Seite 2: Majesty 2: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim - Patch v1.1.88 mit neuen Missionen

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  • Mission "Treacherous Tropics"
  • Mission "Wizard Wars"
  • The system that checks for updates has been implemented into the game
  • If the graphic settings exceed the system parameters and the game crashes, "safe mode" will automatically be activated on the next launch
  • The ability to fix the central information panel has been added
  • The ability to scroll through the party-creation window has been added
  • AI: Modified the system of preferences for different classes of heroes when purchasing goods
  • AI: Heroes now pay more attention to the protection of the city if important buildings are under attack
  • AI: Heroes now want to protect their guilds
  • AI: Improved use of elixirs by heroes
  • AI: Improved hero reaction to monster attacks
  • AI: Improved behavior of guards under fire
  • Fixed a rare bug causing 2D sounds to turn off
  • Fixed the offset password field when connecting
  • Removed outlining frame that appeared with RMB held
  • Fixed an issue with saving and loading when creating a party
  • Fixed an issue with the info panel caused when disbanding a party
  • Fixed the violation of rules of construction when a sewer appears next to a trading post or a temple
  • Fixed an issue with the number of tax collectors and royal guards on the 2nd and 3rd levels of the palace
  • Fixed an issue with increased spell distance failing to add cost
  • Fixed an issue with cleric attack animations
  • Fixed an issue regarding the desynchronization of game-time speed and construction speed
  • Fixed a rare issue in the GUI with the party panel not closing after the death of a party member
  • Fixed the incorrect display of dead heroes in the GUI
  • Fixed the crash during saving and loading with maxed-out "building queue"
  • Fixed an issue with some missions not being flagged as "completed" after their completion
  • Fixed an issue with the screen over- brightness on some ATI video cards
  • Fixed an issue with the bloom special effect
  • Fixed an issue with haze in the "Big Problem" mission
  • Fixed an issue with spells and great artifacts being cast on a selected unit icon
  • The distance-related cost of spells is now displayed correctly under the cursor
  • Fixed an issue with the camera trembling while scrolling near map borders
  • Fixed an issue regarding the excessive save and load times
  • Multiplayer: GameSpy rating is displayed and calculated correctly
  • Multiplayer: GameSpy error messages are now displayed correctly
  • Multiplayer: Fixed an issue with reconnecting to a server after a failed attempt
  • Multiplayer: Server filter has been added. It is now possible to display in the server list only those that are vailable for connection
  • Multiplayer: Fixed an issue with the game being non-synchronized
  • Multiplayer: Fixed an issue with the info panel for enemy heroes and buildings
  • Fixed an issue with the lords' ammunition and artifacts having no effect
  • Fixed the crash with saving and loading while the character characteristics panel is open
  • Fixed an issue with upgrading a hero while they join a party
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to choose suitable trading lands and holy ground through the fog of war
  • Quicksave and quickload hotkeys have been changed to F5 and F9
  • Fixed an issue with scrolling in the GUI
  • The cost of inventing the "Stone Incantation" spell has increased from 1,000 gold to 2,000 gold
  • The invention of the "Stone Incantation" spell has moved to the second level of Dwarven Settlement
  • Cost of inventing "Grab-grass" has been increased from 500 gold to 2,000 gold
  • Reduced the cost of casting "Grab-grass" spell from 500 gold to 250 gold
  • AI: Paladins are now more aggressive in attacking the undead and their buildings
  • AI: Dwarves and mages are now more aggressive in attacking lairs and buildings
  • Fixed a bug in the order abilities used by the elves: first, the hero uses the attack that stops the enemy with roots ("Roots"), and then uses a basic attack
  • Health of the Greater Fire Elemental has increased up to 1,000 hit points; increased its resistance to melee, shooting, and magical attacks to 35/85/100 respectively
  • Cost of the Warriors Guild has been reduced from 650 gold to 550 gold
  • Cost of the Clerics Guild has been reduced from 750 gold to 700 gold
  • Cost of the Rangers Guild has been reduced from 500 gold to 450 gold
  • Cost of upgrading to a 3rd-level palace has been reduced from 5,000 gold to 4,000 gold
  • Cost of upgrading to a 3rd-level market has been reduced from 4,000 gold to 3,000 gold
  • Amount of money generated by a 3rd-level market has been increased from 500 gold to 600 gold per day
  • In "The Eternal Love," the starting amount of money in the player’s treasury has been increased by 3,000 gold
  • In "Bloody Offenses," the starting amount of money in the player’s treasury has been increased by 3,000 gold
  • In "Pretenders to the Throne," the starting amount of money in the player’s treasury has been increased by 1,000 gold
  • In "The Demon's Advisor," the starting amount of money in the player’s treasury has been increased by 1,000 gold
  • In “Pretenders to the Throne,” the holy land appears instead of the enemy’s destroyed Temple to Dauros
  • Fixed issues associated with upgrading the weapons for Priestesses of Agrela and Beastmasters

Größe: 62,8 MByte
Sprache: Deutsch

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