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Patch Notes


  • Depth Diggers: Primary skills deal 80-100% additional damage.


  • Remorseless: While both Wrath of the Berserker and Call of the Ancients are active, Hammer of the Ancients deals 600-800% increased damage.

Witch Doctor 

  • Shukrani's Triumph: After the initial duration of Spirit walk ends, it will continue to last until you attack 3 times or until an elite enemy is within 20 yards of you. Attacks while in the spirit realm deal 75-100% increased damage.
  • Lakumba's Ornament: Reduce all damage taken by 60% if your Soul Harvest stack is at least (1-3), and an additional 2% for each stack of Soul Harvest.
  • Spider Queen's Grasp?: Corpse Spiders deals an additional 600-800% damage and releases a web on impact that Slows enemies by 80%.
  • Brood of Araneae?: Corpse Spiders deals an additional 75-100% damage, and each spider bite causes the target to take an additional 1% damage from Corpse Spiders for 5 seconds.
  • Spirit of Arachyr (2-piece bonus): Summon a permanent Spider Queen connected to you by an infested thread. Enemies caught in the thread are infested. Corpse Spider attacks against infested enemies inflict the same damage to all infested enemies. The Spider Queen is commanded to move to where you cast your Corpse Spiders. Corpse Spiders now spawns with health.
  • Spirit of Arachyr (4-piece bonus): The Spider Queen now leaves behind webs that lasts for 15 seconds and Slows enemies. Infested enemies remain infested while on the web. You take 75% reduced damage while in the web and for 4 seconds after.
  • Spirit of Arachyr (6-piece bonus): The damage of creature skills is increased by 17500% 25000%. Creature skills are Corpse Spiders, Plague of Toads, Firebats, Locust Swarm, Hex, and Piranhas.

Demon Hunter

  • Marauder's Encasement (4-piece bonus): Sentries cast Elemental Arrow, Chakram, Impale, Multishot, and Cluster Arrow when you do, as well as automatically cast your equipped Hatred spenders.
  • Marauder's Encasement (6-piece bonus): Your primary skills, Elemental Arrow, Chakram, Impale, Multishot, Cluster Arrow, Companions, Vengeance, and Sentries deal 12000% increased damage for every active Sentry.
  • The Shadow's Mantle (6-piece bonus): Impale deals an additional 75000% weapon damage to the first enemy hit, and 25000% to subsequent enemies.
  • Bombardier’s Rucksack: You may have 2 additional Sentries. Cluster Arrow deals 150-200% increased damage.


  • Bones of Rathma (6-piece bonus): Each permanent active minion increases the damage of Army of the Dead by 1750%, up to 31,500%.


  • Firebird's Finery (6-piece bonus): You gain 5000% increased damage while Ignite is applied to a target. Hitting an Ignited enemy with a non-channeling fire spell deals Ignite damage multiplied by Combustion stacks. Pets cannot trigger this effect

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that prevented pets cast by the player from proccing Oculus Ring if it is equipped on a Follower.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Momentum stacks to not always apply properly when using Calamity and The Ninth Cirri Satchel.
  • Fixed a bug where Life per Second granted from Mantra of Healing isn't being applied to the shield generated by Molten Wildebeest's Gizzard.
  • Fixed a bug where Mystic Ally: Earth Ally damage was not increased by The Crudest Boots.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Mystic Ally: Fire Ally active from attacking the Rift Guardian Perendi.

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