für das Version-2.0-Update von The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings veröffentlicht. Davon präsentieren wir Ihnen an dieser Steller einen kleinen Ausschnitt. Die vollständige Liste der Änderungen finden Sie auf der offiziellen Webseite.

Auszug der Patch-Notes für The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings v2.0

  • Numerous improvements have been made in the targeting system.
  • Parrying is now unlimited (even when Vigor is completely depleted), though parries no longer cancel all damage (maximum 50% reduction once the relevant ability has been acquired).
  • Responsiveness of game controls has been improved. This includes but is not limited to casting
  • Signs, parrying, and attacking immediately after evading an opponent?s assault.
  • Geralt's attacks are no longer interrupted by attacking opponents. Attacks are now contiguous and foes cannot interrupt Geralt?s attacks by landing a blow.
  • Assorted fixes now prevent opponents from incessantly attacking Geralt after he has been knocked down. Geralt can no longer be knocked down repeatedly in quick succession. Also, he rises quickly while evading subsequent attacks.
  • Geralt no longer attacks opponents located behind other opponents positioned nearer to him.
  • The target locking system has been improved. Preference is now given to previously highlighted targets.
  • Target selection has been improved. Priority is now given to foes affected by a critical effect facilitating the completion of a finishing move.
  • The additional two steps Geralt took after mounting an attack with the W, S, A or D key depressed have been eliminated.
  • Attacks can now be continued even when a key controlling Geralt?s movement (e.g. W, S, A, D) is depressed.
  • Attacks can now be continued if the attack key is depressed immediately after the final strike of an attack animation sequence.
  • Geralt can now pivot 180 degrees immediately after completing an attack.
  • Assorted problems with key responsiveness have been resolved. Keys no longer need to be depressed twice or more to trigger a given action.
  • A distance attack problem has been resolved. Geralt now mounts distance attacks (lunge with sword in hand in the Fast style) when opponents were located at a suitable distance from him.

» Die Patch-Notes für The Witcher 2 v2.0 ansehen

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