Seite 2: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Neuer Patch 1.3 verbessert Mehrspieler-Modus

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Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 1.3 Patch


This is the release of the v1.3 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare™ patch by Infinity Ward.

This patch addresses the issue reported by community member Uzi Kidding which now catches some files bypassing the pure client test. In addition this update will set properties so that Anti-lag is always enabled upon map loads, an optimization for Sniper Rifle accuracty at certain distances, as well a fix so text chat between rounds of multiplayer will no longer cut out at the end. The 1.3 patch will also include all previous fixes from previous patches.


* Download the file below
* Run the installer and make sure its pointed to the installation folder for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare™

File name: CoD4MW-1.3-PatchSetup.exe
File size: 13.80 MB

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