Star Citizen - Alpha 1.1.1 mit bemannbaren Gefechtstürmen

Die Weltraum-Simulation Star Citizen hat ein Update auf die Version 1.1.1 erhalten. Unter anderem gibt es einen ersten Test des späteren Multi-Crew-Systems. Außerdem wurde in neuer Raketen-Typ eingeführt.

Star Citizen wurde auf die Version 1.1.1 aktualisiert. Unter anderem gibt es nun testweise bemannbare Geschütztürme. Star Citizen wurde auf die Version 1.1.1 aktualisiert. Unter anderem gibt es nun testweise bemannbare Geschütztürme.

Cloud Imperium Games hat am vergangenen Wochenende einen weitere Patch für die Alpha-Version von Star Citizen veröffentlicht. Das Update aktualisiert die Weltraum-Simulation auf die Versionsnummer 1.1.1 und bringt als wohl größte Neuerung bemannbare Geschütztürme mit sich.

Das neue System zum Bestücken des eigenen Raumschiffs mit einer aus menschlichen Mitspielern bestehenden Crew soll demnächst noch weiter ausgebaut werden und ist derzeit erst ein früher Testlauf. Mit mehreren Spielern nutzbare Raumschiffe gibt es im Moment nur drei: Die Super Hornet, die Gladiator und die Cutlass Black, in der später sogar drei Spieler fliegen können.

Die Geschütztürme können von anderen Spielern genutzt werden, wenn zwei Spieler gemeinsam im Mehrspieler-Free-Flight-Modus zusammentreffen und dann zusammen ein mit solchen Geschützen ausgestattetes Raumschiff betreten.

Außerdem gibt es mit nun einen neuen Raketentyp namens Stalker V, der ab sofort für den Gladiator-Bomber freigeschaltet ist. Sie sollen dem Gameplay eine neue taktische Variante hinzufügen, da sie (anders als die Torpedos des Retaliator) zur Entfaltung ihrer Zerstörungskraft erst nahe an das Ziel herangebracht werden müssen. Die Bomber greifen damit direkter in das Kampfgeschehen ein und müssen einen geeigneten Zeitpunkt zum Angriff auf das Ziel finden, zu dem sie sich erst nach und nach vorkämpfen müssen.

Große Schiffe als geeignete Ziele fehlen im Arena-Commander-Modul bisher allerdings noch. Dafür gibt es einen Satz Stalker für Übungszwecke.

Und zu guter Letzt gibt es noch eine kleine Änderungen bei der Nummerierung der Patches: Da es durch die Bezeichnung 1.1 immer wieder zu Verwirrung bei den Spielern kam, werden die Alpha-Versionen von Star Citizen ab sofort auch als Alpha bezeichnet. Man möchte so verhindern, dass die Nutzer durch die Zahl vor dem Punkt davon ausgehen, dass sie es mit einer finalen Release-Version zu tun haben.

Die nächsten Versionsbezeichnungen lauten dann wie folgt:

  • Alpha 1.1.1 - Das aktuelle Update (hauptsächlich Verbesserungen am Arena Commander)
  • Alpha 1.1.2 - Bug-Fix-Patch für eine bessere Code-Stabilität für Pre-Star Marine
  • Alpha 1.2.0 - Star Marine
  • Alpha 1.3.0 - Social Module

Und nachfolgend noch die Original-Patchnotes zum Update 1.1.1:


  • Fix to allow the ability to adjust virtual joystick curves and relative mode sensitivity
  • Fix for the public-facing "pp_rebindKeys export" command
  • Fixed an issue where the Warthog HOTAS had conflicting keybindings for landing mode and strafe right
  • Fixed an issue where the throttle would reset itself if a ship boosted before throttling up
  • Fixed an issue where the spectator camera would rapidly jump around if a dead character was the last client left in a match
  • Fixed an issue where strafing would break while traveling at max speed
  • Fixed an issue where Matchmaker would match more clients into a game mode than the instance allows
  • Fixed an issue where the game may crash when loading into a Multiplayer Game Mode
  • Fixed an issue where a combination of sprinting and shaking the mouse can cause the character to clip through a number of game objects
  • Fixed an issue where sprinting and jumping into walls will sometimes cause the character to fall out of the game world
  • Fixed an issue where players were prevented from connecting to a server
  • Fix for cockpit audio continuing to play after self destructing
  • Fixed an issue that could cause G-Force simulation to get out of sync with Black-Out/Red-Out visual effects
  • Fixed an issue where a client crash occurred after kicking a player from the lobby (PTU)
  • Fixed an issue where a client crash occurred when exiting to the hangar while in an Arena ** Commander game mode (PTU)
  • Fixed an issue where crosshair elements of the HUD became stuck based on your starting position upon initialization (PTU)


  • Standardized look pose range of motion across all ships
  • Fixed missing audio for various ship HUD elements
  • Fixed an issue that caused the 300 series ships to drop out and back in when ejecting
  • Avenger can no longer equip the Tigerstreik to its wingslot hard-points
  • Fix for entering the back seat of the Gladiator playing the animation for entering the front seat
  • Fixed animations for entering the Gladiator (PTU)
  • Fixed Gladiator damage states detaching clean sections of the ship rather than showing damaged innards (PTU)
  • Fix for Gladiator's landing gear remaining deployed while in flight (PTU)
  • Fix for inability to look up to aim in the Gladiator's Co-pilot Turret (PTU)
  • Fixed an issue where of the Gladiator's primary thrusters will fail upon respawn (PTU)
  • Fixed an issue where the pilot retained control in the Gladiator when another player entered the manned turret (PTU)
  • Fix for the stuttering sound that played and persisted through respawn after ejecting from a Gladiator (PTU)
  • Fixed an issue where a Gladiator Co-pilot lacks functionality and can become stuck if the pilot ejects from the ship (PTU)
  • Fixed Gladius Ship Status Hologram from displaying corrupt textures
  • Gladius can no longer equip the Scorpion to its wingslot hard-points
  • Fix for inability to lock onto targets in the F7C-M Super Hornet's Co-pilot Turret (PTU)
  • Fixed an issue where a Super Hornet F7C-M's co-pilot was able to shoot and kill the pilot from the co-pilot/turret seat (PTU)
  • Fix for the stuttering sound that played and persisted through respawn after ejecting from a Super Hornet F7C-M (PTU)
  • Fixed an issue where seats in the back of the Cutlass were not animating when activated
  • Fixed an issue where the Cutlass pilot chair stayed centered after landing (PTU)
  • Cutlass landing gear is retracted while in the hangar (PTU)
  • Fixed an issue where the beds in the Retaliator could not be interacted with in the crew quarters


  • Fixed countermeasure active dialogue being fired on ship respawn
  • Fixed an issue where turrets could not be re-equipped after being removed from a ship
  • Fixed an issue where Tigerstreik bullet impacts were not causing bullet hole effects

User Interface

  • Fixed an issue where the ping value was not updating in DFM modes
  • Fixed an issue where score bar UI elements were displayed in Multiplayer Free Flight
  • Fixed redundant message spam after player death
  • Fixed an issue where the scoreboard REC column only appeared for Aurora pilots after death
  • Fixed an issue where a control profile could not be exported a second time
  • Fixed an issue where multiple exports with the same name could exist in the Control Profiles list
  • Power Throttle is now functional and can be modified using the +/- keys on the numpad, or by holding down the left mouse button after pressing [Home]
  • Fixed an issue where the scoreboard could not be opened when in spectator mode
  • Fixed an issue where the contact name text field could not be edited more than once (PTU)
  • Fixed an issue where the Contact List did not refresh with updated adds or removes until the game was reloaded (PTU)


  • Fixed crate clipping through column in Self Land central hangar bay
  • Control panel in Self Land connecting doors between bays now renders properly
  • Fix for geometry issue on support column in Self Land
  • Fixed flickering passcode pad in Self Land hangar
  • Fixed minor flair graphical and placement issues in the Asteroid hangar
  • Fixed wall flickering issue in Aeroview
  • Fixed minor graphical issues with the Sim Pod
  • Fixed an issue where the character's left hand would be flipped when driving the buggy
  • Fixed some issues that were causing interacting with the Holotable to be difficult when standing in specific locations
  • M50 holotable model now displays the main thrusters in the correct location
  • Fixed missing wall collision in the upper level of the Revel & York hangar (PTU)

Known Issues:


  • Gameplay divergence can cause situations where it appears like a ship is being hit but not taking damage, when the shots are actually missing the ship
  • Weapons fire can appear offset from weapon muzzle when fired while moving
  • Combustion Pistol cannot be equipped
  • Entering or exiting a ship will cause other clients to see the character T-pose
  • Characters rolling while prone is not seen by other clients
  • Characters will sometimes fail to animate correctly when exiting the pilot seat after
  • Decoupled mode is sometimes not disabled when taking off from a landing pad preventing ship movement (press [Caps Lock] to disable it)landing
  • Character will occasionally spawn in as a pair of eyes
  • Client crash may occur when pressing 'x' to respawn after the pilot is killed by flying into an asteroid
  • Interacting with various elements of a lobby has a chance of causing a client crash for invited players
  • Unable to exit the cockpit if one of a ship's landing gear is missing
  • Inverted controls do not work in default turret camera view


  • All ships aside from the Hornet are missing ship trails when carrying a Core
  • Multiple ships will sometimes tilt back when landing on landing platforms
  • Weapons impacting shields playing incorrect impact audio
  • 300i does not have boost VFX for its main thrusters
  • Ladder causes the 300i to wobble once landed
  • Aurora intakes are not displaying paint
  • Equipping Longswords on an Aurora's bottom hardpoints will cause the ship to wobble once landed due to excess collision on the weapons
  • Missile racks are not appearing in the holotable when an Aurora is selected
  • Avenger has some doors that cannot be opened in multiplayer
  • Gladiator Look Reticle/Crosshair is sometimes missing upon respawn, cycling camera views will usually correct this
  • Gladius damage states are detaching clean sections of the ship rather than showing damaged innards
  • All Hornets are missing a pipe on the main thruster
  • The M50's starboard wheel briefly detaches itself from its strut when being deployed during landing
  • Cutlass isn't attaching its Trireme thrusters for its default loadout
  • Cutlass Trireme thrusters are not able to be attached in the holotable (this will be left this way until they are ready for use)
  • Character is sunk into the seat when sitting in the Cutlass Blue and Red
  • Cutlass Blue's top turret is missing
  • There will sometimes be an invisible block of collision in the cargo area of the Cutlass after landing the ship
  • Killing a Cutlass will sometimes not award kill credit on the scoreboard
  • Cutlass shots fired are not in sync when there is a player in the pilot seat and the turret seat
  • Freelancer loading ramp has no collision
  • Freelancer Main Thrusters are missing
  • Character can get stuck inside a Freelancer's hull above its right landing gear
  • Multiple objects in the Retaliator are missing use prompts
  • Retaliator maneuvering thrusters are not in landing mode when in the hangar


  • User folder issues can cause weapon ammunition to go missing as well as other ship component malfunctions
  • Rattler Cluster missile second stage rockets will all use the same trajectory
  • Missiles aren't inheriting velocity from the ship that launches them
  • Seal Corporation shield generators will not be visible when equipped to Hornets
  • Weapon trail trajectories are inconsistent for targets that aren't being looked at resulting in game divergence
  • Thrusters cannot be deactivated in power management

User Interface

  • Lag pips will drop out with increased distance depending on how quickly a ship is approaching their target (only happens within a few hundred meters)
  • Shield hardpoint in the holotable is too small for Mustangs and 300 series
  • Missiles have a small portion of the ship targeting UI on them after being launched
  • Multiple in game items and ships are missing text and are displaying their internal names
  • Paint objects in the holotable are placeholders
  • Loading back into a lobby will reset the ship selection to its default (sometimes this doesn't happen visually but still happens on the backend)
  • Holding tab while ship's HUD initializes causes the HUD's score screen to default 'On'


  • There are several locations in the hangars where the character can fall out of the world
  • Thorshu Grey space crab does not have animations

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