DiRT 3 - Patch 1.1 zum Download

Der Patch 1.1 für das Rennspiel DiRT 3 behebt unter anderem einen Fehler, der zu einem Absturz beim Ladebildschirm führen konnte. Zudem wird die allgemeine Stabilität des Spiels verbessert.

Das Team von Codemasters hat den Patch 1.1 für das Rennspiel DiRT 3veröffentlicht. Das besagte Update verbessert unter anderem die allgemeine Stabilität des Spiels, behebt einen Absturzfehler beim Ladebildschirm und nimmt diverse andere Änderungen vor. Die vollständigen Patch-Notes finden Sie wie gewohnt unterhalb dieser Meldung.

Patch-Notes für DiRT 3 v1.1

• Time of day and weather options are now correctly saved within Jam Session save/restore slots.
• Fixed an occasional loading screen hang which could leave the player with a black screen.
• Fixed a soft lock when removing the Ethernet cable on some screens during a LAN session.
• Battersea Compound – Parking Lot environment updated to ensure that smash blocks are always present.
• Resolved specific instances of the player being able to drive into areas of crowd.
• Corrected a rare issue with online staggered start team events which could lead to incorrect team scoring.
• Fixed a very rare physics issue which could lead to the player’s vehicle falling through the world.
• Fixed two graphics issues which could lead to a crash when changing resolution or resizing the windowed game to a height of 0 pixels.
• Resolved an issue preventing Player 2 from re-binding their controls if using a keyboard within a split-screen event.
• Fixed an issue which, in specific circumstances, could lead to a spectator seeing incorrect progress during a multiplayer Transporter event.
• Minor corrections to track boundary and reset lines.
• Fixed an issue which will occasionally cause the green ‘infected’ effect to be applied to the player’s car during loading between Outbreak events.
• ‘World Record’ and ‘Personal Best’ symbols now correctly appear within all circuit-based time trial events.
• Correction to particle behaviour during high speed collisions, avoiding any instances of them spawning in the wrong direction.
• Minor finish line adjustments to avoid the possibility of bypassing them in some routes.
• Fixed an issue which lead to the driver’s hands clipping when in the interior camera ‘brace’ position.
• Resolved an issue which would occasionally prevent the ‘World Tour’ tetras from spinning within the front end.
• Resolved an issue which could lead to some vehicle cards flickering within the front end vehicle select screens.
• Adjusted a small number of text references and menu options for the ‘VIP Pack’, which should be referred to as the ‘Free Car Pack’ for PC.
• Various stability fixes.

Größe: 489,2 MByte
Sprache: mehrsprachig

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