Seite 2: Dragon Age: Origins - Patch v1.02a behebt weitere Fehler

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  • Daggers now apply 0.5 points of damage per additional point in dexterity and 0.5 points of damage per additional point in strength, as originally intended. This increases dagger damage for high-dexterity characters.
  • During combat, mana or stamina reserves now correctly regenerate more quickly when reserves are low. This allows players to occasionally use an talent or spell in the later stages of lengthy fights.
    When exploring, mana and stamina now regenerate more quickly at higher character levels. This reduces downtime between fights.
  • The spells Force Field, Crushing Prison, Cone of Cold, and Blizzard now have shorter durations and/or longer cooldowns. This ensures that combatants can no longer stun-lock each other by repeatedly casting the same spell.
  • The cooldowns for several low-level sustained abilities are now shorter. This ensures that players are not penalized for accidentally deactivating them.
  • Certain battles were not scaling properly, resulting in excessively difficult fights. They now scale as intended.
  • Enemy corpses now drop health poultices and money more appropriately, resulting in less clutter in the player's inventory.
  • In rare cases, enemy corpses were selectable when they contained no loot. This no longer occurs.
    Party members whose combat tactics were set to defensive behavior no longer stop attacking after using a spell or talent.
  • In rare cases, combat tactics conditions could fail to determine whether a character had enough mana or stamina to use an ability. This no longer occurs.
  • The Rally talent no longer repeats its audio effect if it is active during certain conversations.
  • The Rally talent no longer deactivates upon area transitions or conversations.
  • The Shimmering Shield spell now deactivates when the character is out of mana.

Größe: 36,9 MByte
Sprache: Deutsch

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