Läuft gerade Transport Fever - Letztes Update bringt lange versprochene Features als Dankeschön (Trailer)
Transport Fever - Letztes Update bringt lange versprochene Features als Dankeschön (Trailer)

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Transport Fever - Letztes Update bringt lange versprochene Features als Dankeschön (Trailer)

Als Dankeschön für die Unterstützung und Begeisterung der vielen Spieler von Transport Fever haben die Entwickler des Nah- und Fernverkehr-Managementspiels einen letzten Patch veröffentlicht, der viele neue Features einbaut. In diesem Trailer stellt Tom Schrettl, Community-Manager beim Schweizer Entwickler Urban Games, die wichtigsten Neuerungen und Verbesserungen mit vielen Beispielszenen vor.

In der Meldung zum Thank-You-Patch kündigt das Team auch nochmal an, dass man 2019 erste Infos zum neuen Spiel veröffentlichen wird, das ebenfalls ein Tycoon-Spiel im Stil von Transport Fever werden soll.

Das neue Transport Tycoon? Unser Test mit Video zu Transport Fever

Offizielle Patch-Notes für Transport Fever Build 18381

- Added train backward driving feature

- Added train backward driving lights

- Added train backward driving driver switching

- Added modding feature to attach mission scripts to free games

- Added Dutch translation

- Improved track construction tools snapping behavior

- Improved track construction tools slope precision (use Shift)

- Improved construction tools elevation control (use PgUp and PgDown)

- Improved track signal building: added one-way signal parameter

- Improved line manager underground line rendering

- Improved vehicle replacement: passengers or cargo stay on train

- Improved vehicle replacement: better color suggestion heuristic

- Improved construction tools: added Shift modifier to avoid menu closing

- Improved main menu: save mod list and menu parameters immediately

- Improved camera tool: added shortcuts and separate main menu setting to enable

- Improved traffic sim: better car behavior at crossings with short adjacent streets

- Improved debug mode: allow non-player-owned industries to be bulldozed (shift)

- Improved modding: added feature to build free streets or tracks

- Improved modding: added vehicle metadata to define camera position(s)

- Improved modding: added filename and name filters for getEntities() function

- Improved modding: added getTerrainPos() function to get mouse terrain position

- Improved modding: better cargo item grouping in industry window

- Improved modding: added geometry quality options to base config

- Improved French/German/Spanish/Russian/Czech/Polish/Italian/Ukrainian transl.

- Fixed tram track flickering on street crossings and improved rendering

- Fixed trains jump to lower or zero speed on low frame rates bug

- Fixed town builds buildings on bridges

- Fixed train signal building left/right bug in tunnels

- Fixed no line path to waypoint bug (when connecting two close stations)

- Fixed track construction collision when building parallel to cargo terminal

- Fixed tunnel walls turn black bug when building a bus stop underground

- Fixed flickering tree textures issue on certain Nvidia 2xx, 3xx and 4xx hardware

- Fixed trucks no wheel animation bug

- Fixed incorrect car owner display bug in person window

- Fixed rare crash when bulldozing streets with bus stops

- Fixed player-owned industry level up costs money bug

- Fixed crash on load when seats are in use that have been removed from a vehicle

- Fixed rare issue where line stop list was non-editable

- Fixed street builder inappropriate drag direction

- Fixed people walking non-vertically

- Fixed campaign bug: loan buttons no longer enabled in campaign missions

- Fixed campaign bug: accessing AI lines and vehicles via popups no longer possible

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