Seite 2: Richard Huddy im Interview

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Interview Teil 2:

Please explain to us your role in this XBOX 360 GPU project and, in general, your function in ATI.

My role in the project has been fairly limited as I have been focussing my energies primarily on the PC since that's my number one responsibility.

On Xbox 360 I've been involved in helping developers understand how the hardware works and how to drive it. I've had the pleasure of presenting at some of the Microsoft developer events (called "XFests") which they hold every few months in both Seattle and London. When I'm there I present pure technical subject matter with no marketing slant thrown in.

Xbox developers tend to be a very smart crowd, so you have to be on your toes at these events, but the atmosphere is terrific - people are really excited about the feature set and awesome power of Xbox 360.

And when I'm not working with games developers on Xbox 360 I do my main job. That's working with PC games developers to make sure that they understand how to get the best out of ATI graphics hardware on the PC.

Luckily for me the job is simplified by the fact that ATI has the best drivers in the world with better stability and performance than any others. That means that games developers all know that it's a great platform to work on. And that the fact that ATI hardware "just works" makes their job much easier than with some other hardware!

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