Seite 2: Loki - Patch

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- Memory optimisation when zoning
- Fixed stuck issues with some Egyptian spells
- Fixed Poison Application and Ice Application Greek skills which didn't apply any state
- Fixed various problems with the attack speed modifier.
- Fixed the missing portal in the Delta of Tabasco area in the Aztec world.
- Fixed a problem where the arrow for the quest "Trip through the underworld" was not correctly shown after the "Way to Hell" area
- Fixed a problem where the arrow for the quest "The trip of the deads" was not correctly shown when we came back to talk to Charon.
- Fixed minor skill description problems where "1H Hammer" was written "1 Hammer".
- Fixed a problem with the experience amount needed to get next level when one reaches level 200.
- Now when a character resurrect his energy is set to max and his cooldowns reset.

- Reduced slightly material amounts required to forge armours
- Reduced slightly material amounts required to forge weapons
- Reduced slightly the chances of getting unique items in stashes.
- Improved the system allowing the players to get items more fit for their character class.
- Increased XP gain on some monster classes (Elite, Legend, Boss, Super Boss). Removed added physical damage on Bull Charge skill.
- Giant Strength skill: Increased duration, bonus, and energy cost.
- Armour of the Ases skill: Reduced bonus, Increased duration and energy cost.
- Change in the quest rewards systems: Increased XP rewards, reduced Gold rewards, Added randomly generated items as rewards.

Patch (Plus)
Größe: 126,4 MByte
Sprache: mehrsprachig

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