Seite 2: Borderlands - 200 Megabyte-Patch behebt Fehler

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  • Fixed a bug that kept challenges from unlocking for the rest of a session after visiting arenas
  • Fixed some formatting issues with the server list screen
  • Fixed an issue causing servers to report the incorrect plot mission
  • Proficiency progress to the next level should no longer be lost when leaving a multiplayer game as a client
  • Fixed a progression issue in the Find Steele mission - characters affected by this issue should now be able to continue progressing
  • Most instances involving character data loss when playing online should no longer occur
  • Addressed some exploits involving character level and backpack size
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Mordecai to spawn multiple Bloodwings
  • Mordecai's "Loaded" skill now increases mag capacity by 20%
  • Roland's "Scattershot" skill has had its spread adjustment corrected, and damage now increases at +5 per level
  • Improved the refresh speed for the server browser
  • Support for DLC 2 added

Größe: 190,9 MByte
Sprache: Deutsch

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