The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim - Patch 1.1 mit Bugfixes veröffentlicht

Bethesds Softworks veröffentlichte den Patch 1.1 für das Rollenspiel The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim. Dieser verbessert unter anderem die Performance und die Stabilität des Spiels.

Patch 1.1 für The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim steht bereit. Patch 1.1 für The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim steht bereit.

Das Team von Bethesda Softworks hat Wort gehalten und pünktlich zum Release des Rollenspiels The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim den ersten Patch veröffentlicht. Das Update 1.1 steht ab sofort via Steam zum Download bereit und verbessert unter anderem die allgemeine Performance und die Stabilität des Spiels. Des Weiteren werden Probleme mit einigen Quests beseitigt und dem Abspielen der Musik beseitigt. Die vollständigen Patch-Notes finden Sie unterhalb dieser Meldung.

Patch-Notes für The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim v1.1

Bug Fixes

  • General optimizations related to stability and performance.
  • Essential followers recover properly if player fast travels away.
  • Fixed rare instances of dragons flying improperly though objects after player exits an interior.
  • Fixed rare instance where the a music track would not stop playing properly.
  • Autosave message properly displays when going through a load door.
  • The fifth level of the Light Fingers perk correctly calculates the Pickpocket skill bonus.
  • Enchanting an item to improve the Sneak skill properly calculates the bonus to the player's Sneak skill.
  • Enchanting an item to improve the Lockpick skill properly calculates the bonus to the player's Lockpick skill.
  • Corpus Enchanter perk properly calculates bonuses to stats for the player’s new enchantments.

Quest Fixes

  • Fixed rare issue where a character would not arrive properly to the Thalmor Embassy during Diplomatic Immunity.
  • Rescue/Attack on Fort Neugrad will trigger properly if player travels to Fort Neugrad by foot.
  • In To Kill an Empire, Gianna will now talk to player with certain diseases.
  • Fixed rare instance of Civil War battle not starting properly if player receives a Companions quest from Farkas.
  • During Brelyna's Practice, fixed rare issue where the player could be permanently invisible.
  • Triggering combat in Largashbur no longer stops progression to The Cursed Tribe.
  • Fixed rare instance where fighting a Civil War battle during The Fallen would prevent the Jarl of Whiterun from accepting their axe in Message to Whiterun.
  • In The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller, fixed rare instance where Arngeir would not teach player the last word of Unrelenting Force.
  • In Taking Care of Business, fixed issue where Brynjolf would not give player this quest if Talen Jei was dead.

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