Sea of Thieves - Erste legendäre Schiffsanpassungen mit Patch 1.0.4 veröffentlicht

Das neuste Update macht Piratenlegenden weithin sichtbar, außerdem herrscht jetzt Ordnung in der Kapitänskajüte. Alle Patch-Notes.

Piratenlegenden können ihr Schiff in Sea of Thieves ab sofort verschönern. Piratenlegenden können ihr Schiff in Sea of Thieves ab sofort verschönern.

Wenn ihr in Sea of Thieves zukünftig ein Schiff erspäht, auf dessen dunklen Segeln ein Totenkopf prangt, solltet ihr womöglich besser die Holzbeine in die Hand nehmen und verschwinden. Diese Segel und andere spezielle Schiffsteile sind die Kennzeichen eines legendären Piraten und wurden mit dem Patch 1.0.4 ins Spiel eingebaut, der heute veröffentlicht wurde.

Nachdem ihr das rund 1,3 Gigabyte schwere Update heruntergeladen habt, findet ihr die neuen Segel, Rümpfe und Galionsfiguren beim Schiffbauer im legendären Piratenversteck - sofern ihr euch den Zutritt schon verdient habt.

Sea of Thieves - Screenshots ansehen

Darüber hinaus nimmt der Patch noch viele kleinere Anpassungen und Bugfixes vor. So soll es jetzt einfacher sein, Kisten und Schädel auf den Regalen der Kapitänskajüte zu lagern oder sie über Bord zu werfen. Crewmitglieder werden benachrichtigt, wenn jemand ein Seemann eine Belohnung aus einer Flaschenpost erhält, Pulverfässer schaden nun auch Spielern unter Wasser und so weiter.

Die kompletten englischen Patch-Notes findet ihr am Ende dieser Meldung.

Was das Update nicht enthält, sind spielrelevante neue Inhalte, die Sea of Thieves nach wie vor dringend benötigt. Ein paar kosmetische Gegenstände können an der Kritik in unserem Test nichts ändern. Immerhin hat Rare mittlerweile einen Content-Plan für die kommenden Monate veröffentlicht, der zumindest grob verrät, wohin die Reise geht.

Quelle: Rare

Sea of Thieves - Test-Video zum kurzweiligen Koop-Piratenspaß Video starten 8:09 Sea of Thieves - Test-Video zum kurzweiligen Koop-Piratenspaß

Sea of Thieves Patch 1.0.4: Patch-Notes

  • Pirate Legend - The first legendary ship customisations have arrived at the Shipwright's Shop in the Legendary Hideout! From here you can purchase your new Pirate Legend sails, hull and figurehead.
  • Sound Effects - Players will now hear a new sound effect when they open a Lore Book and when a Merchant Alliance contract has expired.
  • Spring Cleaning - It is now easier to place chests and skulls on shelves in the Captain's Cabin, and to drop items overboard!
  • Controller Remapping - We've added push-to-talk to the list of actions players can rebind on controller.

Fixed Issues

  • The server migration-free zone around the Skeleton Forts has been doubled.
  • Trading companies now inform you when you have reached the voyage purchase limit for the day (Refreshes at 6am in-game time).
  • Fixed clipping of reward values in wallet UI animations.
  • Fixed text clipping in the Reputation menu UI.
  • Company icons in the voyage pop-up UI are now the correct size.
  • Ammo box on Lookout Point can now be used.
  • Skeleton crews encountered during bounty quests and skeleton forts now have correctly matching attire.
  • Players weapon selection from the Armoury should no longer reset to default after death.
  • A notification should now trigger when a crewmate finds a reward from a Message in a Bottle map.
  • Ships should no longer spawn with damage.
  • Voyage description text has been increased in size, and should now be easier to read from a distance.
  • Filters in the Equipment Chest will no longer become impossible to select.
  • Candles are no longer floating in the air on Old Salts Atoll
  • Lantern in the north-western part of Kraken's Fall is no longer floating above the barrels.
  • Skeleton Fort Cannons can once again be manned by players without fear of an explosive demise.
  • Appearance of the water in the Legend Hideout has been improved.
  • Rain will no longer appear inside the Legend Hideout Tunnel.
  • Players will now correctly take damage from gunpowder kegs whilst underwater.
  • Multiple text bugs and NPC dialogue issues in English have been resolved.

Performance Improvements

  • Improved performance on high resolution PCs running at lower than native resolution.
  • The number of instances of rubber banding and teleporting players has been reduced.
  • Increased quality of island rendering at a distance when using the spyglass on all quality settings on both platforms. This has no effect when the island is too far away to be loaded
  • Multiple server crash fixes. Further improvements and optimisations for all platforms are ongoing.

Known Issues

  • Some players cannot see their downloadable content in game. Once you redeem your code, here is a Support Article that shows you where to find your items in game. If you still cannot find your items in game, please raise a support ticket to log this issue.
  • Players may experience details of their pirate (such as hair colour / scars) looking different from their initial selection. We are working on a way for our Customer Support team to reset your pirate to your original selection. If you have experienced this bug, please ensure you have logged a Support Ticket for this issue.
  • Skeleton Fort or Bounty quest skeleton waves sometimes spawn in the ground or cannot be found at all. Further improvements to spawning have been made in this update, and we are working to resolve the issue for all islands. For a potential work around, please read this Support article.
  • [PC] Push to talk option will reset to default (disabled) between sessions. This bug has been fixed and will be added to a future update.
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