Blood Bowl - Patch für die Legendary Edition

Entwickler Cyanide Studios hat den Patch für die Legendary Edition des Strategiespiels Blood Bowl veröffentlicht-

Das Team von Cyanide Studios hat den Patch für die Legendary Edition des Strategiespiels Blood Bowl veröffentlicht. Das Update nimmt einige Verbesserungen an der allgemeinen Performance des Spiels vor, so dass das Geschehen ab sofort etwas flüssiger ablaufen dürfte. Zudem sind die Änderungen der Version in dem Patch enthalten. Im Folgenden finden Sie die vollständigen Patch-Notes


Patch-Notes für Blood Bowl v2.0.0.5

- Addressed performance issues.
- It is now possible to chat during Matchmaking research.
- Mercenaries will not lose their extra skill when loading a saved game.
- Replay playback is now working correctly.
- Tentacles and Shadowing are now combining normally.
- A player that has been hypnotized can't use Shadowing anymore.
- Players that collapsed from heat exhaustion will now be properly put in reserve.
- A Vampire that failed the Blood Lust roll will now properly leave the pitch on the time limit turnover.
- Players will always be 11 on the pitch (if there are enough of them for that)
- Players won’t be able anymore to "gracefully" cancel the game in the Pre-Match sequence using the ESC key.
- Update of the manuals, integrating last development information.
- Addition of the Italian manual in PDF version.
- Modifications on the dice generator.

Größe: 40,8 MByte
Sprache: mehrsprachig

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