Jagged Alliance: Back in Action - Details zum ersten umfangreichen Update bekannt

Der Publisher bitComposer Games gibt einige Details zum ersten großen Update für das Strategiespiel Jagged Alliance: Back in Action bekannt. Unter anderem werden die Entwickler zusätzliche Grafikoptionen hinzufügen.

Das nächste Update für Jagged Alliance: Back in Action fügt neue Grafikoptionen hinzu. Das nächste Update für Jagged Alliance: Back in Action fügt neue Grafikoptionen hinzu.

Derzeit arbeitet das Team von Coreplay Game Development - nach den kleineren Patches aus der jüngsten Vergangenheit - an dem ersten umfangreichen Update für das Strategiespiel Jagged Alliance: Back in Action. Wie der Publisher bitComposer Games im offiziellen Forum erklärte, seien die Arbeiten nahezu abgeschlossen.

Allerdings werde noch eine ausführliche Testphase folgen, um einen möglichst reibungslosen Release zu gewährleisten. Das besagte Update wird unter anderem diverse Fehler beseitigen und zusätzliche Grafikoptionen hinzufügen. Unterhalb dieser Meldung finden Sie die vorläufigen Patch-Notes, bei denen es jedoch noch zu Änderungen kommen kann.

Vorläufige Patch-Notes für Jagged Alliance: Back in Action

General Bugfixes

  • Fixed some enemy using wrong combination of pants and shoe meshes
  • Fixed Sightcones not being cleared properly when leaving a level
  • Fixed Sightcones displayed in wrong direction when moving in command mode
  • Shader bug fixed that caused incorrectly colored objects
  • Fixed bug where tank had impact on performance
  • Fixed smoke grenade (blocking sight and its visual effect duration were slightly different)
  • Fixed bug where recruitable PCs like Ira became not recruitable after leaving the map
  • Fixed bug where AI coud become unalterted again after saving & loading Modding
  • Added additional Weapon and Ammo IDs
  • Sight distances tweaked and made more easy to modify
  • Noise values tweaked and made more easy to modify


  • Fixed bug where "She's dead, Enrico" achievement would not unlock correctly
  • Collect achievements are not anymore received when game has been modified

Visuals and Graphics Options added

  • Launcher does not anymore check for vertex shader texture fetch, prohibiting older cards to start the game although they feature SM 3.0
  • Added Distance based culling for small objects
  • Added "Very High" terrain quality option in ingame menu
  • Added View Distance as option in ingame menu (determines distance fog position)

Gameplay Fixes and Changes

  • Civilians and potential militia recruits do not trigger mines anymore
  • Children will try to maintain a minimum distance from player characters to ensure they do not clog doors or passages when following the player around the map
  • Noise perception influenced by objects that cover the origin of the sound
  • Enemy sight cones in 2D display in addition to 3D cones to make more clear what an enemy can see and to make lag of 3d cone calculation on slower machines more bearable
  • Durability of clothing or items worn is only reduced when they actually prevented damage
  • Armor is reduced only by 10% for each time it can fully prevent its protection value (e.g. if armor can potentially prevent 30 damage and only prevents 15 damage since it is hit in an already existing weak spot its durability is only reduced by 5%)
  • Stamina is not reduced anymore when the whole map belongs to the player (all enemies are killed)
  • Bobby Ray‘s Inventory only restocks after 3 days
  • Bobby Ray’s express delivery now takes 24 hours, standard delivery takes 48 hours
  • Laserpointer attachments reduce time to aim
  • Targeting has several points of origin to become more flexible, further reduced chance of a small objects preventing a shot
  • Picking improved, should be easier to select body zones when targeting
  • Militia is always on the map even if the map still belongs to the enemy and can be recruited directly after liberating a map
  • Reloading always reduces the smallest stack of ammo in the
  • inventory to ensure that inventory space is cleared more quickly
  • World Map: Travel speed is reduced when stamina is low
  • World Map: Squads are forced to rest when stamina is close to 0 stamina to prevent squads reaching their target location with 0 stamina
  • Explosives Skill also influences time for grenades to detonate after being thrown (e.g. a merc with higher explosive skill will “cook” grenades longer before throwing them so they explode more closely to their impact on the ground)


  • SHIFT+ LEFT CLICK on target orders merc to repeat the attack until the target is dead
  • Merc names are displayed on mouse over
  • Time to shoot is displayed as a countdown on each merc when attacking to make it more transparent that a merc is actually trying to shoot and how long it will take the merc to fire his shot
  • Closing the inventory when a merc has been selected who is currently selectable in game will not reset selection to previous merc
  • Added „Loot All“ Button in loot UI
  • Added “Select Whole Squad” Button to Squad name
  • Minimap: Left Click jumps camera to cursor position
  • Minimap: Right Click orders selected merc(s) to move to cursor position
  • Worldmap: Added „Enter Map“ Button to Squad UI to allow “fast travel” via the world map to be more flexible (e.g. player can also enter a map outside a combat zone)
  • Worldmap: Clicking enemy squad displays level of squad members to allow the player to make a more educated guess on wheter or not he should intercept the squad or leave the defense to militia
  • Worldmap: Squad UI displays slowdown or resting via status icon


  • Sound played after last enemy on map has been killed
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