Nvidia hat einen neuen Geforce-Grafikkartentreiber veröffentlicht, der der für für Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Dishonored 2 und Titanfall 2 optimiert wurde. Auch für die neue Special Edition von Skyrim und Oduction VR ist der neue Treiber mit der Versionsnummer 375.70 WHQL gedacht.
Wie üblich unterstützt der Geforce-Treiber alle Grafikkarten von Nvidia seit der Geforce-GTX-400-Serie bis hin zur Geforce GTX 1080 und Titan X. Der Download des Treibers für Windows 7 bis Windows 10 ist direkt bei Nvidia möglich.
What's New in Version 375.57 WHQL
Game Ready
- Provides the optimal experience for Titanfall 2, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition, Obduction, and Dishonored 2.
Game Ready VR
- Provides the optimal experience for Obduction.
New Features
- Enhanced the performance and quality of the motion vectors provided by the MotionEstimation-Only mode of the video encoder, specifically in stereo VR use cases
SLI Profiles
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands - added temporal SLI profile
3D Vision Profile
- Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - not recommended
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered - fair
- For Honor - not recommended
The following sections list the important changes and the most common issues resolved in this version. This list is only a subset of the total number of changes made in this driver version. The NVIDIA bug number is provided for reference.
Windows 10 Fixed Issues
- DxgkDdiEscape Object is calculated using a user-provided index that is not bounds checked. [1810901]
- NVSPCAPS crashes in nvd3d9wrapx. [200246307]
- NVIDIA Image Converter component crashes. [1822628]
- [GeForce GTX 770, Forza Horizon 3] Driver crashes during PSO (Pipeline State Object) creation.[1826111]
- [Forza Horizon 3] Possible driver memory leak. [1826143
Windows 8.1/Windows 8/Windows 7 Fixed Issues
- DxgkDdiEscape Object is calculated using a user-provided index that is not bounds checked. [1810901]
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