Seite 2: Mass Effect 2 - Patch v1.02 behebt mehrere Fehler

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Patch-Notes v1.02 von Mass Effect 2

  • Reduced the amount mining time required to acquire all upgrades.
  • Fixed an issue where DLC weapon selections would appear blank on the Weapon Loadout screen after removing DLC.
  • Fixed an issue where heavy weapon crosshairs sometimes remain on screen after entering a vehicle.
  • Fixed an issue where enemies sometimes 'pop-up' onto cover after taking damage.
  • Fixed an issue where Grunt's loyalty power sometimes doesn't unlock.
  • Fixed an issue where the Squad screen wouldn't update properly after removing the Alternate Appearance Pack #1 DLC.
  • Fixed an issue where save games that used DLC while offline could not be loaded.
  • Fixed an issue where the active save career would sometimes change after loading saves with unmounted DLC.
  • Fixed an issue where the game would sometimes crash during the Jarrahe mission when using Windows 7 (64-bit).
  • Fixed an issue where ammo powers activated by a henchman would sometimes overwrite the players active ammo power.
  • Fixed an issue where under certain circumstances, spacebar would not activate objects.
  • Fixed an issue where Loading saves while DLC is unmounted will change your active career.
  • Fixed an issue where the text for some characters in the keybinding GUI would appear as English in foreign language versions of the game

Größe: 42,2 MByte
Sprache: mehrsprachig

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