Seite 2: El Matador - Englischer Patch 1.1

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Patch Notes v1.1

* Added widescreen displays support
* Added refresh rate selection to options dialog
* Added some performance optimizations
* Added antialiasing quality selection to options dialog

* Fixed WindowBlinds incompatibility issue
* Fixed NVidia OpenAL performance issue
* Fixed occasional visibility culling artifacts (does not apply if using saved games from non-patched version)
* Fixed task switching
* Fixed task switching sound issues
* Fixed task switching + dual monitor cursor clipping issues
* Fixed occasional camera shake problem after loading of saved game
* Fixed 'disconnected camera' issue
* Fixed Win2K DirectInput problem
* Fixed FOV issues
* Fixed music volume option saving restoring
* Fixed minor timer precision issues
* Fixed UI rendering vs HDR bloom issues
* Fixed input system smoothness issues
* Fixed cutscene skip issue in Jungle2 mission

Patch (Plus)
Größe: 5,9 MByte
Sprache: Englisch

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