Seite 2: Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Entwickler klären Verwirrung um Updates, Ausblick auf Patch 1.3

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Patchnotes 1.1, 1.2, 1.2.5 & 1.3

Day 1 patch - Version 1.1

This was available on all platforms on Day 1. This is also the version the game was reviewed on (unless the reviewer declined the patch, which, sadly, some did…) These are the release notes:

  • Addition of multiple new events to the open world
  • Massive improvement in dialogue animations
  • Gaining money and experience is rebalanced
  • Weapon and armor stats are rebalanced
  • General combat improvements Improved NPC reaction time
  • Sound propagation adjusted
  • Archery is now possible in stealth mode Improved
  • Persuasion UI
  • Plus numerous other bug fixes and improvements

Week 1 patch - Version 1.2

We actually managed to squeeze this patch into Steam on Day 1, which caused major confusion on other platforms as to whether they actually received the Day 1 patch or not. This patch was later released on PlayStation on 15.2. and should pass certification on Xbox very soon. These are the release notes:

  • Stealth and Stealth kills adjustment
  • People now get dirty more gradually
  • Additional quest bugs fixed
  • Various optimizations

Hotfix - Version 1.2.5 (upcoming)

  • We already fixed some of the worst bugs and want to give these fixes to the community as fast as possible. Therefore we will push this to certification on Monday 2/19
  • Fix for R2 button being non-responsive in combat
  • Fix for issues in quests with Hans Capon
  • Fix for quest Ginger in a Pickle

Patch 1.3 - (upcoming)

This is the patch we are currently working on. It hasn't been released on any platform yet. It's mainly focused on bug-fixing as we are studiously going through every player report, watching every stream we can and fixing all the bugs as fast as possible. But apart from these fixes, we are working on the following features: (Which is not guaranteed for delivery in this patch )

  • Save and Exit functionality
  • Lockpicking minigame controls improvement on controllers
  • Pickpocket minigame improvement
  • Alchemy recipe for respec potion
  • Many quest-related bug fixes

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