Seite 4: Diskussion Kirk vs. Slusallek

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Now who's talking company politics? I see no need for special purpose ray tracing hardware if general purpose programmable GPUs can run the same algorithms faster.

I think that you must be unaware of the features of today's hardware if you find it difficult to do ray tracing on GPUs in realtime. Have you actually made the attempt?

Phillip - give up on the dark side (specialized hardware)! Come over to the light! Programmable GPUs will double in floating point performance every 6-9 months, and specialized hardware cannot possibly keep up with mass market processor development.

Slusallek: We, of course, did implement ray tracing on GPUs and so did others. For all that I have seen, hardware is not too far off from good software for the typical simple test scenes but things look much less favorable as soon as we go to more complex scenes with dynamic changes, complex shading, global illumination, and all the other advanced things we are all looking for.

All GPUs still contain quite some "specialized hardware" for rasterization, texture filtering, and many other tasks. The same would be true for the ray tracing architecture we have been looking into so far. The core ray tracing algorithm would be implemented as a primitive operation in custom hardware and it would be used by many small CPUs that take care of shading etc. It would actually be interesting to combine the vertex and pixel shaders of today's GPUs with a ray tracing core.

However, the main reason we are looking at this ray tracing hardware is to explore this design space. And what we are seeing is very encouraging when compared to CPUs and GPUs. However, there is still much research that needs to be done. And a bit of technological competition has always been a good recipe for achieving better results for everyone. companies for producing the ray tracing chip, which would be a big step forward in the right direction.

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