Läuft gerade Overkill's Walking Dead - Neue Story-Episode liefert auch wichtige Features & Fixes (Trailer)
Overkills Walking Dead - Neue Story-Episode liefert auch wichtige Features + Fixes (Trailer)

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Overkill's Walking Dead - Neue Story-Episode liefert auch wichtige Features & Fixes (Trailer)

Die zweite Story-Episode von Season 2 für Overkill's The Walking Dead ist jetzt online und wird in diesem Trailer vorgestellt. Trotz der Probleme der Mutterfirma Starbreeze arbeitet das Team von Overkill weiter an dem Zombie-Koop-Spiel, zumal die Inhalte aus Season 2 ja für die Käufer der ursprünglichen Release-Version im Preis enthalten sind - im Gegensatz zur später Veröffentlichtgen, günstigen Einsteiger-Edition. Man kann also sagen, dem Team bleibt trotz schwacher Wertungen und durchwachsenem Spielerfeedback gar nichts anders übrig.

Bei Overkill nutzt man die Gelegenheit aber, um nicht nur neue Story-Inhalte ins Spiels einzubauen, sondern auch Fehler zu beheben und Features einzufügen. So gibt es jetzt die lange geforderte Schnellspiel-Option und einige frühere Story-Missionen spielen an zufälligen Tageszeiten. Genau genommen ist die Liste der Patch-Notes ziemlich lang und Fans des Spiels werden sich über viele der Verbesserungen sicherlich freuen.

Die letzten Inhalte der Season 2 von Overkill's The Walking Dead sollen übrigens bis Juni 2019 veröffentlicht sein.

Vorher steht im Frühjahr aber noch der Release des Spiels auf PS4 und Xbox One an. Für die PC-Version versprechen die Entwickler für die Zukunft neue, spielbare Tutorials, Anti-Cheat-Maßnahmen und verbesserte Hostmigration.

Patch-Notes zu Season 2 - Episode 2: On The Run!

New Content

New Story mission: ‘On the Run’ - Note you need to complete Season 1 last story mission, to access this content

3 new Expeditions in West End: Accord Oil

Added randomized time of day to ‘Hell or High Water’ and ‘On the Run’ to improve replayability

Added a first iteration of Result Screen Statistics

Added a Quick Play-button to find lobbies with missing slots based on your selected character Combat Rating level - we will be adding more to this feature in coming updates

Added more walker bodies and faces to the pool of walkers so they have more variety while playing

Added 3 new achievements

Added 2 new lore items


We’ve overhauled how Human AI runs, to make it look more realistic, tweaking their speeds, acceleration and overall look and feel while running through combat environments

Adjusted how knock-down worked on running Human AI; the chance to knock them down will now depend on remaining health and difficulty level.

Fixed, tweaked and polished several animations for humans, players and walkers

Follower AI improvements to handle turns and tight corners better

Follower AI now will teleport after a while if it cannot find a valid path to the player

Fixed walkers clipping through fences and doors while trying to break them down

Improved the walker relocation system to avoid walkers popping in and out of existence

Fixed a state in which human AI could look "frozen" due to it having two contradictory inputs (horde and a dead friend nearby)

Fixed a state in which crawling or crouching crawlers could end-up floating if meeting specific conditions

Fixed an incorrect animation for Brigade Brutes climbing ladders, making the shield clip through the stairs


Added floating waypoints for puzzle items when players died and dropped them on the ground

Added new countdown when teleporting players that lag behind their time so it's more clear

Party widget now updates a bit more frequently, to avoid seeing players in it when they left few seconds ago

Tweak pass to hints and lore in loading screens

Tweak pass to other players loading progress so all player statuses are more clear and easier to read

Fixed an issue with the in-game chat that would sometimes not allow anybody but the host to read it

Fixed an issue in which sometimes other players silencers were not being shown in the lobby


Tweaked the formula for end mission resources to be more precise with the player progress

Sound balancing passes done in all levels to improve ambience

Full pass on all puzzle interactables to allow for "call out" on all of them in a consistent manner

Performance passes done in all levels for better framerate without quality loss

Polish pass to all idle poses for player characters with all weapons

Fixed several "collision traps" in different levels

Fixed several issues where items would appear to pop in and out of existence depending on viewing distance or angle

Fixed several floating assets in different levels

Fixed several un-vaultable spots in different levels

Fixed an issue in the elevators of "Listening In" and "Last Stop" that would make walker dead bodies to act strange

Fixed an issue in the elevators of "Listening In" and "Last Stop" that would make the 'frag mine' to bounce twice

Polished several minor lighting issues like small dark spots or lights crossing walls/objects in several levels

Covered some small holes/out-of-world spots in several levels

Fixed some 'goo' z-fighting when two or more bloaters exploded too close to each-other

Fixed some localization strings in different languages reported by the Community

Improved loading process for players joining an ongoing mission

Improved loading times for players joining a host with a non-SSD drive

Fixed an issue where a key could spawn inside the door it unlocked on ‘Join or Die’


Fixed a crash that could occur when going back to the map after a mission completion and being part of a private party

Fixed a crash when finishing a mission in single player at the same time as completing the mission

The game now closes down if Steam is not running anymore to avoid cheating, losing connectivity to the Steam matchmaking and potentially having two instances of the game running in the background

Fixed a freeze when a player joined a game at the same time as the host left the lobby

Temporary fix for an issue that could prevent to obtain the achievement "Community Values" - Note: you'll need to load "No Sanctuary" once for the achievement to be checked

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