Seite 2: Victoria 3: Kurz nach Release greift ein erster Patch die dringendsten Probleme an

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  1. In some user configurations, the Paradox Launcher might fail to parse the settings file properly, making it impossible to change the language and other settings through the launcher.
    Most common solution: Uninstall all instances of the Paradox Launcher and run the game again.
    More information can be found in this dedicated post:
    On Windows 10 OS it can be done via “Add or Remove Programs” utility.
  2. Game map is black when starting the game.
    Workaround: Ensure you don't have a controller plugged in while starting or playing the game. The controller may freely rotate the camera in a direction where no graphics exist.
  3. If the player participates in multiple wars at the same time, generals might prematurely abandon fronts and return to their HQs once one of the wars ends.
    Workaround: Check up on your Generals after you sign a peace treaty in one war while still involved in another.
  4. The game could crash if the player hovers the mouse cursor over Sell Orders after having a different country join their market.
    Workaround: After a country joins your market, run the game for at least a week of in-game time before digging into data in the Market panel.
  5. Out-of-sync errors when attempting to hotjoin a multiplayer game already in progress.
    Workaround: Try again! If this happens to you repeatedly, have the host save and rehost the game, ensuring everyone who wants to play is present in the lobby before starting the session.
  6. Travel time can be bypassed by issuing additional orders targeting the same Front.
    Workaround: Wait until the General has arrived at the Front before changing the order. Establish a house rule not to do this in multiplayer until fixed (soon!).
  7. Revolutions create empty country entries in several map lists (Markets, Global GDP, Cultures Overview and more).
    As long as you don't try to interact with these entries they won't cause anything but cosmetic harm.
  8. It might be possible to use the Investment Pool to construct any privately-owned building regardless of Economic System law.
    We are aware of this issue, it will be fixed soon!
  9. Some biomes don't emit ambient sound.
    The cause of this issue has been found and your soundscape will soon be more impressive!
  10. Successful secessions may retain their "civil war" status and name after the war, becoming untargetable for further Diplomatic Plays.
    We have this on our radars!
  11. Troops with low Morale may join battles despite there being plenty of troops with high Morale.
    Workaround: In particularly difficult wars you could set your Front to full defense until your troops have regained Morale, before switching back to Advance.
  12. American Civil War can be easily avoided, and if it triggers, the Union may contain slave states and vice versa.
    While civil wars and state selection for revolutionary countries are dynamically determined based on political support and radicalism, and may take different forms in different playthroughs, this particular outcome is not intended and will be addressed.
  13. Debt Enslavement and Slave Trade is too rapid.
    A number of economic and setup-related factors conspire to make it so more Pops are enslaved and moved around the world than intended. This will be addressed shortly.
  14. Players starting as Peru could become Puppeted without any say shortly after game start.
    Workaround: Until we can make sure that Peruvian independence is respected, you can run the game as another country for a few years and then switch over to Peru from the game menu.
  15. When a revolution starts in a Subject country, the Overlord country gets the option to switch sides and play as the revolution.
    Workaround: If you accidentally do this, you can manually switch the country you're playing as from the game menu.
  16. Newborn Rulers and Heirs may clip through their clothes. Japanese Shogunate Heirs do not wear clothes at all.
    Presence of unintentional Adamites in Victoria 3 is not intended, they will leave the game soon.
  17. Expedition Leaders may remain busy after the Expedition ends.
    Workarounds: send the commander on another expedition. And if you do several expeditions, sending the same commander on them whenever possible reduces the risk of this happening.
  18. Sometimes, expeditions may fail immediately in Africa.
    Workaround: to prevent this from happening, when you get the event “An Insolvent Business” during an expedition, don’t select the first option.
  19. Budget balance chart goes out of bounds after large shifts in Budget calculation
    Workaround: We will look into this. In the meantime these chart spikes will correct over time.

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