Seite 2: Neues Valheim-Update ist randvoll mit frischen Dungeons, Gegnern, Waffen & mehr

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Valheim Patch 0.207.15 - Release-Notes:

New Content:
* Suddenly… Frost Caves!

Fixes & Improvements:
* Pause function in singleplayer
* Full controller support! (Gamepad legend and alternative glyphs)
* Gamepad text input when running through in steam big picture mode
* UI, settings and Steam Deck fixes
* FPS Limiter and reduced background performance
* Split dialog can take numeric input
* Signs can now be built without a workbench
* Bug fixes and quality of life improvements
* Armour stand now supports atgeirs and shield styles
* Nomap mode tweaks

New Content:
* Frost Caves added as a new dungeon (Will only appear in unexplored areas)
* New enemies: Ulv, Cultist, Bat
* New crafting materials: Red jute, Fenring hair, Fenring claw
* New armour set: Fenris Coat, Fenris Leggings, Fenris Hood (equip all at once for an extra bonus!)
* New weapon: Flesh Rippers (Unarmed)
* New build pieces: Red jute carpet, Red jute curtain, Standing brazier
* New event: “You stirred the cauldron”

Fixes & Improvements:
* FPS limiter setting and option to reduce GPU usage when minimised, menu FPS capped to 60
* Various console command improvements and additions, see console ‘help’
* Fixed some dungeon parts not being fully deterministic (ends)
* Nomap mode improvements (vegvisr alternative, nomap is server setting, max distance for shouting, random build/spawn rotation, ‘noportals’ command)
* Resolution now only shows refresh rate when forcing exclusive fullscreen
* Various UI fixes
* Recipes for Jack-o-turnip + Yule stuff disabled

Quality of Life:
* Building marker is more subtle and indicates piece rotation
* Corpse run gives carry weight bonus to compensate for unequipped belt
* Crafting stackable items while having full inventory now possible if there are are available stack slots
* Fixed a bug where sometimes stackable items won’t be taken when having full inventory and pressing ‘Take All’ in a chest
* Chat can now be closed using esc, mouse or gamepad B

Gamepad support:
* Full controller support!
* Controller legend visible in pause menu and settings
* Controller text input when running in Steam big picture mode. Chat, characters, signs, pets etc can now be named using the controller.
* Controller mapping of all game features
* Context menus will now always show controller buttons when using controller
* Alternative controller glyph style option
* Skills window scrollable with gamepad
* Crafting can be cancelled if pressing the button again (like with mouse)
* Fixed some missing/misplaced gamepad tooltips

Steam Deck:
* Steam Deck controller layout shows when playing on Steam Deck
* Loads default settings catered to the Steam Deck

* Improvements for several community translated languages

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