Seite 2: Flatout 2 - Patch 1.2 (Vollupdate)

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Fixes in v1.2

- Fixed problem in detecting the available bandwidth that causes major lag

- Fixed hang when the user selects ready at the same time as the host changes game options

- Fixed a crash ingame that can happen in certain cases when a player disconnects

- Fixed crash in lobby, or loss of controls in the car selection screen

- Fixed a problem joining when the user is behind a NAT device

- Fixed French and German translations of "chat"

- Fixed overlapping texts in the voice settings dialog

- Improved voice quality due to reduced lag

- Speeded up joining when behind a NAT device

- Added 5:4 aspect ratio

- Fixed the -exportstats commandline option

Patch (Plus)
Größe: 14,6 MByte
Sprache: Europäisch

2 von 2

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