Tour de France 2010 - Patch v1.0.1.6 verbessert Stabilität

Der Entwickler Cyanide Studios verbessert mithilfe des Patch v1.0.1.6 unter anderem die Stabilität des Sportspiels Tour de France 2010.

Der Entwickler Cyanide Studos hat den Patch v1.0.1.6 für den Sport-Manager Tour de France 2010 veröffentlicht. Das über 100 MByte große Update verbessert unter anderem die allgemeine Stabilität des Spiels, beseitigt einen Absturzfehler und nimmt Änderungen am Interface vor. Die vollständigen Liste der Verbesserungen finden Sie im Folgenden.

Patch-Notes für Tour de France 2010 v1.0.1.6

- Changed routes of two stages in Tour of Australia and the stage "Pau-Tourmalet" of the Tour de France.

- Goals changed: sponsor s contentment for Classics is not counted twice anymore; goals are displayed, the race date is now displayed.
- Magazine improved: fixed some riders pictures and the choice of the rider of the month.
- Improved the career loading time.
- Fixed the custom team ranking at the career start and update it when the year changes.
- National and Global champions are now saved.
- Training camps: Fixed booking dates for training camps and deletion of characteristic bonus at the end of the training camps.

Season Mode:
- Fixed a crash in Season mode.
- Removed incapacitating injuries for this mode.

- Improved stability of long period of gaming.
- Tunnels : Fixed a rare crash on stages with tunnels and fixed a camera angle when getting out of a tunnel.
- Removed all zebra crossings on bridges and cobblestone roads.
- Fixed the temporary ranking in race.
- Fixed commentaries in race: maximum amount of displayed commentaries is now 5.
- Fixe a gap between the displayed finish line and the real finish line on a few stages (Catalogne stage 3, Mallorca stage 2).
- Fixed the Start list in Stage Race mode.
- Improved low walls texture.
- Changed road tags.
- Added handling of withdrawals in detailed simulation.

- Improved results display with the addition of the players name in the results and fixed the selected stages list in Stage Race mode.
- LAN: Fixed GameCenter settings in Season mode and the display of riders age.
- Improved stability in Track mode ladder.

- Navigation: Escape can now be used to close popups during the race and to perform a return in manager pages.
- Improved the information page before race: bonus points are now displayed with top priority.
- Added the automatic pause function when the player browses options during a solo 3D Race.
- New shortcut: CTRL + U hides (or displays) the interface during a 3D race.
- Improved the display of stage events.
- Changed colour to display distances between rider groups in race (Green -> White).
- Fixed several elements in the interface ('Search' menu; shape planning in career; "next" icons during replays and podiums; riders command board in race; popup in replay mode; font of bottom icons in the management screen; Pause icon in Track mode).
- Added some mini-logos for custom teams.

- Improved stability and performances of the stage (Fixed "Pelt" tool and shadow management).
- Added the prologue characteristic in the database Editor.

- Updated some localizations.
- Screenshots are now saved in PNG instead of BMP.

- Improved the detection of 512 MB graphics cards.
- Added new screen resolutions and removed non standard resolutions.

Größe: 105,2 MByte
Sprache: mehrsprachig

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