H1Z1 - Update: weibliche Zombies, Tauschsystem & Server-Wipe

Auf Reddit haben die H1Z1-Entwickler Neuigkeiten zum nächsten Update des Zombie-Spiels veröffentlicht, das auch einen Server- und Spieler-Wipe erfordert. Hinzu kommen weibliche Untote, Quads und ein neues Tauschsystem. Mittlerweile gibt es die offiziellen Patchnotes.

H1Z1 - der neue Patch bringt weibliche Untote, ein Krankenhaus, neues Tauschsystem und fahrbare Quads in das Early-Access-Zombie-Spiel. H1Z1 - der neue Patch bringt weibliche Untote, ein Krankenhaus, neues Tauschsystem und fahrbare Quads in das Early-Access-Zombie-Spiel.

Update vom 14. Oktober 2015: Mittlerweile liegen uns auch die offiziellen Patchnotes vor - und die fallen relativ umfangreich aus. Unter anderem findet etwa ein neues Handels-System seinen Weg in das Spiel, mit dem Spieler ihre aus Kisten erhaltenen Gegenstände gegen bessere eintauschen dürfen. Für seltene Items gibt es zusätzlich einen einzigartigen Waffen-Skin.

Hinzu kommen ein ATV als neues Vehikel, weibliche Zombies, Tarnanzüge, Verbesserungen am NPC-Movement, schönere Animationen, ein erneuertes User-Interface und diverse Fehlerbehebungen.

Die kompletten Original-Patchnotes:

Good As New Exchange

  • This will allow players to »Trade-Up« Items received from crates (promotional items and items received from Mystery/Elite Bags do not qualify)
  • The number of items required to exchange is based on the tier rarity. Ultra Rare Items cannot be exchanged.
    - Common to Uncommon: 5 Items
    - Uncommon to Rare: 4 Items
    - Rare to »Ultra Rare«: 5 Items
  • Exchanging Rare items will reward a unique Weapon skin that is exclusive to the Good As New Exchange.
  • The item you get for item exchange is based on the items that were "donated". If you are exchanging four uncommon items, and three are from the Mercenary Crate and one is from the Vigilante crate you will have a 75% chance of getting a Mercenary Crate rare and 25% of getting a Vigilante Crate rare.

New Vehicle-ATV

  • ATV first usage and tuning

Full Player and Server Wipe

  • Female Zombies have been added
  • New Mercenary Crate
  • Ghillie Suits will appear in airdrops that have hunting rifles in them.
  • Armor now works by blocking a portion of damage that would have been done. This absorbed damage is applied directly to the durability of the item. When the durability becomes 0 the item will break and be removed visually and from the equip slot.
  • Motorcycle helmets offer protection for the head and face. They will block about 50% of gunfire damage to the head or face. They will break after a shot or two.
  • Tactical helmets offer protection for the head only. They will block about 95% of gunfire damage done to the head. They will break after a shot or two.
  • Chest armor offers protection to the torso. They will block about 95% of gunfire damage done to the torso. More shots to break the armor is required the better the chest armor is. From worst to best is Wood, Plated, and Kevlar.
  • Hunting rifles are now in more of the Battle Royale airdrop crates. They appear in 65% of the crates instead of 50%.
  • Adjusted basic movement code for zombies for better movement and avoidance of each other
  • Shotguns have been tuned to be better used as a close range weapon. They now fire 8 pellets instead of 12. Each pellet does more damage to compensate. The cone of fire for pellet shots has been slightly reduced. Shots do not travel as far as they used to, and will do no damage after about 50 feet.

NPC movement enhancements:

  • NPCs attack while moving
  • Eliminated several »stuck states«, which would cause NPCs to become non-responsive.
  • Perpetually stuck NPCs trigger their own deaths after 1-2 minutes.
  • Improved ground detection for the procedural spawner system.
  • Spawners detect attempts to spawn off of nav mesh (i.e. no more deer / zombies on rooftops).
  • Fixed empty foundation despawning to take expansions and socketed stairs into account. Will help to clean up unused foundations.


  • Reworked several shooting, running, and reloading animations.
  • Adjusted melee to prevent character »lifting« when crouched
  • Adjusted in one-handed actions for smoother transitions
  • Updated the blended skeletons and animations for smoother transitions.
  • Adjusted sound markup for better sync with actions.

User Interface

  • Icons in descriptions are larger and easier to see (and should have better contrast)
  • Should no longer be able to interact with objects by pushing their camera through/over collision
  • Added Force Single GPU option to UI (and defaulted to OFF) since SLI support is not ideal


  • Shotguns have been tuned to be better used as a close range weapons.
  • Impact FX will better match the material types of objects hit. Added a water-splash effect for characters when standing still in water.


  • Fixed spears so they can be picked up again
  • Fixed the 3rd person camera arm so it's not blocked by arrows or spears
  • Error support for showing username when having trouble logging in
  • Shirt timers are adjusted (insta-shred has been fixed)
  • Enabled door damage for guessing wrong password on PvE servers.
  • Disabled the ability to prone/crouch in areas that place the player's head under water.
  • Fixed worn item durability loss due to damage. Worn equipment will now properly disappear / break when damaged to 0 durability.
  • Fixed empty foundation despawning to take expansions and socketed stairs into account. Will help to clean up unused foundations.
  • Fixed area of effect (explosion) damage to structures. This eliminates the "invulnerable base" issues.

Für ein anderes Spiel von Daybreak Game Company läuft es derzeit übrigens weniger gut: Planetside 2 liegt offenbar hinter den Umsatzerwartungen zurück.

Ursprüngliche Meldung: Am 14. Oktober 2015 veröffentlicht Daybreak ein neues Update für das Zombie-Spiel H1Z1. Auf Reddit haben die Entwickler vorab die Änderungen bekannt gegeben. Zu den auffälligsten Updates gehören das Hinzufügen von weiblichen Zombies, ein Krankenhaus und fahrbare Quads. Außerdem wird ein Tauschsystem für Gegenstände hinzugefügt. Das erlaubt Spielern zum Beispiel, mehrere weniger wertvolle Gegenstände gegen ein Objekt mit höherem Seltenheitswert zu tauschen.

Das Update erfordert laut Entwickler außerdem einen kompletten Server- und Spieler-Reset, so dass nach dem Aufspielen des Patches auch neue Spielercharaktere erstellt werden müssen. Das Spiel befindet sich noch immer in der Early-Access-Phase.

Weitere Informationen zum Spiel in unserer Preview: H1Z1 - Jetzt besser als DayZ?

H1Z1 - So gut ist die Zombie-Hatz aktuell Video starten 3:27 H1Z1 - So gut ist die Zombie-Hatz aktuell

H1Z1 - Neue Beleuchtungs-Engine ansehen

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