Seite 3: Dawn of War 3 - Die neuen globalen Armee-Boni vorgestellt

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Armee-Doktrinen der Orks in Dawn of War 3

Die Orks setzen auf schiere Masse und überwältigen ihre Feinde am liebsten im Nahkampf. Den zurückgelassenen Schrott plündern sie, um damit ihre Einheiten zu verbessern oder neue Maschinen direkt auf dem Feld zu basteln. Die Elite-Einheiten der Orks und die regulären Einheiten der Orks stellen wir in separaten Überblicks-Artikeln vor.

  • Get em Boyz: Boyz get hyped up when near other Boyz, increasing their Speed if they're out of combat. The bonus caps out at 3 squads.
  • Tonz 'o Bombz: Shoota Boyz that have looted Stikkbombs will periodically throw one at their current target. Causes Knockback and Damage in a Circle.
  • Rokkit Re-Fill: The Killa Kan loots through the Pile o' Gunz. Rapidly generates Charges of rokkits.
  • Slice 'Em: When using Buzzsaw Blitz, Deffkoptas attach to the first Vehicle or Structure they Collide with. Causes Slow and Damage over time.
  • K'Mon: Nobz gain a Shield when they Taunt. If the Shield is broken it Slows in a Circle.
  • Sabotage: Gretchin charge towards the target enemy vehicle. On arrival, channels a Stun on the target.
  • Thump from da Sky: Boyz call down bombs from orbit. Causes Damage and Knockback in a Circle. When a squad activates Thump from da Sky it goes on cooldown for all Boyz. If activated by 5 or more Boyz more bombs will come down than if activated with less than 5 Boys.
  • Find the Goods: Gretchin Teleport to a piece of Scrap.
  • Kommando Konscripts: Stikkbombs create additional smoke that temporarily Stealth your Shoota Boyz if they are in the explosion. Stealth is removed if they are capturing, attacking or get Detected.
  • Magnetz: Lootas activate a strong magnet, causing them to Jump to Scrap.
  • Hiddun: Lootas hide underneath an Attackable piece of Scrap. The Scrap provides Stealth for the Lootas until it is destroyed or looted. Stealth is removed if they are capturing, attacking or get Detected.
  • Rokkit Barrage: Tankbustas fire a barrage of rokkits that Scatter around the target position. Causes Damage in a Circle.
  • Bomb Squig Mine: Bomb Squigs will burrow underneath the ground if they can't find a nearby target, waiting to ambush a target.
  • Traktor Pull: The Trukk's traktor beam locks onto the target squad and pulls them in. Causes them to Jump into the Trukk's hold.
  • Healin' Scrap: Non-Elite units Heal after looting Scrap.
  • Long Range Rokkit: The Killa Kan fires a rokkit in the target direction, exploding at max range (or the first enemy it Collides with). Causes Damage and leaves behind a lingering Slow in a Circle.
  • Squig Spotta: The Big Trakk fires a squig at the target position. The squig Provides Vision and triggers based on proximity. This signals the Big Trakk to Scatter a 3 round barrage in a Circle around the squig.
  • Smoke Shells: The Big Trakk fires a smoke shell at the target position. Creates a patch of Stealth Cover.
  • Stukk In: When Nobz die they grant stacking bonuses to the surviving squad members. Increases Damage, Speed and reduces ability Cooldowns.
  • Electrik Shield: While the Bigga Engine Shield is active Deff Dreads Slow and Damage in a Circle.

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