A Collection of Activision Classic Games for the Atari 2600

A Collection of Activision Classic Games for the Atari 2600

Genre: Action

Entwickler: Learning Technologies Interactive

Release: 23.09.1998 (PS1)

In dieser umfangreichen Arcade-Sammlung findet ihr 30 Activision Titel für den Atari 2600: Atlantis, Barnstorming, Boxing, Chopper Command, Crackpot, Cosmic Commuter, Dolphin, Dragster, Enduro, Fishing Derby, Freeway, Frostbite, Grand Prix, HERO, Ice Hockey, Kaboom!, Keystone Kapers, Laser Blast, Megamania, Pitfall, Plaque Attack, River Raid, River Raid II, Seaquest, Skiing, Sky Jinx, Spider Fighter, Stampede, Starmaster und Tennis.

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