Seite 2: Stronghold 3 - Erster Patch und Entwickler-Statement

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Patch-Notes für Stronghold 3 v1.124196

General Fixes

  • Fix for villagers which would break some saves.
  • Fix for wheat farmers. If ever a wheat farmer was replaced by another wheat farmer the wheat cycle would stop.
  • Fix for weaponsmith load/save issue.
  • Fix for knight load/save issue which was causing crashes after load.
  • Fix for issue with units ignoring your commands if they'd just been assigned to your player (e.g. reinforcements).
  • Fix for incorrect minimaps showing in the multiplayer game select screen after viewing the credits.
  • Fix for stats system which would break some saves.
  • Fix for build proxy which would break some saves.
  • Units no longer get stuck in tunnels.
  • Multiple armouries/barracks can no longer be placed after loading a savegame.
  • Music is off by default when creating a new profile.
  • Fix for c1m1 music/ambient sfx playing in the tutorial, if c1m1 had been selected in the mission select screen.
  • Fix for multiple UI sound effects being triggered during initialization, causing a "crunch" sound under the Firefly logo intro movie.
  • Keep positions are now deserialized correctly when switching between maps.
  • Correct keep position icons are now shown on the minimap.
  • Fix for thread me

Multiplayer Fixes

  • Various issues with Multiplayer lobbies which should be much more stable now.
  • Fix for the issue with players joining & leaving MP lobbies before start. It should no longer hang on "starting game".
  • Teams/colours should get assigned immediately on startup (no more waiting a few seconds and then your team number changes).
  • Fix for players still being able to build after being eliminated from the game.
  • Multiplayer estate assignment should be more consistent.
  • Various out of sync issues.

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