Seite 2: Age of Pirates - Patch 1.42 (von 1.41)

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Update 1.42 Notes

Updates and Fixes

1. The FMOD sound system library has been updated to increase stability and improve general game performance.
2. Bug fixing has been performed across the more prominent gameplay issues.
3. Compatibility with ATI Radeon graphics driver versions has been expanded.
4. Texturing has been added to the island vegetation, with improved Level of Detail.

Installing the Patch

1. Ensure that version 1.41 (official retail version) of Age of Pirates – Caribbean Tales has been installed on your PC successfully.
2. Run the patch executable by double clicking on the file.
3. If requested, restart your PC.
4. Ensure your game disc is in your DVD-ROM drive.
5. Launch the title as normal (by double-clicking on the desktop icon, or select Age of Pirates – Caribbean tales from the Programs menu).

Uninstalling the Patch

Patch 1.42 is removed during a regular uninstallation of the title.

Patch (Plus)
Größe: 66,7 MByte
Sprache: Deutsch

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