Offizieller Star Citizen Thread Part XII 4.0 Patch in Q3! (3.23.1 Live)

Dieses Thema im Forum "Spieleforum" wurde erstellt von Deathsnake, 4. Juli 2018.

  1. Sir Stubert

    Sir Stubert
    Registriert seit:
    19. Januar 2011
    Inside Star Citizen

    0:00 Origin 100er Serie wird vorgestellt (alle drei Varianten)
    Größere Raumschiffe sind nicht automatisch besser. Kleien Schiffe sind schwerer zu treffen, der Frachtraum ist leicht zugänglich und Wartungsarbeiten können leichter durchgeführt werden. Das Design hält sich stark an die ursprünglichen Konzepte.
    0:52 Die 100er Serie erhält als erstes Schiff die neue Mechanik, wodurch mit jedem Knopf/Schalter interagiert werden kann (physicalized Dashboard). [Es sieht nicht so aus, als ob tatsächlich jeder Schalter eine Funktion hat, aber es dürfte einen wichtigen Schritt zur verbesserten Cockpitinteraktion darstellen, die vor ein paar Wochen mit einer Gladius demonstriert wurden.]
    1:20 Der Innenraum ist kompakt gestaltet. Das Bett kann aus einer Wand ausgefahren werden, Komponenten sind hinter Klappen leicht zugänglich
    2:01 Die Raketen sind unter der unter der Front des Schiffs angebracht, um das Design für nicht verändern zu müssen. Die 125a hat eine größere Raketenaufhängung am hinteren Ende. Sie sind im inneren des Schiffs versteckt, wenn sie nicht verwendet werden.
    3:34 Front-End UI (Building Blocks)
    3:52 Neues Hauptmenü wird gezeigt, es ist noch nicht fertig.
    Später soll der eigene Charakter in der Mitte des Hauptmenüs angezeigt werden. Freundesliste und Benachrichtigungen können an der Seite angepinnt werden.
    4:41 Neue Spieler sollen besser durch die Menüs geführt werden. Bei der Auswahl des Startpunkts passt sich der Hintergrund an. Es gibt endlich einen Knopf zum Löschen aller Benachrichtigungen.
    Durch die Building Blocks haben sie mehr Kontrolle über das UI. Das gesamte Front-End ist nun ein modulares System, welches Änderungen/Erweiterungen stark vereinfacht.
  2. Clawhammer

    Registriert seit:
    5. September 2008
    Was soll eigentlich das herumgetrolle auf reddit bezüglich CR Anwesendheit? :topmodel:
    chueche gefällt das.
  3. Indiana_Bart ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIB

    Registriert seit:
    6. Januar 2001
    du meinst, weil Roberts im Spectrum diverse Infos zum Room System etc. gepostet hat? :hmm:

    The Room System has been in the game for quite a while and fully works including equalization of gases / atmosphere between room volumes (including dissipation into the global room aka open space / vacuum)

    When you suffocate for lack of oxygen that is because you are in a "room" with not enough oxygen.

    The Room System is basically how the game describes volumes of gas, their pressure, density and temperature so a planet has a room (it's atmosphere) a ship has rooms (various compartments between bulkheads), even "The Coil" in Squadron 42 has it's volume described by a "room".

    We use it for the Player Status System (breathing oxygen), for atmospheric flight (the room system contains all the information in terms of density and composition of the atmosphere in terms of gasses that flight model uses to calculate drag and lift), weather (some of the current weather ground FX are partly influenced by the room's temperature, density and even composition of gasses in the atmosphere), contrails (in atmosphere and in space gas clouds) and atmospheric entry effects on ships.

    So the Room System is very important for a lot of systems and has been been in Star Citizen for years.

    What u/MGibson-cig was saying and may have been lost in translation as you don't know our internal terms is that rooms can have two states; mutable and immutable. Mutable means that the room has a finite amount of density / pressure / gasses which can pass to another room if it is connected to it and there is a difference in pressure. So if you open an door to space from your Aurora if the internal room is set to mutable the atmosphere inside will escape outside. Immutable means the room has what is considered an infinite amount of gas and it's pressure won't change. Planet Atmospheres are immutable rooms, as is the vacuum of space. When we first set up rooms on the vehicles we didn't have the life support component (and it's related vents) implemented yet so we had no way to supply more oxygen to a room that had lost it, so the designers set the ship rooms to immutable (infinite supply of oxygen basically) as a temporary measure because otherwise if you opened your door in space you would lose your internal breathable atmosphere and suffocate if you didn't have a space suit on. All ships have rooms, and in fact why people occasionally suffocate on a ship in some places is because the room volume hasn't been set up correctly and there is some part of the ship without a room, and without a room there is no atmosphere and the game treats everything outside a room as vacuum.

    We have the initial implementation of life support components and their connected vents working internally but rolling it out for the ships will take a while as we need to literally "plumb" the ships with a set of extra components, not just the life support component but all it's vents. We have a few other systemic ship features like more interactive cockpits (DCS style) we've been working on, as well as the dynamic fire system (which also uses and affects the room / atmosphere) and an update to the "pipe" system that shares resources like power, heat, fuel, atmosphere between components that will be more flexible and scalable so it's really a matter of scheduling when we do passes on our huge number of ships to set them up for the new systems that are waiting and the ones to be ready soon; As everyone always has more work than time it is going to be more efficient to update multiple things once we crack open a ship to update it, hence some of the functionality we have waiting in the wings hasn't been rolled out just yet.

    There is a lot of very cool systemic gameplay that we've been working to finish off in the background for ships that once all together will create a spaceship simulation like no other. Let me give you an example that factors in our new physical damage (that we are working on as I type; this is one of things that I'm pretty involved in), fire, room, pipe and player status systems.

    A ballistic round passes through the ship's shield, which scrubs off some of its kinetic energy but not enough as the round's velocity was high as was its mass as it was an armor piercing round. It manages to penetrate the armor and strikes an internal component, say a power relay node (something else we are working on as part of the pipe system refactor). The power node takes damage giving it a chance to "misfire" while in use. A few minutes later the node does misfire, blowing its fuse and resulting in it catching fire. The crew of the ship doesn't realize a fire has broken out in one of the side corridors, as they are busily concentrating on fighting the ships attacking them. The fire starts to spread along flammable surfaces, and as the fire starts to engulf other components they also catch fire. The engineer on the bridge of the ship sees his console flash red giving him a warning that several components have failed and looking at his ships schematic he sees a fire has broken out below decks. The engineer decides to seal the bulkhead doors on the corridor to contain the fire but the doors have no power as the power node is out! He comms one of his crew mates to leave his turret and grab an extinguisher and put out the blaze which is slowly creeping towards the power plant room. Fire reaching a ship's power plant or it's ammo stores are two sure fire ways for your ship to go boom. With the physical damage system ships will no longer just explode when their hit points reach zero, they'll explode because something inside them went critical and exploded (due to damage or heat), which then damages everything else. Outside of that damage will affect the ability of the ship to function or it's structural integrity so they also could become a lifeless hulk as much as they could go up in a flash of light. When the crew member gets to the corridor where the fire has broken out is has already consumed a huge amount of oxygen in that "room" (the corridor) and has released noxious gasses, so the crew member can't breathe and quickly retreats to put on a fire resistant suit and helmet. The engineer in desperation manages to reroute power away from the destroyed node through a secondary node restoring power to enough of the bulkhead doors to allow him to contain the fire. Noticing that there is an external airlock in the sealed off area he opens the airlock, venting the oxygen in the sealed off corridors and rooms to the vacuum of space, depriving the fire of the ability to burn, putting most of it out. By this time the crew member is suitably dressed and can extinguish the fire that made it past the bulkhead door before it can grow again. The engineer then reseals the airlock and allows the life support system to replenish the air in the vented part of the ship. Once done the engineer opens up the bulkhead door allowing the crewmember in with a replacement fuse for the power node, restoring power to that section of the ship, then returns to his turret. It's been a close call but the ship is still alive and in the fight!

    What I describe will be possible once we have finished and deployed the systems we're working on. I know it can be frustrating to wait for all of this functionality to be online but I promise you everyone is working as hard and as smartly as possible to get there; we are just going for a higher level of systemic gameplay (versus scripted) than most if not all games, and to architect all of this so it works in multiplayer at scale is no small feat.

    I am very invested in making Star Citizen's gameplay as systemic as possible as I think this will open up so many possibilities of emergent and immersive gameplay. The downside of this approach is that it takes longer to see results as opposed to scripting actions as you have to build the fundamental systems first and have them interact with each other before the full extent of the gameplay becomes apparent. But for the long term, and for people's ability to lose themselves in the universe of Star Citizen for many years to come it is the approach that will have the best results.

    oder habe ich was verpasst? :ugly:

    Gute Zusammenfassung wieder. ISC war ganz nett, nichts besonderes aber Front End Änderungen sind interessant

    Ich glaube jetzt werden wir bis zum 10.10. nur noch solche "kleineren" Infos bekommen, wie letztes Jahr. Bin mal auf die "CitizenCon" Videos gespannt :yes:
  4. Clawhammer

    Registriert seit:
    5. September 2008
  5. Indiana_Bart ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIB

    Registriert seit:
    6. Januar 2001
    Ich merke dass vielen "Hatern" immer mehr Argumente ausgehen und nun ist man halt bei "wo ist Roberts?" angekommen. Habe ich vor kurzem hier in den Newskommentaren als auch in einen anderen Forum als "Argument" lesen müssen ohne dass die Person wusste, dass Roberts aktiv an der Programmierung dran sitzt und erst vor kurzen persönlich in Frankfurt war.

    Nur weil Roberts nicht bei ISC & Co auftaucht, heißt das ja nicht, dass er nichts zu tun hätte. :ugly:
    ElementZero gefällt das.
  6. Indiana_Bart ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIB

    Registriert seit:
    6. Januar 2001
  7. ElementZero

    Registriert seit:
    19. April 2020
    chueche gefällt das.
  8. Zeraphil User mit besonderen Bedürfnissen

    Registriert seit:
    6. April 2005
    New Avalon
    Das Pensum von Roberts und seinen wichtigsten Leuten wünsche ich manchem....glaube nicht das die immer um 16 uhr ausem Büro raus sind :ugly:
    ElementZero und Deathsnake gefällt das.
  9. Evil Ash Star Citizen Haus- und Hoffotograf

    Evil Ash
    Registriert seit:
    6. September 2013
    Ein wenig Racing-Feeling:


  10. Drugh

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    Mercury Starrunner Sitze im Newsletter

  11. HawkS73

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    Frag mich wo die sind, im Cockpit hinter dem Pilot / Copilot Sitz?
  12. Sehen... unbequem aus. :ugly:
    th3 ghost gefällt das.
  13. Drugh

    Registriert seit:
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    Gute Frage, wenn man sich das Promobild anschaut, ist das wohl wie von dir beschrieben hinter dem Pilot/Copilot im Cockpit?

    Edit: Wenn ich mir den Floor Plan genau ansehe, sind da aber wohl nur zwei Sitze: Pilot / Copilot.


    Siehe auch Floor plan:


    Analog zum Millenium Falcon, wo die beiden hinteren Doppelsitze auch eher "rustikal" waren.

    chueche gefällt das.
  14. RedRanger ●-Stein-der-Schande

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    Vielleicht wurden zusätzliche Jump Seats hinzugefügt. Könnten hinten im Cockpit sein, wo im Moment nur der Gang ist und die Placeholder Figur steht. Die Sitze quasi an der Wand lang ohne Konsole.
  15. HawkS73

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    Jupp. Ich denke die Turret Sitze sind im Cockpit hinter den Piloten. Auf dem Floor Plan sind die übrigens gar nicht aufgeführt. Da gibt es nur den Scanner Stuhl. Eventuell macht CIG es mit der MSR wie mit der Carrack - obwohl es Sinn macht das der Pilot min. eine Waffe feuern und so etwas das Schiff verteidigen kann, bis die Turrets besetzt sind, kann er keine feuern! Es braucht Gunner! Wenn dass der Weg ist den CIG gehen will, bitte dem z.B. Caterpillar, Starfarer und 600i Piloten auch auch die Waffe nehmen.
  16. RedRanger ●-Stein-der-Schande

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    Da sind keine Konsolen, ich denke, es sind einfach Jump Seats, dachte die Turrets wären Auto-Turrets.
  17. HawkS73

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    ActionNews gefällt das.
  18. RedRanger ●-Stein-der-Schande

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    Eckig, klein und ergonomisch
  19. Sir Hurl Moderator

    Sir Hurl
    Registriert seit:
    11. Januar 2003
    Jep... auf der Bodenbeschriftung steht auch "Turret down". Die Streben an den Seiten sind dann wohl auch dafür da, die Sitze nach unten und oben zu fahren.
    Ich mag den Vintage Look der Sitze
  20. chueche

    Registriert seit:
    2. Oktober 2009
    ElementZero gefällt das.
  21. Evil Ash Star Citizen Haus- und Hoffotograf

    Evil Ash
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    6. September 2013
    313 Mio. :fs:
    Deathsnake gefällt das.
  22. Indiana_Bart ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIB

    Registriert seit:
    6. Januar 2001
    wieder ein Beitrag von Chris

    I shared information on where we are, and why you don't see something you thought you should. Part of my motivation for answering is that I commonly see people assume things that aren't true like the room system not being in the game because one aspect of the system doesn't have the behavior that they think it should. I wanted to give you extra context and information so you (and others in this thread) had a better understanding of what is in, what isn't and why it isn't and what is left to do.

    If you want to encourage me or other developers to answer questions then it helps to not turn around and question people's professionalism or make sweeping statements. If someone did that to you in your job I am sure it would be irritating. I have a thicker skin than most of the developers at CIG, and realize that not everyone is speaking in their first language or realizes how they phrased things may not have been the best, but in general it is best to approach things with constructive criticism, leaving the ad hominems out. You wouldn't be putting this much time into something if you didn't care, so why put energy into posting something that a developer will dismiss because it feels like an attack? I can tell you that being considerate of someone and treating them with respect will get you much further than than being dismissive. The development team reads these forums and other places like reddit, and the community's feedback really helps, but the feedback that gets actioned on, that gets passed around internally and is discussed is the constructive type, not the overly negative type. Just saying something sucks isn't helpful. Explaining why it sucks for that user, and their ideas to potentially rectify it is helpful.

    My biggest disappointment with modern internet discourse is that there's a significant amount of cynicism, especially in forum or reddit debates, and a portion of people assume the worst. If a feature is missing, late or buggy it's because the company or the developer lied and or / is incompetent as opposed to the fact that it just took longer and had more problems than the team thought it would when they originally set out to build it. Developers by their very nature are optimistic. You have to be to build things that haven't ever been built before. Otherwise the sheer weight of what is needed to be done can crush you. But being optimistic or not foreseeing issues isn't the same as lying or deliberately misleading people. Everyone at CIG is incredibly passionate about making Star Citizen the most immersive massively multiplayer first person universe sandbox, and everyone works very hard to deliver that. If we could deliver harder, faster, better we would. We get just as frustrated with the time things take. We practice bottom up task estimation where the team implementing the feature breaks it down and gives their estimates of how long it will take them. Management doesn't dictate timelines, we just set priorities for the teams as there are always a lot more things to do at any one time than we have people to do them. We are constantly reviewing and trying to improve our AGILE development process and how we estimate sprints. As the code, feature and content base grows there is more maintenance and support needed for the existing features and content, which can eat into the time a team has for new feature development, meaning you always have the push and pull of current quality of life in a release versus delivering new features and content. The same push and pull exists in the community as there is a strong desire for polished bug free gameplay now but also new features and content, often from the very same people.

    Things like Salvage haven't been pushed back on a whim, but because in terms of priority we felt that it would premature to work on Salvage before the iCache and physical damage system is implemented in the game as this fundamentally changes how we manage state, handle damage and debris. So when presented with a priority call to make on resource allocation we deprioritized Salvage in order to build the infrastructure to really make it sing, as opposed to working on a system we will have to refactor when the iCache and new damage system came on line.

    We have also decided we wanted to invest more time into the quality of life, performance and stability in Star Citizen as it is actively played every day by tens of thousands of people; on normal days we have an average of over 30,000 different people playing and at the peak during events this year we've hit 100,000 unique accounts playing in one day which is pretty impressive for a game in an early Alpha state. We are on track to have over one million unique players this year. Star Citizen already has the main gameloops of a space sim; cargo hauling, commodity trading, mercenary, pirate, bounty hunting and mining. Just spending time refining and finishing out these would make Star Citizen with all it's detail and fidelity more engrossing than any "finished" space sim you can play today.

    We've shown a preview of the new roadmap format ( ) that we are working on. Part of the motivation for changing how we share the tasks we are working on and their progress is so the community can get better visibility into the hard choices that we face everyday on the project and see what exactly every team is working on as opposed to just the few tasks we feel comfortable sharing because we think have a high probability to make that quarter. When we make a priority call and move up or add a task there is always something that needs to be pushed back. The new format which tracks our 58 feature and content teams that work on Star Citizen and Squadron 42, will be able to show what each team is working on and if a new initiative like improving the cargo hauling experience gets added you'll see the tasks that get pushed back on the teams that will work on this new initiative. As a point of data these teams can be anywhere from 4 people to over 20 people and of the 58 teams only 11 are exclusively dedicated to Squadron 42 and 12 for Star Citizen and the rest are shared (things like graphics, engine, actor, vehicle, AI, VFX, sound and so on), although a lot of the priorities for things like actor, vehicle and AI are driven by what Squadron needs.

    Switching the roadmap format was something that I made a priority for us at the start of the year when it was clear that the current roadmap format wasn't helping, especially as the teams really didn't want to commit until absolutely definitely their feature would make it, which you'll normally only know about six weeks before release, due to the vitriol they would see when a task was pushed back, despite our best efforts to get everyone that looks at the current Road Map to read and acknowledge the caveats ( ) which explicitly say some of the tasks are likely to slip. Getting tired of this I felt it would be best for the community to see the same view I and the rest of the senior development management see on Star Citizen and Squadron 42. This won't stop people from disagreeing with our priority calls or how long something takes, but at least it will share the overall picture and people can see exactly what everyone is working on at any moment and how long it is projected to take. They will be able to see it change when it does for us and hopefully appreciate how many people are working really hard to make Star Citizen a game like no other. One of the reasons the new Road Map is taking time because we're building a system that visualizes all this as a top level directly from our JIRA database. We plan to use a more verbose version of the public roadmap for our internal sprint scheduling, so the data you see will be a sanitized version of what we see (we won't share individual developer names and assignments publically for obvious reasons but internally we will see this).

    I sense from your reply to me that it's the time taken and priorities that you're frustrated with, as you feel like we're focusing on the wrong things. I can see that point of view, but you're looking at it from the outside without the full knowledge of exactly what it will take, and the order it needs to be done in to deliver the gameplay that will set Star Citizen above everything else. This is the game I've dreamed of my whole life. Now I am in a position to realize it, I am not willing to compromise it's potential because it is taking longer than I originally envisioned. What I will commit to, and what is an internal priority is to improve the current gameplay and quality of life as we go, as Star Citizen is already fun in many ways, even if more buggy and not as stable as I would like, and just finishing off and polishing the basics will make it play as well or better than most other games.

    I can promise you the gameplay I described is not a pipe dream, nor will it take 10 to 20 years to deliver. I described systems we either have working, or are working on; we've even shown early versions of some of this like fire on Inside Star Citizen. I can't promise you exactly what quarter it will come together but once the new Road Map web work is done you'll be able to see the teams progress to achieving what I describe in real time.


    Things like Salvage haven't been pushed back on a whim, but because in terms of priority we felt that it would premature to work on Salvage before the iCache and physical damage system is implemented in the game as this fundamentally changes how we manage state, handle damage and debris. So when presented with a priority call to make on resource allocation we deprioritized Salvage in order to build the infrastructure to really make it sing, as opposed to working on a system we will have to refactor when the iCache and new damage system came on line.
    Deathsnake, ActionNews, ileus und 3 anderen gefällt das.
  23. ElementZero

    Registriert seit:
    19. April 2020
    Wie recht er da hat! :hoch:
    Olec, Megalobo, ActionNews und 3 anderen gefällt das.
  24. Ebbi

    Registriert seit:
    7. Mai 2012

    Ich wollte gestern Abend im Arena Commander die Sabre ausprobieren. Dazu hab ich mein TM T16000 Hotas mit dem Profil von Alvehyanna genommen. Im Spiel hab ich es überhaupt nicht geschafft ein Gegner ins Target Lock zu bekommen. So waren die Kämpfe entsprechend kurz... Als ich es mit der Tastatur probiert habe, hat es sich auch sehr schwer getan mit dem Target Lock. Erst nach mehreren Versuchen ging es rein. Ist das ein neuer Bug oder ein Feature der Sabre? Ansonsten war gestern bei mir eh der Wurm drin, Schiffsmenü im AC ging nicht, auf Microtech wad zunächst kein Fahrstuhl und als beim zweiten laden die NPC wieder auf den Sofas standen hab ich ausgeschaltet.:battlestar:
  25. Indiana_Bart ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIB

    Registriert seit:
    6. Januar 2001
  26. ElementZero

    Registriert seit:
    19. April 2020
    Ich finde auch, dass das ziemlich beeindruckende Zahlen für eine Alpha sind.
    Olec und chueche gefällt das.
  27. Indiana_Bart ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIB

    Registriert seit:
    6. Januar 2001
    außerdem von Chris:

    This is the game I've dreamed of my whole life. Now I am in a position to realize it, I am not willing to compromise it's potential because it is taking longer than I originally envisioned.

    Deathsnake, chueche und ElementZero gefällt das.
  28. ElementZero

    Registriert seit:
    19. April 2020
    Das findet meine hundertprozentige Zustimmung. :sauf:

    Zum Thema Roadmap hat er sich ja auch noch umfangreich geäußert, das wäre doch mal eine News wert. Speziell das hier:
    Indiana_Bart und chueche gefällt das.
  29. HawkS73

    Registriert seit:
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    Das und der gestrige war ein lange überfälliger Post von CR! Was er aber scheinbar nicht sieht, oder sehen will, ist das viel der Kritik auf CIG und ihn selbst zurück führt. Warum etwa hat CIG erst 6 Monate nach Stillstand der S42 Roadmap Updates auf die Community reagiert? Dann Monate zum weiteren Vorgehen zu S42 verstreichen lassen und erst wieder reagiert als die Gameing Presse den Groll der Backer bemerkt und Artikel veröffentlicht? Hier sagt er weil er die Nase voll vom „vitirol“ der Backer zum Thema hatte. Ja aber das kam ja eben WEIL CIG sich nicht geäußert hat! Genau wie sein Auftauchen jetzt- nach ewigen Monaten der öff. Abwesenheit meldet er sich mal wieder, wo er sich zuvor fast jede Woche in ATCV / ISC zeigte. Ist dann genervt wenn Leute fragen wo er ist. JA – duh? Es war unmöglich für ihn zu $300Mio einen "Letter from the Chairman" zu schreiben. Auf einen Random Post zum Room System aber antwortet er mit zwei massiven Postings hintereinander. Würde sagen da laufen die Prioritäten der Community Kommunikation von CIG und CR grundsätzlich falsch und wenn CIG sich da nicht mehr bewegt wird auch eine neue Roadmap nicht helfen.
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 12. September 2020
  30. Clawhammer

    Registriert seit:
    5. September 2008
    Tatsache, hab es heute endlich mal geschafft ne Mole voll zu machen ohne vorher nen 30k zu bekommen. Mit +90k ich bin happy :banana:

    Wobei ich schon schluss schon angst bekommen habe weil beim Lasern die Anzeige so Sprunghaft wurde. Soll das so oder liegt das am Server? Erst so zwischen 10~15% und dann macht der so Sprünge auf 25% :huch:
    Megalobo, Islar und Drugh gefällt das.
  31. Deathsnake Staatlich geprüfter Star Citizen CCU Berater

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    Maus und Tastatur:
    Steelseries Maus und Microsoft SideWinder X4 Tastatur, Joystick - Thrustmaster 16.000M
    Win10 Pro
    Laut SC Leaks wird mit dem Release der 100i Serie die Custom Optionen geben wie bei der 300i Serie.
  32. Tschetan gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    5. Juli 2020
    ElementZero gefällt das.
  33. Sir Stubert

    Sir Stubert
    Registriert seit:
    19. Januar 2011
    Ship Showdown Live

    Yogi Klatt (Vehicle Experience Team)
    Will Weissbaum (Narrative Team)
    Elwin Bachiller (Vehicle Content Team)
    Tyler Witkin (Community Team)

    Obwohl ich bereits zur Hälfte fertig war, gibt es diesmal keine Zusammenfassung. Dafür ist der Informationsgehalt zu gering gewesen.
    In Star Citizen Live wurde über die 16 Schiffe, die bei Ship Showdown Gegeinander antreten, gesprochen. Die Meinungen der Entwickler zu den Schiffen scheinen sich meinem Eindruck nach mit der Meinung der Community zu decken. Zwischen durch gab es vereinzelt Anekdoten der Entwickler, die an dem jeweiligen Schiff gearbeitet haben.

    Bei 3:57 wird über das Auswahlverfahren der Schiffe gesprochen. Ausgewählt wurden die Schiffe anhand mehrerer Kriterien wie Upvots, Likes und der Anzahl eingesendeter Beiträge. Die 890 Jump hat nicht viele Upvotes/Likes erhalten, hat es aber über die große Anzahl eingesendeter Beiträge in die Liste geschafft. Auch die Qualität der Beiträge war ausschlaggebend. Als Beispiel dafür wurde der Cutlass-Song genannt.

    Während die Entwickler über die Schiffe gesprochen hatten, konnten die Zuschauer parallel zu Ship Showdown abstimmen. Die Hammerhead lag knapp vor der Eclipse, weshalb Tyler angekündigt hat sein Hemd auszuziehen, wenn die Zuschauer für die Eclipse stimmen. Das hat auch funktioniert, die Eclipse hat knapp gewonnen. Unter seinem Hemd hatte tyler übrigens noch ein Hemd getragen.
    Bei der Ship Showdown Abstimmung liegt die Eclipse deutlich vor der Hammerhead. :wahn:
  34. Deathsnake Staatlich geprüfter Star Citizen CCU Berater

    Registriert seit:
    18. Juni 2001
    Bayern, Nürnberger Land
    Mein RIG:
    Intel i7 8700
    Asus GTX 970
    MSI 370
    16 GB DDR4 Corsair Vengeance
    Corsair SSD 120GB, 3x 3 TB Samsung HDD, ADATA SSD 480GB
    Corsair mit Corsair 650W Netzteil
    Maus und Tastatur:
    Steelseries Maus und Microsoft SideWinder X4 Tastatur, Joystick - Thrustmaster 16.000M
    Win10 Pro
    Pah...Beste Schiff ist nicht in den Top 16...


    Vom Vault..
    Jabbas Palast? :D
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 13. September 2020
    ElementZero gefällt das.
  35. [​IMG]

    Auch gerade gesehen. Musste lachen:
    chueche und ElementZero gefällt das.
  36. Indiana_Bart ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIB

    Registriert seit:
    6. Januar 2001
    keine von beiden :no:
  37. Clawhammer

    Registriert seit:
    5. September 2008
    Kein wunder das CR abtaucht bei den schlechten memes :topmodel:
    Pain553 und Parn gefällt das.
  38. Parn YA-HA!

    Registriert seit:
    13. Januar 2002
    Tja, dann kann es ja nicht das beste sein....
  39. HawkS73

    Registriert seit:
    27. November 2005
    Mein RIG:
    i7 4790k
    JetStream 1080ti
    Asrock Z97 Extreme6
    16 GB DDR3
    DVD R/W
    Thermaltake Armor+
    Maus und Tastatur:
    Logitech G15 (T) und G502 (M)
    Win10 Pro
    AGON 32'' 144Hz
    Knebel demonstriert gerade mit seinem aktuellem LetsPlay dass man mit einer Aurora MR auch gut voran kommen kann! Er hat jetzt schon über 40k zusammen und eigentlich gar nicht viel gemacht. Hand mining, box missionen und (nicht legales) trading. Noch etwas mehr als die 40k als Polster und er will eine Prospektor mieten und dann minern gehen.
  40. Sir Hurl Moderator

    Sir Hurl
    Registriert seit:
    11. Januar 2003
    Ich sagte ja bereits, dass ich die Aurora gar nicht so schlecht finde. Sie ist so hässlich, dass sie schon wieder geil ist. Außerdem verbreitet sie eine gewisse Aufbruch-Stimmung. Man sitzt in einer ollen, hässlichen Mühle und vor einem eröffnet sich die Welt voller Möglichkeiten. Das Grundrezept so vieler Spiele... :-)
    Lemansky, chueche, Evil Ash und 2 anderen gefällt das.